Before your Mobility to Frankfurt

Are you interested in a guest study period at Goethe University in Frankfurt?

We look forward to receiving your application! 

On this page you will find all necessary information on the topics "Requirements", "Application" and "Preparation" to best prepare you for your stay in Frankfurt. 

Application Deadlines for Guest Students:

Winter Semester: 

May until 15 June

Summer Semester: 

November until 15 December

Semester Dates: 

The winter semester generally starts 01 October and ends 31 March. 

The summer semester generally starts 01 April and ends 30 September. 

You can find the lecture periods for the past, current and future semester here.

If you have questions regarding your planned field of study at Goethe University, or you need information on credit points, exam or course registration, you can find links to the websites of all faculties/departments at Goethe University below: 

Faculty 01, Law (International Office ("Auslandsbüro") of the faculty)

Faculty 02, Economics and Business Administration (International Office ("Auslandsbüro") of the faculty)

Faculty 03, Social Sciences

Faculty 04, Educational Sciences

Faculty 05, Psychology und Sports

Faculty 06, Protestant Theology

Faculty 07, Roman Catholic Theology

Faculty 08, Philosophy and History

Faculty 09, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, and Art

Faculty 10, Modern Languages

German Studies and German for a Teaching Certificate:

Faculty 11, Geosciences and Geography

Faculty 12, Computer Sciences and Mathematics

Faculty 13, Physics

Faculty 14, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Faculty 15, Biosciences

Faculty 16, Medical Sciences (International Office ("Auslandsbüro") of the faculty).


Before you can apply as an exchange/program student at Goethe University, you must be nominated by your home university. Your university must be a partner university of Goethe University and there needs to be an active agreement for student exchange.

Please contact your home university for information on an exchange student application in Frankfurt.

Deadlines for nominiation: 15 May (application for winter semester) / 15 November (application for summer semester)

Once you have been nominated by your home university as an exchange student, we will send you the link to our online application form via e-mail (April/November).

    e.g. German Academic Exchange Service, CAPES, China Scholarship Council (CSC), Fulbright...

You need an academic supervisor at Goethe University in order to apply as a scholarship holder. Contact details of all departments can be found on the website of the university. Please contact the respective department independently to find a supervisor. If you do not have an academic supervisor yet, you can find suggestions for contacting professors in the tab application > How to find a supervisor.

Please e-mail us a copy of your letter of award by: 15 May (application for winter semester) / 15 November (application for summer semester).

Once we have checked the letter of award, we will send you the link to our online application form.

As a visiting doctorate student, you may enroll for the limited period of your stay, if the following criteria apply to you:

  • You are not planning to receive a degree from Goethe University, but from your home institution – outside of Germany – only.
  • Your planned study period at Goethe University coincides – for the most part – with the semester dates

Please send us the invitation letter of your academic supervisor via e-mail to the Student Mobility Team - Incoming. If you receive a scholarship, please send us your letter of award. 

Visiting doctoral students who come to Goethe University as part of an exchange also need to find an academic supervisor. The supervisor's information/confirmation is not required at the time of nomination, but it is needed for the application (a simple email from the supervisor will suffice).

If you do not have an academic supervisor yet, you can find suggestions for contacting professors in the tab application > How to find a supervisor.

If you would like to do an internship in one of the faculties of Goethe University, e.g. within the framework of the ERASMUS program, please directly contact the respective faculty, in order to find out whether an internship is possible. Contact details of all faculties can be found on the website of the university. 

Once you have been accepted for an internship/as a trainee, you may enroll as a Freemover guest student during your internship. Please find information on enrollment as a Freemover in the tab below.

Interns/Trainees at the university hospital (Universitätsklinikum) and the faculty of Medicine can find all necessary information on practical training here.

The following enrollment periods are standard and cannot be adapted individually to your internship schedule:

  • Enrollment is only possible for the entire duration of the semester (October until March or April until September).
  • Enrollment for only part of a semester (e.g. summer internship: June until August) is impossible.
  • Also it is not possible to be registered in between semesters (e.g. from February until June).

All students (independent of their study level) may apply as a Freemover guest student. Please note that we do not accept Freemovers from partner universities. In order to apply as a Freemover guest student, you need an academic supervisor at Goethe University. Please contact the respective faculty independently, in order to find an academic supervisor. The Global Office cannot assist in finding an academic supervisor. You can find suggestions for contacting professors in the tab application > How to find a supervisor.

