First in the Family to Attend University

Are you a senior in high school thinking about attending university? You may have questions that no one in your family can answer.

Students and advisors from Goethe University and will provide answers in this workshop.

  • What is studying all about?
    ... Information about the university (differences: FH [Fachhochschule] and dual studies, structure of the university departments, institutes, etc.)
    ... Study skills (How and where do you study at the university? Lectures, exercises, self-study, counseling services)
  • Financing your studies
    ... Scholarships
    ... Bafög
  • Family and friends 
    ... Whether it's pride, joy, or rejection, family and friends react very differently when the first in the family goes to university. How can you get them on board?  
  •  Goethe orientation program (Goethe-Orientierungsstudium)
    ... How do I find "my subject"? What are my abilities? Where are my strengths?
    ... You can find this out, for example, when you participate in the orientation program at Goethe University (in the natural and life sciences or humanities and social sciences)

Dates and registration

A new fall/winter date will be announced here soon.