Costs and Financing

How much does it cost to study in Frankfurt?

Although tuition fees were abolished in Hesse in 2008, you will still have to expect certain expenses if you decide to study here. For example, semester fees and the cost of study materials are due every six months. Other costs are incurred on a monthly basis. The following table is intended to provide you with an overview.

Monthly expenses for ...Cost rangeAverage cost
Rent€200 - 500 
Food, clothing, other€285 - 517
Health insurance (if not family insured)€0 - 84
Semester fee(€357.60 : 6=) €59.6 
Study material€10 - 100€33 
Total€559.6 - €1258.6 €
€808.34/ 867.34

Source: Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studentenwerks

Financing your studies

Attending university is an investment in your future, but it also represents a financial commitment. You will need to pay for rent, food, clothing, study materials, and tuition. There are many different ways to finance your studies. For example, you can apply for a scholarship, take out an education loan, or get a part-time job. In addition, many students receive government support in the form of BAföG. We have compiled comprehensive information on financing options for you: