MobiKiZ - Mobile Playroom

MobiKiZ is an unconventional response to the lack of space at Goethe University Frankfurt. It was made possible by a donation of €2,000 from BBBank and is equipped with a play rug, wooden toys books, paper and crayons, and a portable DVD player with a programme suitable for children for short periods when mum or dad have work to do on campus or need to attend meetings in person, despite having to look after their children.  

In addition, there are various childcare possibilities at Goethe University Frankfurt as well as further family-conscious infrastructure, such as parent-child rooms and baby changing facilities.  

The AStA (Students’ Union) also has a toy box that you can borrow from the porter’s office or use in Café KoZ.   

What does MobiKiz contain?

What does MobiKiZ contain?  MobiKiZ is available in two versions: as handy pilot cases on wheels or as stable baby changing units, also on wheels, for locations where changing facilities are inadequate. The basic equipment of all MobiKiZ is the same, but individual items differ. The basic equipment includes a play rug, wooden toys, books, paper and crayons and a portable DVD player with a programme suitable for children. The exact contents vary.  

A MobiKiZ pilot's case contains, for example:

> Changing mat
> Building bricks
> Books
> Portable DVD player and headphones
> DVDs  like “Mullewapp”
> Coloured pencils
> Wooden toys  

Where can I find MobiKiZ?

MobiKiZ-baby changing unit
  • Niederrad Campus/University Hospital
    In the KOMM café, Students' Union Building, House 18a
    At the counter 
  • Niederrad Campus/University Hospital
    In house 10a, Room 1.O106
  • Riedberg Campus  
    Biocentre, in the toilettes on the ground floor,  please contact the Porter's office opposite the cafeteria 
  • Westend Campus
    IG-Farben Building, Room 2.403 (ladies' toilet), please contact the porter's office
MobiKiZ pilot's case:
  • Ginnheim Campus /Sports Campus
    Administration Building
    Porter's office
  • Riedberg Campus
    Room -1.413, at Christian Dietz's office
  • Riedberg Campus
    Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS)
    BMLS Office, Room 3.673
  • Riedberg Campus
    Otto Stern Centre, porter's office

Information about borrowing MobiKiZ

  • MobiKiZ is issued in return for a deposit (official photo ID or GoetheCard).
  • Upon issue, the user holds sole responsibility for checking that nothing is missing. A checklist is available for this purpose.
  • The lock is removed and handed to the user if requested.

Information about returning MobiKiZ

  • With their deposit, the user vouches that nothing is missing from MobiKiZ.
  • On the basis of the checklist, the entity that issued MobiKiZ checks that nothing is missing.
  • If individual parts are missing or damaged, the borrower’s ID card is copied or the data printed on it are noted down and forwarded to the Equal Opportunities Office, which is then responsible for dealing with the damage and the corresponding claim.