Learning Agreement and Recognition

Yes, you need to submit a Learning Agreement. Your home university will provide you with more information about it.

The Learning Agreement must be signed by you, the Departmental Coordinator at the Department of International Relations at the Faculty 03 as well as your Departmental Coordinator at home.

You can change your Learning Agreement if necessary. If you have questions regarding courses at Goethe University, you can contact us via email. Please consider possible deadlines for handing in your Changes to the Learning Agreement at your home university.

Goethe University does not have a minimum requirement regarding ECTS; please follow your home university´s requirements.

If courses you wanted to take at Goethe University are cancelled, you can contact us for consultation. We can help you find new courses. Please keep in mind that you have to change your Learning Agreement.

Standards for recognition of courses are set by your home university. Please get in touch with your Department Coordinator and / or your Examination Office at the sending institution.

Your lecturers will confirm the ECTS you have achieved via the Course Certificate. Please contact them at the end of the semester to sign this certificate, since regular students get their ECTS credited online.

You need to send all your course certificates to Julia Freier from the International Office. The website of the International Office explains further steps.

The Learning Agreement is an agreement between you, your home university and Goethe University about your learning outcome for the recognition of your achievements. However, it can happen that - for various reasons - you cannot keep your Learning Agreement. Then, you can still make changes to your Learning Agreement. For the relevant document regarding the changes please consult your responsible coordinator at your home university.

You can find detailed information on the grading system here.