Consulting Services for Teaching Staff and Faculties

Consulting for Teaching Staff

Do you have questions about a specific teaching situation? Would your research group welcome training on a diversity topic? Would you like literature or teaching materials on implementing diversity and anti-discrimination, e.g. in studies and teaching?


  • Individual consulting on diversity-related questions for teaching staff in all status groups, employees in teaching and studies, staff with counselling/consulting tasks, staff and heads of the dean’s offices and central institutions
  • Customised training courses, event formats and presentations for faculties, units and central institutions at Goethe University (interdisciplinary or subject-related).

Consulting for Faculties and Central Institutions

Would you like to learn more about how you can take diversity, equality and anti-discrimination into account in your faculty? Would you like to integrate gender and diversity aspects as a cross-cutting topic into an existing offer? Would your research group welcome training on a diversity topic?


  • On request, diversity policy staff can also develop customised training courses, event formats and presentations for faculties, units and central institutions at Goethe University (interdisciplinary or subject-related).
  • Information and consulting services for faculties and central institutions: help with planning and implementing diversity activities
  • Individual consulting on diversity-related questions for teaching staff in all status groups, staff with counselling/consulting tasks, staff and heads of the dean's offices and central institutions

Awareness raising and Unconscious Bias

To raise awareness towards diversity and anti-discrimination, interdisciplinary and subject-related event formats as well as consulting and counselling services are conceptualised and implemented. These aim to sharpen university members’ awareness towards gender and diversity aspects, to reflect on their handling of heterogeneity and contribute to shaping a learning, working and research environment at Goethe University that is diversity-sensitive and critical of discrimination.

This reflection is accompanied by consulting services for the faculties and the departments in central administration in order to ensure an appropriate handling of diversity and the development and implementation of suitable measures on this basis. A further component is individual consulting on diversity-related issues, e.g. for employees in teaching and studies, teaching staff, staff with counselling/consulting tasks, and supervisors. In addition, university-wide public relations work fosters awareness raising towards diversity and anti-discrimination. Brochures and handouts are published, and events are organised across target groups, such as the annual “Diversity Day”.