Academic Difficulties

Academic difficulties can happen at any time. For many, the transition from school to university requires a period of adjustment. The old ways of learning from high school may no longer work. Or perhaps you always managed to get through school without a lot of effort. At university, it's different - the workload is higher, as is the amount of time you need to devote to studying in addition to your lectures. You might not have found the best way to structure your week, or you could need a new study method to help you cope with the material. You may need to relearn how to research or write an academic paper that meets your instructor's requirements. Another problem may be motivation and procrastination. Exam nerves can cause you to not be able to recall what you have learned at the right time.

The university has many support services to help you deal with these issues:

Support services

Study organization

I can't organize my studies properly. When should I take which course? I have not earned enough credit points. Are my grades good enough? I only have one more attempt to pass this exam.

Learning strategies

I can't handle the amount of material. I lack the right study strategies. I never learned to study in a structured way.

Writing assistance

I am stuck on a writing assignment. I don't know how to properly organize and structure a paper. I can't find a way to start my term paper. I am afraid to write my bachelor thesis. 

Lack of motivation

I tend to procrastinate. I can't get myself to work on my term paper/bachelor's thesis. I should be studying, but I'm not.

PBS offers a special consultation on procrastination (register online)

Test anxiety

I study well, but as soon as I sit for the exam, I forget everything. I can't bring myself to register for the exam. I've registered several times but never showed up. I always get sick before the exam.