Student Advisory Service Contacts

Law, economics and social science degree programs, teaching degree (see list)

Marco Blasczyk

Advising areas:

  • Law
  • Business & Economic Education
  • Political Science & Sociology
  • Educational Science
  • Psychology

For prospective students only: Teaching at elementary schools, teaching at special schools, in politics and economics. Teacher training for grammar schools/teacher training for Gymnasium. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Elisabeth Kummert

Advising areas:

  • Law
  • Business & Economic Education
  • Political Science & Sociology
  • Educational Science
  • Psychology

  • For prospective students only: Teaching at elementary schools, teaching at special schools, in politics and economics. Teacher training for grammar schools/teacher training for Gymnasium. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

  • Coaching for prospective students and students on topics such as personal assessment, decision-making, and transitional situations.

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Humanities and sports sciences, and related teaching subjects L2 and L3

Kirsten Brandenburg

Advising areas:

  • Sports Sciences
  • Protestant & Catholic Theology, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Religion
  • Philosophy, History, Ethnology
  • Archaeological Sciences, Asian Studies, Empirical Linguistics, Greek & Latin Philologies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Art History, Art-Media-Cultural Education, Cultural Anthropology, Musicology
  • General & Comparative Literature, American & English Studies, German Studies, Linguistics, Romance Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Theater- Film- & Media Studies
  • For prospective students only: Teacher training for Gymnasium / teacher training at Haupt- und Realschulen, German, English, Ev. Religion, French, History, Greek, Italian, Kath. Religion, Art, Latin, Philosophy, Spanish, Physical Education. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Janina Krause

Advising areas:

  • Sports Sciences
  • Protestant & Catholic Theology, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Religion
  • Philosophy, History, Ethnology
  • Archaeological Sciences, Asian Studies, Empirical Linguistics, Greek & Latin Philologies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Art History, Art-Media-Cultural Education, Cultural Anthropology, Musicology
  • General & Comparative Literature, American & English Studies, German Studies, Linguistics, Romance Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Theater- Film- & Media Studies
  • For prospective students only: Teacher training for Gymnasium / teacher training at Haupt- und Realschulen, German, English, Ev. Religion, French, History, Greek, Italian, Kath. Religion, Art, Latin, Philosophy, Spanish, Physical Education. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Mathematics, computer science, natural and life sciences, and related L2 and L3 teaching subjects

Ulrike Helbig

Advising areas:

  • Earth Sciences, Geography & Meteorology
  • Physics & Biophysics
  • Biochemistry, Chemistry & Pharmacy
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics, Bioinformatics & Computer Science
  • Medicine & Dentistry
  • For prospective students only: Teacher training for Gymnasium / teacher training at Haupt- und Realschulen: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Elke König

Advising areas:

  • Earth Sciences, Geography & Meteorology
  • Physics & Biophysics
  • Biochemistry, Chemistry & Pharmacy
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics, Bioinformatics & Computer Science
  • Medicine & Dentistry
  • For prospective students only: Teacher training for Gymnasium / teacher training at Haupt- und Realschulen: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics. (For questions regarding the study program, please contact the "Allgemeine Studienberatung im Lehramt" (General Study Advice for Teacher Training) of the "Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung" (Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training):

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment

Westend Campus, PEG


Counseling for students with impairments

Christina Rahn

Kirsten Brandenburg

Advising areas:

  • All questions about studying that concern personal and health-related issues, e.g. applications for hardship when applying for a degree program, adjustments to examinations, adjustments to classes or the course of studies, questions about technical or structural access, quiet rooms, etc. Students with impairments and prospective students can also get advice here in advance of taking up a course of study.

Office hours

By appointment only 

Click here to schedule an appointment


Westend Campus, PEG



Counseling for students with doubts about their studies

Deborah Bertolini

Deborah Bertolini
Handwerkskammer Rhein-Main
Tel.: (069) 97172 - 177

Sven Hartwig

Sven Hartwig
Handwerkskammer Rhein-Main
Tel.: (069) 97172 - 117

Advising areas:

  • We advise students who are having doubts about their studies, are looking for other alternatives, and are interested in obtaining a recognized professional credential. We also arrange exploratory internships.

By appointment only

Click here to schedule an appointment


Westend Campus,
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
PEG-Building, 1st floor, Room 1.G014
60323 Frankfurt


Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezentrum Frankfurt
Building E, 5th floor
Schönstraße 21, 60327
Frankfurt am Main

You can also make an appointment to discuss your concerns about your studies with any of the advisors at the Student Advisory Service.