Information for New and First-Time Students

Your academic records include:


Make sure to keep the master data records that have been provided to you. They serve as evidence of your studies, and if required, you will need to submit them to the relevant examination office when registering for the final examination.


If you have already studied, inform your examination office of these periods of study/credits (even if they have not been awarded). Please also ask for guidance relating to the structure of your studies.


Students of Faculty 01 
Law: Major and minor students of the Faculty 01 Law will receive all necessary information regarding the introductory event by regular mail and are not required to report to their examination offices.

Students of Faculty 02
Economics and Business Administration: Major students of the Faculty 02 Economics will receive invitations to the introductory week (E! week) and the mathematics preparatory course by regular mail, and they do not need to report to their examination offices.

First-year students of Faculty 03
Social Sciences: Major and minor students of FB 03 will receive invitations to the orientation event by regular mail or email and are not required to register at their examination office.

First-year students of Faculty 04
Educational Sciences: Major and minor students of the Faculty 04 will receive invitations to the orientation meeting by regular mail or email and are not required to register at their examination office.

First semester students of Faculty 16
Medicine/Dentistry: All information, including online registration for courses, can be found here.

In general, it is important to note the following:

If, at the time of enrollment in your chosen degree program at a German university, you have already definitively failed a course or examination required for the continuation of your studies according to the valid study and examination regulations of Goethe University, you are not eligible for enrollment and must withdraw from the program effective from the date of admission. It is your responsibility to inform Goethe University (specifically the responsible examination office) immediately if it becomes apparent later on that you have definitively failed a course or examination required for the continuation of your studies in the chosen degree program according to Goethe University's valid study and examination regulations.


The enrollment and semester certificates can be used as proof of matriculation for the child benefit agency, tax office, etc.


The Bafög-certificate has to be attached to the application for financial aid, provided that a corresponding application has been submitted to the Studentenwerk - Amt für Ausbildungsförderung.


The election notice only applies when elections are held. Please check the election dates. Also make sure you are eligible to vote in the specified subject area.


The master data record also shows the purpose for which the semester fee is being transferred for the next semester. When transferring the semester fee, please enter only the purpose indicated on the master data sheet, aligning the entry to the left. The transferred semester fee will then be automatically credited to your student account. If you add additional text to the payment purpose, you will need to manually add the amount to your student account. This usually results in a delay in the posting of the payment and thus in your re-registration!

The amount of the semester fee and the bank details can be found here. The re-registration period for the summer semester begins on January 1 and ends on January 31, while for the winter semester, it starts on July 1 and ends on July 31.

Late re-registration is possible within a grace period after the regular deadline, which is from February 1 to February 28 for the summer semester and from August 1 to August 31 for the winter semester. However, late re-registration during this period incurs a late fee of €30. It's important to note that failure to pay the semester fee by these deadlines will result in mandatory withdrawal from the university.

Once the semester fee has been received and processed, you can download your master data sheet, including study and semester certificates, here.

To utilize the RMV-ASTA semester ticket for public transportation (RMV), you must extend your electronic student ID (Goethe Card) with the RMV-ASTA semester ticket at the validator for the respective semester.

Please note:
The digital semester ticket will be available from summer semester 2024. This will replace the previous ticket imprint on the Goethe Card. 

> Further information can be found on the website of the student transportation office

Validation of the Goethe Card will still be possible and necessary in the future after re-registration (for its validity as a student ID card). 


Students who need to update their information (change of address or marital status) can either do so themselves here / or by sending a form to the Registrar's Office, accompanied by the appropriate official document (change of name).


The RMV-ASTA semester ticket is automatically included in the semester fee paid by all students. The digital semester ticket is then valid for one semester.


If you have private health insurance and wish to maintain that coverage, you must request an exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation for students. This exemption is handled by substitute insurance companies such as AOK, DAK, BEK, TK, and others. Once granted, the exemption cannot be revoked and remains valid for the entire duration of your studies.

Please note: If you have private health insurance at the start of your studies but wish to switch to statutory health insurance, you can only apply for this change within the first 3 months of starting your studies. Applications made after this 3-month period will be rejected by the statutory health insurance companies, and you will be required to maintain your private insurance coverage.