Tasks and contacts of the Family Service

Family Service of Goethe University Frankfurt

The Family Service helps all members of Goethe University Frankfurt to reconcile their studies and careers with family responsibilities and is on hand to offer you advice. It coordinates measures and activities at central level as well as in cooperation with the faculties and other institutions. This includes upgrading infrastructure, such as parent-child rooms, baby changing facilities or play corners, regular and flexible childcare (supervised nurseries/pre-schools, holiday games, etc.), needs-based advice, special workshops, and much more besides. Care responsibilities as well as the special interests of same-sex and single parents are taken into account, as is the growing role of active fathers.

Goethe University Frankfurt is continuously developing its own portfolio of services geared to families' requirements and working together with other universities in the transnational university network Familie in der Hochschule e. V. (Family Life and Academia), of which it has been a member since 2014. It is also a member of the Frankfurter Bündnis für Familie (Frankfurt Family Alliance) and the corporate network Erfolgsfaktor Familie (Family as Success Factor).

Enquiries and registration for the Goethe University childcare facilities

We are happy to accept registrations for children of employees for the Goethe University childcare facilities and related enquiries via kita@uni-frankfurt.de.

Please direct enquiries for consultations to beratung-familie@uni-frankfurt.de.

Contact persons

Kirst, Ben

Benjamin Kirst

Family-Service Officer

Tel.: +49 69798-18 124
E-Mail: kirst@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Campus Westend, SKW-Building
Room 05.C111

Schlichting, Sara

Sara Schnier

Family-Service Officer

Tel.: +49 69798-18 688
E-Mail: s.schnier@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Campus Westend, SKW-Building
Room 05.C111

Gina Lou Nitzsche

Processmanagement Childcare Applications

Tel.: +49 69 798-18698
E-Mail: kita@uni-frankfurt.de
Campus Westend, SKW-Building
Room 05.C102

Certificates and Memberships


Familie in der Hochschule e.V. (Family Life and Academia)

With around 120 member universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the association Familie in der Hochschule e. V. (“Family Life and Academia”) is the largest active network for family awareness at German-speaking universities. In 2014, Goethe University Frankfurt was one of the first universities to sign the charter of the same name and in so doing committed itself to a number of goals aimed at sustainably improving the situation of students and staff with family responsibilities. Goethe University Frankfurt is thus now profiting, through close networking and exchange among colleagues, from the experience of universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that have particularly distinguished themselves and are especially committed with regard to family life in academia.

The charter of the same name constitutes both self-commitment as well as affirmation of a family-conscious orientation in all areas and has been developed by universities for universities. You can download the text of the charter and our university’s own statement of commitment in the column on the right.



Frankfurter Bündnis für Familie (Frankfurt Family Alliance

Goethe University Frankfurt is an active contributor to the Frankfurter Bündnis für Familie (“Frankfurt Family Alliance"). The alliance's objective is to organise family-friendly projects in the local community in cooperation with key entities and institutions in the city, e.g. companies, churches and independent welfare organisations, associations and societies, trade unions as well as the chamber of commerce.

Logo_Unternehmensfaktor Familie

Erfolgsfaktor Familie (Family as Success Factor)

Goethe University Frankfurt is a member of the corporate network Erfolgsfaktor Familie (“Family as Success Factor”). The objective of this alliance of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Family and Youth, leading German business associations and the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) is to make family-friendliness a “trademark of the German economy”.