Diversity Policies: Concepts, Guidelines and Action Plans

Goethe University is convinced that a study and work environment that is diversity-sensitive and critical of discrimination improves equality and has a positive impact on the quality of research and teaching. Against this background, Goethe University joined the Charta der Vielfalt in 2011 and has developed a number of diversity policies. The strategic planning of such policies at Goethe University is the responsibility of the Equal Opportunities Office in close cooperation with university management; responsibility for Equal Opportunities, Family Service, Dual Career Service and Diversity Policies & Anti-discrimination lies with the President. The term “diversity policies" underlines that Goethe University understands that acknowledging diversity is a cross-cutting task which affects all areas of university development and governance: teaching, studies, research and administration.

As one of the first universities in Germany, Goethe University has adopted a systematic diversity concept and anchored it, among others, in its teaching and study principles and its Mission Statement (German). To implement faculty-specific measures, Goethe University's faculties develop Gender Equality & Diversity Action Plans (GEDAPs) at regular intervals. The updated Diversity Concept can be found in the Central Gender Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2019-2024.