FAQ - Questions on Completion of Studies and Theses

Is it possible to complete a bachelor's degree programme in just four or five semesters?

With regard to content, the recommended duration of study is six semesters. Especially for students who would like to start a master's programme following their bachelor's degree, completing the bachelor's programme prematurely is not recommended.

In principle, it is formally possible to complete the bachelor's degree after four or five semesters, as the regulations for the BA degree programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences do not specify a minimum duration of study. However, this is only possible if no minimum duration of study is specified for the chosen minor subject either.

Must I have completed my minor subject in order to write my bachelor's dissertation?

No, but you should enquire about the standard period of study and the Study and Examination Regulations for your minor subject.

How can I find an examiner for my thesis?

You can find out more about lecturers' acceptance modalities on their homepages. Since their schedules quickly fill up, looking for an examiner from the fourth semester onwards in the bachelor's programme and from the third semester onwards in the master's programme is recommended. Please also make sure that your topic matches the research priorities of the lecturer whom you would like as your supervisor.

You can find here further important information, including which groups of people are entitled to supervise a dissertation as the first or the second reviewer.

When can I register for the BA/MA thesis?

You can register your BA Thesis once you have completed seven modules.

You can register your MA thesis in the Political Science degree programmes and the MA Sociology programme once you have earned 56 CP.

In the MA Economic Sociology programme, you must have completed five modules before you can register your thesis.

You should find a supervisor before registering your thesis.

Where can I register my BA/MA thesis?

You can register your thesis at any time. Please complete the relevant registration form (see download area) for your degree programme and post it in the green letterbox in front of the Examination Office or send it to the Examination Office by email.

Who can help me with writing academic texts (term papers, bachelor thesis, etc.)?

If you have any questions about content, you should always ask your supervisor.

Beyond that, the university's Writing Centre offers various courses and workshops on academic writing as well as individual advice on your writing project which is free of charge. You can find further information here.

Image credits: Uwe Dettmar, Goethe-University Frankfurt