Accident Insurance


If you have an employment contract with Goethe University, you are covered by statutory accident insurance when carrying out your work at Goethe University or on the way to or from Goethe University (or your work place).

If you are working at the Goethe University as a visiting scientist or researcher without an employment contract and your research benefits the Goethe University, then you are also covered by accident insurance at the Goethe University when working. If this is not the case, then we recommend that you sign up for a private accident insurance policy.

Please note that statutory accident insurance only provides you with cover for work-related activities at the Goethe University and does not cover activities in the private sphere. Accordingly, it may be advisable to take out a private accident insurance policy.

For further information on private accident insurance, please have a look at the accident insurance of Hanse Markur and the accident insurance of DAAD