Please send us the letter of invitation from your academic supervisor by 01 June (application for winter semester) / 01 December (application for summer semester) via e-mail, in order for us to send you the link to the online application form.

You need an academic supervisor at Goethe University, in order to apply as a teaching assistant. Contact details of all faculties can be found on the website of the university. On the website of the Goethe Welcome Center you can find information on contacting professors.

  • Please send us an e-mail with a copy of your letter of award and the confirmation/contract which attests your placement as a teaching assistant (usually combined in the document: Stipendienvertrag und Schulzuweisung)
  • Then, we will send you the link to our online application form.
  • Please mind the deadline for application as a guest student.
Language of instruction at Goethe University is mostly German. Therefore, the minimum German language requirement for your planned study period is B1 (CEFR).

An exception applies in the following faculties/degree programs:

  • 01, Law
  • 02, Economics and Business Administration
  • 03, Social Sciences (a B2 English level is mandatory for students who do not fulfill the B1 German requirement)
  • 05, Psychology (a B2 English level is mandatory for students who do not fulfill the B1 German requirement)
  • 10, IMACS (Second cycle - M.A.) 
  • 10, Moving Cultures – Transcultural Encounters (Second cycle - M.A.; knowledge of another Romance language at level B2 is required)
  • 10, Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media (Second cycle - M.A.)
  • 11, Human Geography (course offer in English is very limited, more information here)
  • 12, Computer Science

If you do not meet the German language pre-requisite (B1), and are studying at a faculty/in a degree program other than the ones listed above, you need to contact the respective faculty at Goethe University directly, in order to inquire whether you may be admitted into courses.

We assume that your home institution or scholarship organization has already tested the required knowledge of German or English prior to your nomination. Therefore, we have waived the German language requirement (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang or DSH) that is normally required for studying at an Institute of Higher Learning in Germany. 

Here a list of language certificates accepted by the faculty:

Language certificates for Incomings:
English B2: 
EIKEN Test (Minimum pre-1 or 2)
TOEIC/ TOEIC Speaking & Writing  (Minimum 785 points)
TOEFL (Minimum 87 points)
IELTS (Minimum 5.5 points)
Cambridge ELA (Minimum FCE)
recent High School diplom (not older than two years) 
German B1: 
TestDaF (Minimum TDN 3)
DSH Certificate 
recent High School diplom (not older than two years)

Information on the so-called Common Reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) can be found here on the website of the Council of Europe.

Once your home university or scholarship organization has nominated you as a guest student, we will send you the link to the online application form via e-mail: 

  • approx. May: Application for winter semester
  • approx. November: Application for summer semester

In case you do not receive the link, you need to contact us duly, in order for you to be able to meet the application deadline. 

Via e-mail, you will receive the document "detailed information - application procedure" together with the link to the online application form. Once you have submitted the application online, you will need to register with Mobility-Online. Your account will remain active throughout the entire mobility, therefore, we advise you to keep your login in a safe place and also please save the website link in your browser.
For winter semester: approx. beginning of April - 15 June

For summer semester: approx. beginning of November - 15 December

Admission/Enrollment as a guest student is not possible after the deadlines above! 

  • Before you start looking for a suitable host, you should have a rather precise idea/concept about your research project.
  • You should first get detailed information about the different faculties, institutes, departments and professors at GU to find out which professor would be the most suitable host in your case. It should be someone whose research area covers the same or a similar topic to the one of your own research project.
  • For this purpose, use the overview of all the faculties at GU, which refers you to the respective faculty homepage, to obtain information about the respective departments, research areas and professors. Additionally, you should acquire an idea of the most important research centers, -projects and -cooperations at GU.

  • Once you have found the ideal host for your project, you can apply directly to him or her (not the Global Office!) by writing an application enclosing a letter of motivation, your curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and an outline of your proposed project or letter of intent. The more detailed you set out the reasons why you believe you can best carry out your project with this particular host at GU and how you plan to fund your stay, the greater your chances of success.
  • If you have the opportunity, you could also approach the individual concerned in person, e.g. at a meeting or conference.
  • You might search for the contact details of your potential host with the following list of GU's faculties:

01 - Law
02 - Economics and Business Administration
03 - Social Sciences
04 - Educational Sciences
05 - Psychology and Sports Sciences
06 - Protestant Theology
07 - Roman Catholic Theology
08 - Philosophy and History
09 - Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts
10 - Modern Languages
11 - Geoscience and Geography
12 - Computer Science and Mathematics
13 - Physics
14 - Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy
15 - Biological Sciences
16 - Medical Science

In Germany there is no tuition fee, however, in order to be enrolled as a guest student at Goethe University, you need to pay the semester contribution which all students must pay in order to enroll. The semester contribution for exchange and guest students in the winter semester 2024/25 amounts to €287.63.

