Alcohol, Drugs, Media

How much is too much?

Substance use, media consumption, and gambling are often a normal part of our everyday lives: whether it's weekend partying and studying during the week, using performance-enhancing substances, spending too much money on the weekend, distracting yourself with social media, online shopping, or gambling on your favorite team. But how much is too much?

This event looks at when consumption or other behaviors become a problem and discusses support options. 

Date: July 10, 2024

Time: 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Location: online

Instructors: Laura Bender (Soziale Arbeit B.A) and Kim Schön (Dipl. Pädagogin)

If you wish to remain anonymous, simply use a different name during the session and switch off your camera.

Made possible with the kind support of Techniker Krankenkasse