Appointment Process

As a foundation university, Goethe University appoints its professors independently.

The university's appointment statutes (Berufungssatzung - German version), the Central Gender Equality & Diversity Action Plan 2019-2024 (Aktionsplan Chancengleichheit - German version), a checklist for the implementation of appointment procedures, and the quality criteria of equality in appointment procedures (Qualitätskriterien von Gleichstellung in Berufungsverfahren - German version) jointly adopted by Hessian universities with the support of the Hessian Ministry of Science form the basis for transparent and speedy procedures - also - from an equality perspective. The Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers and Councils are involved in all steps of the appointment procedure. The guide to active recruiting supports those responsible for the appointment process in scouting desirable candidates. This is supported by the obligatory documentation of potential applicants already in the request for the call for application. Faculties, supported by a fundto invite female scientists of interest for the focus of the professorship to a lecture or a small symposium in the run-up to the call for applications. A further incentive for faculties to fill professorship positions with women is the increased funding (Sachausstattung) of €5,000 and €10,000 for the appointment of a woman to a W2 or W3 professorship.

Furthermore, there are additional formal regulations:

  • at least two female scientists, one of them a female professor, should be represented on an appointment committee;
  • in faculties where the proportion of female professors is below the targets, all female applicants who are formally qualified may be invited for interviews at the request of the Equal Opportunities Officer;
  • family periods are to be positively evaluated in performance appraisals;
  • the senate appoints a non-professorial senate rapporteur who receives all documents and attends all meetings, if possible.

With the introduction of its own tenure track procedure at the end of 2010, GU is one of the pioneers in this area in Germany. It gives young scientists the opportunity to prove themselves in a temporary position as a professor and, after the qualification phase and a positive evaluation of their work, to be appointed to a permanent professorship. Tenure-track professorships prove to be particularly suitable for the promotion of female scientists, as they offer an early entry into a professorship as well as a longer-term outlook. The latter is important s0 long as many women still have to take on the primary responsibility for balancing work and family.


Faculty Fund for the Promotion of Active Recruitment

Goethe University has established the Faculty Fund for the Promotion of Active Recruitment in the amount of € 10,000 p.a. from its central funds.

This is intended to support the faculties in exploring the fields of interesting female researchers and in subsequently motivating suitable female candidates to apply for an advertised professorship. The underlying goal is to reduce the underrepresentation of women in professorships.

The invitation of external female scientists to Goethe University is encouraged. Invitations can relate to lectures, symposia, talks, and other forms of scientific exchange.


Tenure Track

With the introduction of its own tenure track procedure at the end of 2010, the GU is one of the pioneers in this area in Germany. It gives young scientists the opportunity to prove themselves in a temporary position as a professor and, after the qualification phase and a positive evaluation of their work, to be appointed to a permanent professorship. High objectivity and quality standards in the evaluation are ensured by six external reviews and an external Permanent Advisory Board. The Permanent Advisory Board also has an advisory role for the candidates; they can call on it during the process.