The semester contribution stated above is for guest students only! The 50€ administration charge has been waived for guest students only!

The composition of the contribution is illustrated in the following chart.

Contribution to the Deutschlandticket and to the improvement of environmentally friendly student mobility€176.40
PAStA-Ticket (Palmengarten (botanical garden))€1.10
Hardship Fund Students' Union (AStA-Härtefonds)€2.60
Student Contribution to the Student Government (Studierendenschaft)€17.10
"Sozialticket" (social ticket)/"Kulturticket" (culture ticket)
Contribution to Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)€86.50

The semester contribution of passed semesters can be found here.

After your application for admission has been processed, you will receive the letter of admission from us; the letter contains important information about the enrollment of guest students (account data for the transfer of the semester social contribution). The letter of admission for guest students will be sent via e-mail:

  • in August (application for winter semester)
  • in February (application for summer semester)

Once the admissions letter has been sent, the work flow of your personal account will show a green check mark: “Letter of admission sent by the Global Office."

Students who need to apply for a visa might need the admissions letter before February/August. In this case please contact us, in order to ask for a preliminary letter of admission. The preliminary letter can only be issued, once we have received your complete application.

Information about withdrawing from enrollment can be found here on the Registrar's Office website. The request form must be sent directly to the Registrar's Office. Please note that these are the policies of the Central University Administration and not of the Global Office. Please abide by these rules as they are non-negotiable.

If you have questions about withdrawing from the University, please contact the Registrar's Office directly at

Since exchange/guest students have paid a semester social contribution reduced by the administrative fee of € 50, the administrative fee otherwise included in the semester fee according to § 56 Hessisches Hochschulgesetz (Hessian Higher Education Act) will of course not be retained.

The semester fee to be refunded to exchange/guest students in the event of a timely and lawful withdrawal will therefore be reduced by a total of € 30.

The minimal requirement for entry into Germany is valid identification (e.g. ID card or passport).
It is your responsibility to check with the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country as to whether you will need a visa during your stay in Germany. More importantly, you will need to find out which entry and residence requirements are to be met. Keep in mind that visa requests take processing time (up to two months!!). Please plan accordingly.
Information about visa (non-) requirements can be obtained at the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).

Do not apply for a tourist visa! A tourist visa is only valid three months and cannot be extended.

The following documents are necessary in order to apply for a visa:

  • Valid passport
  • Letter of admission as guest student from Goethe University
  • Proof of financial support (e.g. savings, letter of award/scholarship, etc.)
  • Passport photos (with biometrical features)
  • Proof of health insurance
Students, who need to apply for a visa might need the admissions letter before February/August. In this case, please contact us, in order to ask for a preliminary letter of admission. Of course the preliminary letter can only be issued, once we have received your complete application.

As soon as possible, upon arrival into Germany, a residency permit must be applied for and your residence must be registered with the police. The proper authorities to complete these processes are the “Ausländerbehörde" (Immigration Office) and the “Einwohnermeldeamt" (Registration Office) in Germany.

More information on the residence permit can be found here.
Mobility within the EU for the Purpose of Studying – EU Directive 2016/801 (REST-Richtlinie):

Regulations on mobility within the EU applying to students of non-EU nationality (third-country nationals) coming to the EU for the purpose of studying have been eased.

If you wish to study at Goethe University under an exchange program and have already been issued a residence permit for studies in another EU member state, you can come to study at Goethe University without having to apply for a visa for Germany. In this case, you have to submit additional documents to Goethe University. Then, Goethe University can apply for a confirmation for your stay here. Without this confirmation, you are not allowed to come to Germany for studies!

Mobility within the EU is facilitated under the following conditions (not valid for Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark; students coming from these states have to apply for an entry visa with the German embassy when they want to study at Goethe University.)

  • Studies in an EU member state with a residence permit of this EU member state for the purpose of studies
  • Studies at Goethe University under an exchange program (ERASMUS, bilateral exchange program [e.g. direct exchange Charles University Prague], departmental exchange program)
  • Studies at Goethe University for a maximum of 360 days
  • A residence permit of an EU member state that is valid for the duration of studies at Goethe University (if necessary, have the residence permit extended in due time before the mobility!)

