Doubts about Studying

It's not uncommon for students to experience a motivational slump during their studies. There could be various reasons for this, such as losing interest in the subject matter, uncertainty about post-graduation plans, difficulties with professors, or struggling to establish an effective study routine. Feeling uncomfortable in your study situation is something many students encounter.

In most cases, these feelings are temporary, and you can find ways to overcome them.

However, if you find yourself dissatisfied with your studies for an extended period of time, facing multiple exam failures, and questioning not just your chosen study program but possibly whether the university is even a good fit for you, it's important to address these concerns and explore potential solutions.

Which of the following best applies to you?

  • Where do I start?
  • Where can I find the right information?
  • Should I deregister?
  • I still have to wait a semester - what do I do in the meantime?

  • My academic performance is not good enough.
  • I have test anxiety.
  • I postpone everything.
  • I lack the right study skills.

  • I would like to change my course of study.
  • I don't know which subject is right for me.
  • I want to gain more practical experience.
  • Would another university be better for me?

  • I need someone to help guide me.
  • My situation seems hopeless.
  • What are my options?
  • Are there any alternatives to university?

  • Maybe I'm not the right fit for college?
  • What about doing an apprenticeship?
  • What opportunities are there outside of university?
  • What is a dual study program?

  • I want to meet students in the same situation.
  • Are there any success stories of students who have left university?
  • How did they do it?
  • Can I meet the advisors without any obligation?

Cooperation with Handwerkskammer Frankfurt 

In cooperation with the Handwerkskammer Frankfurt Rhein-Main (Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt Rhine-Main), Goethe University offers an advisory and information service for students who have doubts about their studies, are looking for alternatives, and are interested in obtaining a recognized professional qualification, e.g. in a skilled trade.

As part of "yourPush", the Student Advisory Service counsels students who may be uncertain about remaining at the university regarding their options (e.g. change of study location or subject, in-company training, dual study program) and supports them in finding the best solution for their situation.

For a comprehensive overview of options and opportunities related to leaving university, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research provides valuable information on its website: