All-Gender Restrooms

At Goethe University, everyone should be able to use restrooms without distress or fear. For equal participation and access of TIN* persons (trans*, inter* and non-binary persons) in everyday life at the university and to reduce discrimination, all-gender restrooms were installed in 2023 in addition to the existing men's and women's toilets. Additional buildings will be included in the near future.
„I just want to go to the toilet in peace.“

FAQ about All-Gender Restrooms

Until now, most university buildings only offered restrooms for men and women. For trans* and inter* people and people who neither identify as men nor women (e.g. non-binary people), this presents a major challenge in their daily study and work routine: sometimes they have to allocate themselves to a restroom contrary to their own gender identity, they are assumed to use the wrong restroom, they are outed, they experience discrimination and major safety risks.
Therefore, we would like to create opportunities in every building for toilets to be used by everyone regardless of their gender identity and as unquestioned and safely as possible. 
For more information on different gender identities and terminology, please click here.
On the campuses at Westend and Riedberg, some women's and men's toilets have been reassigned in buildings with extensive use. This means that access to these toilets was expanded for people who previously did not have a safe retreat.
People of any gender identity can use all-gender restrooms. The introduction of all-gender toilets expands the range of people who can use these toilets. This means that women, men, and people who neither identify as male nor female can use these toilets. At the same time, people caring for children will find it easier to visit the toilets together.
No. Women's and men's restrooms will continue to be the overwhelming majority.
In the selection of all-gender toilets, particular attention was also paid to ensuring that all toilets, including women's and men's toilets, remain central and easily accessible. Those who do not want to use all-gender toilets can still use the women's and men's toilets nearby.
The all-gender toilets introduced so far were only a first step. In the long term, all-gender toilets will be installed at all university locations and central buildings so that gender-neutral toilets in accessible locations are available to as many students and staff as possible.

Locations of All-Gender-Restrooms

PEG Building
  • Ground floor G40h
  • 1st floor 1.G40n
  • 2nd floor 2.G40u
  • 3rd floor 3.G40i
  • 4th floor 4.G40u
  • 5th floor 5.G40v
Seminar Building
  • 1st floor 01.041
  • 3rd floor 03.040
IG Farben Building
  • Basement floor 0.203
  • Ground floor 303
  • 1st floor 1.102 (Library Q1)
  • 2nd floor 2.303
  • 3rd floor 3.602 (Library Q6)
  • 5th floor 5.303 und 5.102 (Library Q1)
  • 7th floor 7.304 
SKW Building
  • Ground floor 00.D043
  • 1st floor 01.B047 (building section B, Library)
  • 3rd floor 03A.044 (building section A)
  • 5th floor 05.C044 und 05.C041 (building section C)
RuW Building
  • Ground floor 140h Library
  • 1st floor 1.340b
  • N700, 3rd floor 3.40 (Library)
  • N540, Basement floor -1.441
  • N100, Ground floor 0.41
  • N100, 2nd floor 2.12
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, House 18 A, Komm Café in the medical student building
Student building, Mertonstraße 26-28, 1st floor

Redesignation of Women’s and Men’s Toilets to All-Gender-Restrooms – Criteria and Process

As a dean, institute director or head of a Goethe University institution with the task of implementing house rules, would you like to set up all-gender restrooms at your institution?

You can find more information about the selection of toilets and the process of redesignation here (pdf file).