Submission of the additional documents to Goethe University by

    15 July (for winter term; earliest planned arrival: September)

    15 January (for summer term; earliest planned arrival: March).

Note: The complete notification has to be made available to the National Contact Point (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) at latest 30 days before the planned entry into Germany. In order to avoid delays in your arrival, it is your responsibility to make sure that the Global Office of Goethe University receives the complete documents, in the format described below by the above stated deadline, in order for the Global Office of Goethe University to have enough processing time to forward the documents to the National Contact Point.

If the documents submitted are incomplete or submitted after the deadline, Goethe University will not be able to apply for a confirmation for your stay. In that case, you will not be permitted to come to Goethe University for studies! 

Documents to be submitted:

All documents must be uploaded in PDF format in the work-flow of your Mobility-Online account. Please name the documents with your family name and the document type: e.g. Family name_Pass.pdf.

  1. Copy of the residence title by the EU member state (issued for study purposes; validity for the duration of the stay at Goethe University)
    Document title: Family name_Aufenthaltstitel.pdf
  2. Copy of the passport/replacement passport
    Document title: Family name_Pass.pdf
  3. Proof of participation in a program organized by the EU or other multilateral program entailing mobility and/or the agreement between the higher education institutions
    Document title: Family name_Mobilitätsnachweis
  4. Proof of financial resources in the amount of EUR 934/month
    E.g. current print out from your bank account or your parent's bank account; in case you receive an additional grant: letter of award from the scholarship donor.
    The proof needs to show that a continuous support is taking place and that you have sufficient resources to cover the monthly costs while studying at Goethe University (approx. monthly allowance: EUR 934 (Bafög-Satz)
    Document title: Family name_Lebensunterhalt.pdf
  5. Health insurance certificate (copy of EHIC)
    Document title: Family name_KV.pdf
  6. Admission letter
    Guest students receive the letter of admission approx. in February for summer term, in August for winter term. You may ask for a preliminary letter of admission after the Global Office has received your complete application form via postal mail.
    Document title: Family name_Zulassung.pdf 

All documents, with the exception of the passport and the residence title, must be submitted in German. Where applicable, the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) can accept easily comprehensible documents in a foreign language, but decides whether the documents submitted meet the requirement.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

According to section 2 (information and access to personal data), Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, we are hereby informing students about processing of the personal data they need to provide, in order for the Global Office of Goethe University to register them for the eased mobility under the EU Directive 2016/801. According to Article 13, point (e), we hereby inform students – specifically – about the direct and indirect recipients of the personal data: Your personal data will be shared with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in turn may share the data with contact points of other European member states or immigration authorities. Students will not be informed separately about processing of their data and direct and indirect recipients by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Under the following link of the European Union students may find the relevant General Data Protection Regulations:

Please keep in mind that the certificate for mobility issued by the Federal Office pertains to the originally planned study period. If you extend your study period, you must contact, in order for the Global Office to request an extension at the Federal Office.

Additional Information:

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Addresses of German Foreign Representation

Entry Requirements

Health System in Germany

Students in Germany must have adequate health insurance in order to enrol at a state or state-recognized university (§5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 SGB V). Since 01.01.2022, the new electronic student registration procedure of the statutory health insurance companies applies at Goethe University (= GU). This means that the insurance certificate will be provided digitally to the universities by the health insurance company. Please contact your chosen German statutory health insurance / health insurance company at an early stage. Please note that the presentation of the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or a written membership certificate is not sufficient. If you have health insurance in your home country and want to have it recognized whilst in Germany, please clarify in due time which documents are required! In principle, you can contact any statutory health insurance to have your insurance status recognized. An overview of all statutory health insurance companies in Germany can be found here.

Please take care of the proof of insurance as follows after receiving the admission letter: 

You must apply for a European Health Insurance (EHIC) (equivalent to Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)) from the relevant authority in your home country. The cards are issued by your insurance company in your home country. After your arrival in Germany, you must present your EHIC card to one of the statutory health insurance companies and indicate that you are studying at GU (GU company number: H0001406). The health insurance company will then send a digital certificate to GU confirming that you have sufficient insurance coverage. 

Please note that the EHIC card does not automatically make all medical services free of charge. Please check with your health insurance company at home which services are covered. 

If your home country has a social security agreement with Germany, you must provide proof of your insurance coverage in your home country. Please ask your health insurance at home whether there is a social security agreement with Germany. You must then present the proof of insurance (= certificate of entitlement) to a German health insurance company and indicate that you are studying at GU (GU company number: H0001406). The health insurance company will then electronically confirm to the GU that you are adequately covered in your home country. If your coverage is not sufficient, you will need to take out additional German health insurance (see point iv: I do not have health insurance).
Please contact a German health insurance to check if you have sufficient health insurance in your home country. You must indicate that you wish to study at GU (GU company number: H0001406). If your insurance coverage is not sufficient, you will need to obtain German health insurance (see point iv: I do not have health insurance). Keep in mind that in most cases, a German health insurance is necessary and the health insurance abroad is only sufficient in exceptional cases. 
Proof of sufficient insurance coverage is required for enrolment. Therefore, please take out a German health insurance. The costs are currently around 110€. You must indicate to the insurance company that you are studying at GU so that the health insurance company can send a digital certificate to GU (GU company number: H0001406). It is imperative that you cancel your health insurance before you return to your home country. To do this, you will need the de-registration certificate, which you can download on HISinOne (after disenrollment). 
In principle, students over 30 years of age and doctoral candidates are exempt from compulsory insurance. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you take out health insurance. Both statutory and private health insurances offer different rates for students. Please also keep in mind that sufficient insurance coverage must be proven in order to apply for a visa/residence permit. 
ATTENTION: Travel insurances are not recognized as health insurances for studies. 

Finding accommodation in Frankfurt can be very lengthy and time-consuming. Therefore, please start looking for suitable accommodation early enough. 

Since every student enrolled at Goethe University receives a semester ticket, it is also worthwhile to look for accommodation outside of Frankfurt. Prices and demand are usually lower outside of the city.

Guest/Exchange students can apply for student housing. Unfortunately, accommodation is very limited. Therefore, placement for all exchange students cannot be guaranteed. Your admission as an exchange student does not guarantee your accommodation through the allotment.

Unfortunately, we do not provide student housing for Freemover guest students.

If accommodation is available within the allotment for exchange students, the application form for accommodation in a student residence will be made available through the online platform work-flow of the online application:

  • 16 May (application winter term) or
  • 16 November (application summer term).

You will receive an e-mail once the application form has been released. You will also receive an e-mail, if no accommodation is available through the allotment. 

Exchange students apply for student housing through the allotment together with their exchange student application (Global Office).

Please do not fill out the application form on the website of the Studierendenwerk. The additional application does not increase your chances of receiving accommodation.

Accommodation is distributed first come, first served. The sooner you upload the signed housing application, the better your chances of receiving accommodation.

If you are not an exchange student nominated for Goethe University by one of our partner universities or by your scholarship organization, unfortunately, you are not eligible for the allotment.

You can specify "apartment" or "room" or "no preference" when applying. We cannot guarantee the accommodation of your choice (apartment or room). There is only a very limited number of apartments with private bathroom / kitchen. Therefore, if you limit your choice to apartments, you limit your chances of getting accommodation in the student residence.

Important notice

The application is considered a binding application! If you have handed in the signed application form and do not need a room, you need to inform the Global Office ( immediately!

All rental contracts for exchange students are standardized. The rental period cannot be extended or shortened. Individual departure and arrival dates cannot be considered.

    In the winter semester: 01 September until 28 February
    In the summer semester: 01 March until 31 August

Once you have signed the rental contract, you have rented the accommodation for the entire rental period as stated above. It is not possible to view the accommodation before signing the rental contract.

The accommodation can only be rented for an entire semester.

A single room/1-room apartment in a student residence costs approx. EUR 285,00 - 385,00 rent per month.

The deposit is €600. If you receive accommodation in a student residence of the allotment, the student housing administration requires you to pay a deposit plus the first monthly rent approx. six weeks before the beginning of the standardized rental period. You need to be prepared to transfer the required amount (€900 (room) or €1000 (apartment)) from your home country in July (application for winter term) / January (application for summer term).

Provided there is no damage to your accommodation and no outstanding bill, the student housing administration will return the deposit eight weeks after the rental period has ended (= end of standardized rental period and not moving out date).

All accommodation for guest students is basically furnished. Please note that bed sheets, duvets, blankets, pillows and towels are not provided by the student residence. Please bring these items with you or you will need to buy them after your arrival in Frankfurt.

