Department of Didactics – Biological Sciences



The Department of Didactics in the Biological Sciences is concerned with knowledge transfer of validated bioscientific findings to the general public and scholastic education. In this context, state-of-the-art communication concepts for central biological contents, with which the understanding of natural scientific research and methods is to be strengthened, are at the focus of our research and development work.


Work Groups

Two work groups in the Department of Didactics work on knowledge transfer from the biosciences to the general public and schools.



  • Here you will find information on the Department’s functions, some of which are intended for schools, but also for interested laypeople. In addition, you will also find information on current events ... (more information (in German))

  • The Goethe BioLab of the Department of Didactics in Biology offers pupils in the metropolitan area Frankfurt the opportunity to experience the biological sciences up close and to experiment on their own. (more information (in German))



Biology course of study in the Study Programme for teachers in primary schools (L1), secondary general and modern schools (L2), special needs schools (L5), and grammar schools (L3).
Information on special didactic modules, courses and lectures as well as current announcements.
(more information (in German))