FAQ - Questions about Particular Degree Programmes

B.A. Political Science major:

I am studying Political Science according to the study regulations (2014). What do I have to pay attention to in the module "Research Skills 2"?

For you, the module consists of a compulsory proseminar on "Introduction to the Methods of Empirical Social Research" and an in-depth course of four semester hours. This specialisation can be taken as a four-hour proseminar or divided into two two-hour proseminars. A final module examination must be taken in the specialisation.

I am studying Political Science according to the study regulations (2014). What do I have to bear in mind for the specialisation module?

Module 8 is for specialisation - here students deepen their knowledge in one of the three areas "Political Theory", "Comparative Political Science" or "International Relations" or alternatively choose courses from a research focus of the entire department.

In order to also deal with advanced topics, two seminars must be attended in Module 8 and the final module examination must be taken in one of them. You may not take any proseminars in this module!

I study political science according to the study regulations (2014). What do I have to pay attention to in Module 6 (Comparative Political Science) and Module 7 (International Relations)?

You can choose here: If you have taken three proseminars in Module 6, then you only have to take two proseminars in Module 7. You must take a final module examination in both modules. Conversely, if you have taken three proseminars in Module 7, you only have to take two proseminars in Module 6.

B.A. Sociology major:

How does the compulsory elective area work in the B.A. Sociology major (study regulations of 2015)?

The compulsory elective area consists of five modules (modules 5 to 10), of which you only study three. You therefore select three modules.

Of the three selected modules, you study two completely with three proseminars. In these two modules, you will only take a participation certificate in two courses and a participation certificate and a final module examination in the third course. You will then receive 13 CP for each of the two modules.

In the third selected module you attend only one course and take a certificate of attendance and a module final examination in this course. You will then receive 7 CP for this module.

If you have completed two modules with 13 CP and one module with 7 CP, the compulsory elective area is completed.

M.A. International Studies / Peace and Conflict Studies:

How many courses do I have to attend in Frankfurt / Darmstadt?

You must attend at least six courses at the Goethe University Frankfurt and at least four courses at the Technical University Darmstadt. The examination board decides on exceptions.

M.A. Political Theory:

How many courses do I have to attend in Frankfurt / Darmstadt?

If you are doing a semester abroad, you must attend at least six courses at the Goethe University Frankfurt and at least three courses at the Technical University Darmstadt.

All other students must attend at least eight courses at Goethe University Frankfurt and at least four courses at Technische Universität Darmstadt.

The examination board decides on exceptions.
Image credits: Uwe Dettmar, Goethe-University Frankfurt