Approx. in the middle of July / January we will inform you via e-mail, whether you have received accommodation in a student residence.

Should you receive a “conditional confirmation" for accommodation in a student residence, you will be asked to transfer the deposit (two monthly rents) plus the first month's rent to the account of Student Services (Studierendenwerk Frankfurt) six week prior to the start of the rental period. If the deposit does not arrive on the account of Student Services before the deadline ends, you will lose your reservation for accommodation in the student residence.

The deposit remains intact throughout the entire rental period (i.e. it will not be used to pay rent).

The processing period for the return of the deposit by the Studierendenwerk takes at least two months from the time the lease ends.

Accommodation in student housing is assigned according to availability by the student housing administration.

Unfortunately, we have more applicants for accommodation in a student residence than there are rooms / apartments available. If you have handed in an application form and no accommodation in a student residence can be reserved for you, you will receive an e-mail cancellation notice from the Global Office (in Februrary / August). You will need to look for private accommodation on your own accord.
In case of cancellation of the reservation by 15 August / 14 February (winter / summer semester) at the latest, the amount paid (1st monthly rent + deposit), will be refunded by the Studierendenwerk under the condition that a new tenant can be found for 01 September / 01 March. The respective credit institution may charge processing fees for the transfer back.

Cancelling the reservation between 16 August to 31 August / 15 February to 28 February will mean you will not get back the rent for September / March because a new tenant can be found no earlier than 01 October / 01 April. The deposit will be refunded.

If you plan to arrive in October / April, you need to inform the Global Office ( and the Studierendenwerk ( via e-mail of the delayed arrival no later than 15 September. In this case, the rent for September / March is still to be paid, it cannot be refunded.

In the event of a general cancellation of your study period, you are obligated to inform the Global Office ( by 15 September / 15 March at the latest, otherwise the rent for October / April is due, because a new tenant cannot be found before 01 November / 01 May.

*Acceptance of a cancellation of the reservation generally depends on the Global Office being able to find a new tenant for the accommodation. The above deadlines for cancelling the reservation are only valid, if the rental agreement has not yet been signed. Once you have signed the rental contract, you have rented the accommodation for the entire standardized rental period.
Rental contracts of the Studierendenwerk are generally limited in time, for this reason they cannot be terminated prematurely.

Consequently, as soon as you have signed the lease, no cancellation is possible; the rent is due until the end of the lease.
In case of an illness-related termination (proven by a medical certificate) and an inevitable cancellation of your stay, the rent is payable until a suitable new tenant is found.

Neither early examinations nor early departures before the end of the lecture period justify a termination of the lease. The rent is due until the end of the contract. Goodwill settlements do not apply in this case.
One option is to search for an apartment or a room in a flat share on the rental market. Rental offerings can be found on the Internet or in the various real estate sections of Frankfurt's newspapers, e.g. “Frankfurter Rundschau" (on Wednesdays or on Saturdays) or “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung".

A privately rented room costs approx. €400 to €600.

On the website of Student Services (Studierendenwerk Frankfurt) you can find a link to private room offers for students as well as a list of student residences administered by other organizations. Please direct your application directly to the respective dormitory. Accommodation offers are also posted on the bulletin board at the ServiceCenter of Student Services located in the Hörsaalzentrum (Auditorium Center) at Campus Westend.

ATTENTION: Unfortunately, there are fraudulent offers on the Internet. Information on how to protect yourself from real estate fraud on the Internet and how to detect a false ad can be found on the German website of the consumer advice center (Verbraucherzentrale).

Here a list of common signs of a possible rental scam:

  • The rental price is too good to be true. Rooms in flat shares for students in Frankfurt usually cost between €400 - 600.
  • Prepayment required. Do not wire money for a security deposit, application fee, first monthly rent, etc. to someone you have never met for an apartment you have not seen. Legitimate proprietors / real estate agents do not ask for money before you have not seen the accommodation.
  • Contradictions between advertisement picture(s) and text/description. Read advertisement promoting accommodation with a certain skepticism.
  • Pictures that seem taken out of a brochure, e.g. from a furniture store catalog. In order to check, if pictures have been copied from other sources, upload the pictures in the Google reversed photo search.
  • Poor German, advertisement in English. Look for grammar and spelling errors in the advertisement as it may be an indication that it was translated by a translation software.
  • Copied advertisement texts. Often, real estate scammers copy their advertisement from real, existing real estate offers. Enter parts of the text or the headline in a search engine for review: If a very similar advertisement appears with different contact data on other portals, caution is advised.
  • Missing information: Legitimate proprietors provide information on rent with and without utilities as heating and hot water (in German the so called “Warmmiete" with utilities vs. "Kaltmiete" without utilities). If only the Warmmiete is specified, this can be an indication of a fake apartment. Also, be suspicious if there is no specific contact person or no imprint on the site of the real estate provider. If a phone number is specified, it is worth checking whether the phone number is active.
  • Suspicious e-mails: Do not open file attachments in e-mails that end on “.exe" regardless of whether they are sent by alleged housing providers or by the real estate portal itself. They can come from real estate scammers and contain malware or Trojans. Also, pay attention to the e-mail address of the sender: Real estate fraudsters often use e-mail addresses with conspicuous domains for correspondence, such as
  • Wire transfer abroad required, i.e. outside Germany: Special caution when transferring abroad! Check the payee's account number (IBAN) before each transfer: which country code does it start with? 'DE' stands for an account in Germany, 'AT' for Austria and so on. If, on the other hand, a country code occurs that you did not expect, you should not transfer money.

Here a link to signs of scam as listed by the US government agency Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Related Links:

One of many ways to finance your mobility in Germany is to apply for a scholarship. Since many scholarship organisations have deadlines and application procedures, we recommend that you start looking for a scholarship as early as possible.

Through the following links, you can get an overview of several funding opportunities and scholarship databases:

Erasmus+ scholarships are paid by the respective sending institution. If you have any questions about the Erasmus+ scholarship, please contact your home university directly. 

If you have questions regarding your study program (e.g. ECTS credit points, course/exam registration, language of instruction, etc.), please contact your Departmental Coordinator at Goethe University directly.

Goethe University now supports the ERASMUS Dashboard and the associated Online Learning Agreement - platform. You can also send your Learning Agreement to us via this electronic platform, see the tab below for more information.

Pre-OLA/Old Learning Agreement-process:
The Learning Agreement form will be provided by your home institution. Please make sure, that the agreement is signed by

  • the Departmental Coordinators of your home institution and
  • of Goethe University, as well as
  • by yourself.
The Learning Agreement should be send as a scanned document to your departmental coordinator at Goethe university only after you have finalized it with the coordinator at your home university. Please note: "Responsible person at the receiving institution" is your departmental coordinator, not the Global Office!

Please send the completed Learning Agreement well before the deadline set by your home university, so that the signed Learning Agreement can be returned to your home university in due time.

Once you have arrived in Frankfurt you can make changes to your originally Proposed Study Program by filling out the form "Changes to the originally proposed study program/learning agreement". Please discuss the filled out "Changes"-form directly with your respective Departmental Coordinator.

Since the winter semester 2021/22 we offer the possibility to use the OLA procedure (Online Learning Agreement). You can use the OLA HowTo document as a guide for the successful implementation of the OLA procedure. However, it only serves as a supplement to the information and guidelines that you receive from your home university and that you should pay particular attention to. Here you will find the updated list of the respective contact persons who are entitled to sign the OLA document at Goethe University.

Unfortunately the new OLA-system seems to have a number of flaws and does not work properly at times. In that case you can still send the Learning Agreement by mail as an attachment to the respective contacts authorized to sign the document (not us at the Global Office though!).
We at the Global Office are not authorized to sign the OLA. Please do not send your Learning Agreement to us, but to the contacts authorized to sign it.

You will find the online course overview (of all faculties) on the following website: qis.server.uni-frankfurt.deYou can access the course overview without login, by simply clicking on "Courses", then "Course Overview".

The course overview (Vorlesungsverzeichnis):

  • for the winter semester will be updated in approx. June
  • for the summer semester will be updated in approx. January.
Therefore, the course overview for the semester you are applying for is not yet online, when you hand in your application. You can get a general impression of what courses to choose from by looking at the current course overview, while the course overview of the following semester is not yet available. Please note, not all courses listed in the current semester will be offered in the following semester.

You click on "Courses of the Faculty..." choosing the department of your exchange program and then follow the links at the end of the page to your preferred specialization, study level, etc.

If you have further questions, please contact the respective faculty directly. Links to all faculties can be found here.
Language of instruction at Goethe University is mostly German. Nevertheless, a limited number of faculties offer courses in English.

