Getting Started at Goethe University

The Goethe University Sports Centre offers a wide range of courses, excursions and tournaments for students at low cost. You can check out the courses on their website.

There a range of different student groups at Goethe University. For example, you can participate in university politics or in music, theatre and film groups.

Yes, an introductory event is hosted by the Department of International Relations for all Incomings of the Faculty shortly before every semester. We will inform you about the details of the event via email.

Everyone studying at Goethe University must pay the service fee. For guest student the fee amounts to 344,69€ in the winter semester 2023/24. This fee includes public transportation and many discounts in Frankfurt. You can find detailed information on the fee here.

Yes. There are quite a few student organized rooms at Campus Westend and Campus Bockenheim where your classes usually take place.

Campus Westend:

·         Random White House: Here you can have a coffee, meet people, read a book, attend an event, host an event or just hang out. It´s easy to find – just look for the random white and red house in front of the P.A. building.

·         TuCa: Here you can have a coffee, chat with fellow students and spend your breaks between classes. You can find the TuCa in the PEG building on the first floor.

·         The Campus-Trinkhalle - in the gatehouse at Gisèle-Freund-Platz - is a new type of self-managed space and a place to drink coffee, tea, beer, soda, mulled wine and cocktails. There are also readings, performances and bar evenings.

·         Anna Blume: This café is a venue for autonomous tutorials, workshops, etc. but also a place where you can escape the stress of everyday university life with a cup of tea or coffee in a cozy atmosphere with friendly people. It´s located in the IG building in room 0.156.


Campus Bockenheim:

·         Café Koz is a student-organized room in the student house and is used as a café, bar, disco, as well as a room for concerts and theory.

You can get news from the Faculty 03 on its website and the student newsletter.

Yes. The University offers free of charge intensive German language classes for exchange students before the beginning of the semester. Additionally, you can participate in German classes during the semester. You can find more information on the classes here.

Yes. Most faculties at Goethe University offers autonomous tutorials, which are seminars conceptualized and held by students. However, you cannot receive credits for these. The list of autonomous tutorials is published at the beginning of the semester on the website of the ASTA.

If you are unsure how to write a paper, the Schreibzentrum at Goethe University offers help with classes and resources on writing papers.

You can contact the Global Office, if you have questions about getting started at Goethe University or for questions regarding processes at the Faculty 03 the Department of International Relations of the faculty.