Help and Advice

Sometimes you don't see a way out and don't know what to do next. Should I study or shouldn't I? What are my alternatives? If I drop out, what will my parents/friends say? Anyone struggling with questions like these needs someone to listen without judgment or an agenda.

These counseling services can help:

Counseling for study doubts 

Counseling for students with doubts about their studies provides open-ended, individual-centered advice on possible alternatives to studying. You can schedule an appointment online.


Does financing your studies pose a problem and prevent you from studying? Or maybe studying with a child is too much of a challenge? The Studierendenwerk offers advice and support on all issues connected with studying. 

If you would also like to talk to someone about your worries or other psychological stress, the psychosocial counseling service of the Studierendenwerk is here to help you.

Psychotherapeutic counseling center

Sometimes having doubts about your studies is just one problem among many. It may also be the result of other doubts or challenges in your life for which you need professional support. This is where the psychotherapeutic counseling center can provide help.

Nightline Frankfurt

Just need someone to talk to? Preferably someone who is also a student and can relate to your situation? Nightline Frankfurt is an anonymous helpline run by students for students. Every Wednesday from 8:00 p.m. - midnight.