Information for Specific Target Groups



Single parents

As people become more sensitive towards the diversity of life plans and situations, there is also a growing awareness of the reality of family models that go far beyond father, mother, child(ren). Even if it is precisely this model that continues to be presented as the supposed norm in public perception, alternative constellations have long been part of everyday life for many people. Patchwork families, ones where the legal guardians do not see themselves at the supposedly opposite ends of the two poles “male" and “female", and not least single parents often have a greater need for advice. This frequently has to do with precisely this normative standardisation, which is also expressed in laws and other rules of social coexistence.

It is often the mothers who have to reconcile career and family responsibilities alone. Almost every fifth mother raises her child(ren) alone. In contrast, single fathers make up only one in ten of all single-parent families.

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth offers a comprehensive overview of topics important for separated and single parents (in German only) on its website.

You can find out which financial support might be available to you via the Information Tool for Families of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Infotool Familie) (in German only).

Single parents in Frankfurt

  • The Women's Department of the City of Frankfurt has compiled a Guide for Single Parents (Wegweiser für Alleinerziehende) (in German only) which provides an overview of the assistance and services available in Frankfurt and the surrounding area on important topics such as separation and divorce, public services, work and career, childcare or special questions related to foreign citizenship.
  • The Association of Single Mothers and Fathers  (Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter, Bundesverband e. V. (VAMV)) (in German only) provides information and advice for single and separated parents and pregnant women. Various get-togethers, discussion groups and events also take place, e.g. on marriage and family law, earning a living and questions related to bringing up children.

(Expectant) fathers

Since the beginning of 2012, the Family Service has offered an advisory service that deals with the specific questions and challenges of fathers in their studies and careers at Goethe University Frankfurt. (Expectant) fathers can contact Benjamin Kirst, Family Service Officer, with any questions they might have about the compatibility of study/career and family responsibilities as well as parental allowance (Elterngeld) and parental leave (Elternzeit). His contact details can be found in the column on the right.


Same-sex and queer parents

  • LIBS (Lesben Informations- und Beratungsstelle) is an information and advice centre for lesbian and bisexual girls, women (cis and trans) and non-binary people in Frankfurt. LIBS offers counselling and information sessions and group activities, for example for lesbian mothers with small children.
  • Schwule Väter (Gay Dads) is a self-help group that meets on a regular basis to support each other and exchange experiences.
  • ILSE Hesse (Initiative lesbischer und schwuler Eltern) is an initiative of lesbian/gay parents. It provides information and organises meetings for homosexual parents or people wishing to start a family.

Foreign nationals

The first port of call for international students at Goethe University Frankfurt is Global Affairs Study and Teaching.

International doctoral candidates and researchers, who come to work/conduct research at Goethe University Frankfurt, should please contact Goethe Welcome Centre.

Here you can find information regarding the residence permit. 

For international students too, Goethe University Frankfurt offers a range of scholarships. You can find more detailed information on the website of Global Affairs Study and Teaching.


Studying abroad with a child

A study-related stay abroad presents a major challenge for many student parents. Those who dare to do it return not only with a lot of new experiences and a few, often hard-earned credit points – quite a few speak of a milestone they will remember their whole life long. Those wishing to find out about the possibilities of a semester[SO1] [B2]  or internship abroad have so far faced the problem that extremely limited information was available.

Studying Abroad with a Child (Auslandsstudium mit Kind), a portal co-developed by Goethe University Frankfurt, features – apart from extensive information – a large number of experience reports by parents who have ventured this step with their family. 

This is the starting point for the portal Studying Abroad with a Child (Auslandsstudium mit Kind) (in German only), which – apart from comprehensive information from the initial idea to actual implementation – also offers a lot of scope for dreaming about faraway places: over 50 experience reports by students who have travelled to far-distant corners of the globe for a study-related stay with their children (with or without their partner) awaken not only the desire for travel and adventure but also share detailed information about how to put into practice the wish to spend a semester abroad with a child.

In 2015, the portal developed within the best practice club Familie in der Hochschule e.V. (Family Life and Academia) had to be taken offline following a hacker attack. Last year, Goethe University Frankfurt, together with Wismar University of Applied Sciences, updated the portal and gave it a new look. It is also thanks to the financial support of the German Academic Exchange Service that the portal is now online again.

For many students, studying abroad first of all requires a lot of organisation. Before it even takes shape, you have to fight your way through an enormous jungle of information and rules. The best solution is to get in touch with the International Office or the Erasmus coordinators in the faculties. For students with children, who find themselves even more at the nexus of studies, work and family than their fellow students, specific information on how the whole thing can function with a family is often not even available.

Further links

We are urgently looking for further experience reports by students who have undertaken a study-related stay abroad with a child! It requires very little effort to convert your Erasmus+ report – other students with children will be very grateful to you! You can find the template here.


Scientists with Care Tasks

Scientists with Care Tasks

Network Motherhood and Science

The German nationwide Network Motherhood and Science offers a forum for all those who identify as mothers and work in the field of science. The Network is a place of empowerment and support. We exchange ideas, offer a space to gain information and to network with each other.

We do not want to let the hostile, unhealthy and competitive structures in current science and academia to get us down!

Local Group Motherhood and Science Frankfurt

The local group of Motherhood and Science in Frankfurt holds regular meetings with the opportunity to exchange ideas and network. All mothers in the field of science are welcome, as well as persons interested in the topics. We have regular meetings during the semester covering specific topics.

The next dates are:

06 June 2024 11:00 am to 12:30 pm 

Meeting local group Maternity and Science Frankfurt 

The meeting will take place in the tea kitchen of WE V, PEG building, 4th floor room 4.G218. 

21 June 2024 15:00 to 19:00 pm

Science and Family Fun Day 

The summer party is an opportunity to get to know other scientists and their families in a relaxed atmosphere, to exchange ideas and to network. Children can also play with new friends and enjoy activities together. The event is aimed at doctoral students, post-docs, professors and other academic staff. 

Drinks will be provided, but we warmly invite you to bring your favourite dishes for a buffet! 

The summer party will take place at the ESG-Saal at Haus der Stille, Haus 3, Solistraße 7, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

We look forward to seeing you and your families! 

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Sara Schnier.

Mailinglist Network Parents and Science

The Elwi mailing list (only in German) provides information about activities at Goethe University, shares tips and experiences and serves to network scientists with families. 

Early Career Researchers with Family*: Information for PhD candidates and postdocs


Offers for school students

Goethe University Frankfurt offers a wide portfolio for school students of all ages. They can get to know the university in general or in relation to specific subjects and gather first impressions. All key information as well as a list of offers for the current school year can be found at (in German only).