English courses can be found easily by going to the Course Overview, switching the language to English, choosing "Courses", "Search for Lectures," and select "English" as "Language of instruction".

*Some English language courses may be found in the course overview under "Language of instruction" -> "German / English". This category lists courses that are bilingual, but not necessarily "German / English" other bilingual constellations may also be listed. It is worth checking this section for additional English language courses not listed under "Language of instruction" -> "English".

Below Links to English Courses in the Winter semester 2024/25:

Dep. 1, Law / bilingual* / Information from the International Office Faculty of Law

Dep. 2, Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor; Master) / Master bilingual* /  Information from the International Office Faculty of Economics

Dep. 3, Social Sciences (Bachelor; Master) / Bachelor bilingual*, Master bilingual* / Archives of Seminars in English

Dep. 4, Educational Sciences

Dep. 5, Psychology and Sports / bilingual*

Dep. 6, Protestant Theology

Dep. 7, Roman Catholic Theology

Dep. 8, Philosophy and History / bilingual*

Dep. 9, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, and Art / bilingual*

Dep. 10, Modern Languages (Bachelor; Master) / bilingual*

Dep. 11, Geosciences and Geography (Bachelor; Master) / bilingual*

Dep. 12, Computer Sciences and Mathematics (Bachelor; Master) / bilingual*

Dep. 13, Physics (Bachelor; Master) / Bachelor bilingual*, Master bilingual*

Dep. 14, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Pharmacy / bilingual*

Dep. 15, Biosciences (Bachelor; Master) / Bachelor bilingual*, Master bilingual*

Dep. 16, Medical Science

In order to differentiate between Bachelor and Master level courses, you can select a “Header structure" on the "Search for Lectures" query. Select the faculty/ department, then, select the level of degree programme.

Goethe University does not have a centralized course registration. Course registration for guest/exchange students differs from faculty to faculty.

Erasmus students should contact their departmental coordinator for assistance in registering for classes in the respective faculty/department. In general, it is advisable for exchange/guest students to email the instructors of the classes they would like to attend prior to the start of the semester to discuss admission to the class.

Some faculties have an Auslandsbüro (International Office of the faculty). Please contact the Auslandsbüro, if you have questions about registering for courses: 

Please watch the tutorial "How To: Administration of Studies - Enrolling in a class" for detailed information on how to register for courses using the HRZ login.

If you have questions regarding your study program (e.g. ECTS credit points, course/exam registration, language of instruction, etc.), please contact your Departmental Coordinator at Goethe University directly.

The Global Office, in cooperation with the International Study Center (Internationales Studienzentrum) = ISZ, organizes various courses to improve your German language skills. All courses are free of charge for registered exchange/guest students. The courses at the ISZ can be added to your schedule in addition to the courses in your field of study at Goethe University. In general, you can earn 2-3 ECTS credits per course. Please inquire with the lecturers of the respective course at the beginning of the semester whether and how many ECTS you can receive for the course.

The German Intensive Course for Exchange Students (Deutsch-Intensiv-Kurs für Austauschstudierende), or later referred to as DIA-Course, takes place every year in March and September before the start of the semester. The course lasts 4 weeks (in September) / 3 weeks (in March) and consists of about 20 hours per week. The course is free of charge for registered exchange students and you can earn 4 ECTS (in September) / 3 ECTS for the course.

      Preliminary dates DIA-course September 2024 : Monday, 02 September - Friday, 27 September.

Information about the online placement test will be provided before the course begins. Your score determines which group you will be placed in. You can join the DIA course without any previous knowledge of German as we also have a beginners course.

Registration: If you would like to participate in the DIA-course, please fill in the appropriate field in the online application. Please note, that the DIA-course in March is primarily reserved for students starting their study period at Goethe University in the summer term.

Deadlines for application:
  • DIA-course March: 15 December
  • DIA-course September: 15 June

During the course of the semester, there will be various courses offered by the ISZ to help improve your knowledge of German. Further information and links pertaining to these courses can be found here under "Courses during the semester".

Students of Goethe University volunteer to become a Buddy to an international student. This idea is meant to facilitate the difficulties in dealing with a new country and study environment.
You will not only receive help during this phase but, it is a wonderful opportunity to exchange cultures, languages and life experiences. Participation involves no additional costs.
Information on the Buddy Program.

Guest students at the faculty of Economics and Business Administration may receive a Buddy through the WiWir Buddy Program.

Disclaimer: Despite careful review of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.