Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Brüggemann

Tel.: +49.(0)69.798.42192

  • 1975-84: Studies of Chemistry and Biology at U Düsseldorf and U Oldenburg
  • 1982: Diploma in Biology, Dept of Biophysics, U Düsseldorf
  • 1985: Diploma in Chemistry, Dept of Biochemistry, U Oldenburg
  • 1987: PhD, Dept. of Ecophysiology, U Oldenburg
  • 1987-89: Postdoc at the Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology, U Marburg
  • 1989-90: Postdoc at the Dept of Plant Physiology, U Groningen (NL)
  • 1990-96: Postdoc and Senior Scientist, Dept of Ecophysiology, U Düsseldorf
  • 1995: Venia legendi for Botany, U Düsseldorf
  • Since 1997: Professor, Ecophysiology of Plants, U Frankfurt