Alternatives to Studying

Are you thinking:

I don't feel like I belong at the university. Maybe studying isn't the right thing for me. I would like to get more practical experience. I could imagine doing an apprenticeship. What is a dual study program? After so many semesters, it's time to make a decision. I want to know more about alternatives to studying. But what suits me? Is there any way I can use the knowledge from my previous studies?

If you are interested in a dual study program, we can help you make the right decision, assist you in finding an apprenticeship, and arrange internships. Make an appointment now: online appointment form

What alternatives exactly do you have?

In a dual study program, university studies are supplemented by extended practical phases in a company (practice-integrated), or students complete a full vocational training program in addition to the dual study program (training-integrated). At the end of the dual study program, graduates not only have the theoretical knowledge gained from lectures and seminars, but also know the day-to-day work in a profession or industry and may have two degrees in their pocket: a bachelor's degree from the university and a trade certificate from the relevant chamber. During their studies, students alternate (weekly or in blocks) between their training company, the university and, if applicable, the vocational school (Berufschule) . A dual study program lasts 6-7 semesters and is very work-intensive. There are no semester breaks; instead, you have 30 days of vacation per year and must use your free time to study and prepare for exams. 

For more information about dual study:

Most state-recognized apprenticeships follow the dual system. "Dual" describes the two-part form of training: Vocational school (Berufsschule) teaches theoretical knowledge, while the company teaches practical knowledge and skills. The result is a practical qualification and better chances on the job market. A dual study program can also be a good basis for further training or studies. A dual program lasts 3 years. In the case of good performance and previous knowledge from a course of study, it is possible to shorten this period in consultation with the company and the vocational school.  

For more information about dual education, contact the Agentur für Arbeit (employment agency).

Academic training takes place in vocational schools or technical colleges. There are mandatory internships, but they are not limited to a specific company. Instead, they can be done in different organizations. In most cases, there is no remuneration for the training. Training at public technical colleges is free of charge, while private technical colleges charge varying tuition fees. Academic training entitles you to Bafög if you are no longer living at home. 

For more information on academic training, visit

In a dual study program, university studies are supplemented by extended practical phases in a company (practice-integrated), or students complete a full vocational training program in addition to the dual study program (training-integrated). At the end of the dual study program, graduates not only have the theoretical knowledge gained from lectures and seminars, but also know the day-to-day work in a profession or industry and may have two degrees in their pocket: a bachelor's degree from the university and a trade certificate from the relevant chamber. During their studies, students alternate (weekly or in blocks) between their training company, the university and, if applicable, the vocational school (Berufschule) . A dual study program lasts 6-7 semesters and is very work-intensive. There are no semester breaks; instead, you have 30 days of vacation per year and must use your free time to study and prepare for exams. 

For more information about dual study:

Most state-recognized apprenticeships follow the dual system. "Dual" describes the two-part form of training: Vocational school (Berufsschule) teaches theoretical knowledge, while the company teaches practical knowledge and skills. The result is a practical qualification and better chances on the job market. A dual study program can also be a good basis for further training or studies. A dual program lasts 3 years. In the case of good performance and previous knowledge from a course of study, it is possible to shorten this period in consultation with the company and the vocational school.  

For more information about dual education, contact the Agentur für Arbeit (employment agency).

Academic training takes place in vocational schools or technical colleges. There are mandatory internships, but they are not limited to a specific company. Instead, they can be done in different organizations. In most cases, there is no remuneration for the training. Training at public technical colleges is free of charge, while private technical colleges charge varying tuition fees. Academic training entitles you to Bafög if you are no longer living at home. 

For more information on academic training, visit

Who can advise me on alternatives beyond university?

The  higher-education team of the Agentur für Arbeit (employment agency) will guide you in your professional reorientation and place you in all school- and company-based training occupations.


Toll free hotline:

(0800) 4 5555-00

The Handwerkskammer helps you find a career in the skilled trades and offers internships and apprenticeships in all sectors. 

Sven Hartwig


Phone: (069) 97172-117

The IHK education advisors can advise you on training and continuing education in all IHK trades and place you in member companies.

Michael Kaiser


Phone: (069) 2197-1381

Silvia Bohm


Phone: (069) 2197-1547

Which alternative is right for me?

Business and administration

Are you a student in law, business, or the humanities?


Are you a student of medicine, dentistry, psychology, or interested in healthcare?

Education and childcare

Are you a student in educational science or teaching or are you interested in a career working with children?

Natural sciences

Are you a student in the natural sciences or interested in training in this field?

Art and music

Are you a student in art history, art education, musicology, or interested in pursuing a career in this field?

Humanities/social science

Are you a student in German studies, sociology, political science, history, or another humanities/social science subject, or interested in working in this field?