Mobility of Postgraduates

General Information

The Faculty of Social Sciences also supports an abroad stay during your doctorate. A stay abroad is beneficial for your scientific career for numerous reasons:

  • Increasing your visibility in the international scientific context
  • Developing publication opportunities abroad
  • Extending your language skills
  • Building an international network
  • Benefiting from appointment procedure

In addition to ERASMUS semesters that may have already been completed during the study period, a stay abroad through the ERASMUS program can be funded for twelve further months during the doctorate. A stay abroad is possible at numerous partner universities of the Faculty of Social Sciences - pay attention to the addition "PhD" in the list of our partners.

Basically, the ERASMUS program is based on three study cycles (Bachelor, Master, PhD). In each of these cycles you can go abroad for up to 12 months with ERASMUS (i.e. a maximum of 36 months). These twelve months can be divided into study and research stays abroad in the ERASMUS member states during and up to one year after completing the doctorate.

In addition to the faculty´s partnerships you will find numerous job vacancies and opportunities to fund research-related stays abroad in Europe on the Website of the EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion initiative.

It is also possible to invite PhD students from abroad to the faculty. Please contact the Department of International Affairs at the Faculty of Social Sciences for further information.

Credits (top to bottom): Elke Födisch, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.