FAQ - Questions on Modules and Examinations

What do I need to note in my first semester?

You must register for the bachelor's or master's examination in the course of the first semester by submitting the form Registration for Module Examinations (PDF) to the Examination Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences or by sending it via email to: pra.fb03@soz.uni-frankfurt.de. This form is the basis for creating your examination account, in which all your achievements will be entered.

Is there a set order for attending modules?

Although the degree programmes are modularised, there is no set order in which you must attend modules.In the first semester of a bachelor's degree programme, you should attend the preparatory course (Propädeutikum). This course lays the foundation for the degree programme and is therefore particularly important.

No other modules are tied to a specific semester, although it is recommended that you do not attend the “Specialisation" module until you have completed the content-related ones. If you are aiming to complete the degree programme within the standard period of study, it is recommended that you acquire 20 CP per semester in your main subject.

Tip: It is better not to attend too many courses, but instead to do them thoroughly and allow the necessary preparation and follow-up time. You will not learn anything in courses where you don't contribute and don't read the texts!

Can I spread a module over several semesters?

Yes. You can spread the courses in a module over several semesters.

Must I, in a course where I'm also taking the exam, also acquire the participation certificate?

Yes. You must actively take part in the course and only then can you also complete the module with an exam.

What exam formats are there for module examinations?

A module examination can be a term paper, a two-hour written test or an oral exam. Details are governed by the respective Study Regulations. The end-of-module examination can also comprise several partial exams. The following components are then possible, for example: essays, minutes of classes, oral presentations and reading logs.

Failed module exams can be repeated twice.

Which requirements must written work fulfil?

You can find the general requirements for written work for all degree programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Assessment Standards for Module Papers (PDF).

How often can a module exam be repeated?

Module examinations can be repeated twice. A passed module examination cannot be repeated, i.e. it is not possible to improve the grade by repeating the exam. If a module examination is failed at the final attempt, the bachelor's or master's examination as a whole is deemed to have been failed and the student is then deregistered from the university.

After a failed attempt at a module examination, consulting Student Counselling Service is recommended.

How do I register for module examinations and participation certificates?

Students must register for all module examinations and participation certificates online via the QIS/LSF portal. For further information, please refer to the Notes on Online Examination Registration.

Online examination registration does not apply for BA Gender Studies students. Administration is done via the corresponding module record forms.

What can I do if my achievements have not yet been entered in the QIS/LSF portal?

Please wait until the end of the entry and correction period. If your achievements have not been entered by the end of the following semester, please contact the respective lecturer first. You can also ask the Examination Office.

I was/am unable to earn any CP this semester. What happens now?

We recommend that you talk to Student Counselling Service at the Faculty of Social Sciences. You can discuss together what the reasons are and obtain advice on what your next steps might be.

Image credits: Uwe Dettmar, Goethe-University Frankfurt