Consulting Services

For Faculties and Central Facilities

The "Equality" segment of the Equal Opportunities Office supports the work process on the biennial "Gender Equality & Diversity Action Plan" (GEDAP); it provides the faculties with data and, if required, also prepares individual analyses. It advises on the development and implementation of measures and can provide targeted support in the implementation of equality and diversity policies through training, collegial advice and other formats.

For managers, the Equal Opportunities Office conducts offerings to strengthen a gender- and diversity-sensitive and appreciative management culture.

Through the "Small Gender Projects", smaller gender research projects are supported, with the respective faculties providing 50% of the funding. The call for proposals is issued once a year. The Equal Opportunities Officer offers deaneries and applicants information and advice on the preparation of applications.

The "Diversity & Anti-Discrimination" department advises faculties and central institutions in particular on the development and implementation of diversity measures. It also gives individual advice to managers and faculty on diversity-related issues and offers them various support materials.

An important focus of the work of the Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer for ATM is the personal advancement and structural support of women who work in science-supporting areas, i.e. in administration technology and science management. Women make up the majority of employees in the non-scientific staff (the so-called science-supporting area) at Goethe University, with a higher proportion of women in part-time positions than their male colleagues. In addition to lower groupings, these trends also entail fewer opportunities for advancement and greater career insecurities for women. The diversity of work areas, pay grades and career paths thus brings with it a particularly great need for action in terms of equality.