On campus with a child



Family-conscious infrastructure

The Family Service is working to continuously expand the university's family-conscious infrastructure on all its premises.

Should you have any requests or suggestions, please get in touch with Benjamin Kirst and Sara Schnier (you can find his contact details in the column on the right).



The FamilyPlus Card contributes to removing bureaucratic hurdles, making everyday life at university a little bit easier. In addition to simplified proof of parenthood, the card is also a route to inexpensive meals for children.


FamilyPlus Newsletter

Current news about family-related topics and activities at Goethe University Frankfurt is circulated via the mailing list. You can also obtain the FamilyPlus Newsletter from the Family Service.

To subscribe to the newsletter, please register here.

You can find the current issue as well as previous ones in our archive.


"Goethe-kids" network on facebook

The Goethe Kids network on facebook is a network for parents at Goethe University Frankfurt. Exchanging thoughts and ideas should enable parents to share successful strategies in everyday life with children at the university and encourage them to get together. All you need is a facebook account.

The Family Service also has its own facebook page. Just click “Like” to keep up to date about what Goethe University Frankfurt is doing for families.