Careers and Courses of Study without Barriers – Welcome to the University!


Being active in your studies and career with a health impairment harbors many challenges for everyone involved. Goethe University has firmly anchored the key objective of inclusion in action plans and strategies, and supports you in many areas. Numerous stakeholders are working towards implementing inclusion. 

Goethe University is committed to the equal participation of people with and without health impairments (physical or mental illness, disability) and has set out to become an inclusive university. Here you can find out what support options are available if an impairment affects your work situation, and receive information on implementing accessibility and inclusion - also in view of the university's current regulations and goals.

Accessible Publications, Videos and Quick Info about Inclusion at Goethe University 

  • Read about the basics of inclusion, accessibility, accessible teaching, and find elementary information on health impairments in our accessible publications (PDFs).
  • Find concise information for an international audience on Goethe University and its accessibility (with disabilities) in our Global Info (FAQs).
  • Find recorded lectures and a selection of videos for your own research in our Inclusive Infotheque (German).    

Decision to Study and Application

Which aspects of my situation should influence my choice of studies? What should candidates with health issues consider in their application for a study program?

Support for Students

What general conditions and support strategies may I expect during my studies? Can I get personal assistance – and how? Which rules and regulations apply?  

Decision to Study and Application

What assets does Frankfurt/M. have to offer as a location of study? What about Goethe University's progress towards an accessible architecture? Which support options are available locally?

Good Work at Goethe University

How do impairments affect the way we work at and for our university? What kind of support is offered to staff and faculty members with health issues? How can I implement the principles of accessible teaching? Initial advice here.