Orientation Information

Welcome to Goethe University, welcome to Frankfurt! We, the team of the Goethe Welcome Centre, aim to help you settling into your new environment. In the following, you can find general information about Goethe University and its administrative units offering services, which may be helpful for you.

Short introduction to Goethe University

Most of you have traveled considerable distances to join our university. Your personal effort contributes to the university's high level of internationalization that enables us to participate in the international quest for answers to today's global challenges. This presentation provides an overview of the university's history, its current identity and its international profile.

Administrative structure

While getting accustomed to your new academic environment it surely is beneficial to see the broader picture in which your research is embedded. The following presentation offers an introduction to the scientific landscape of Hesse and Germany as well as to the administrative structure of Goethe University.

Digital Campus Tour

In addition, we would like to present you a digital campus tour, which was created during the pandemic, but offers interesting insight for new arrivals at Goethe University in general:

Who can help you at Goethe University?

The Goethe Welcome Centre (GWC) is the central point of advice and services for international researchers. If you have any non-academic concerns like visa applications or apartment hunting, the GWC-team can give or arrange professional, expert advice. Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find a short introduction under the following link.


GRADE, Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers, is dedicated to the support of young researchers. GRADE offers a wide range of qualification opportunities, foremost displayed by its biannual training program, but also individual guidance, e.g. concerning PhD funding. Here you can find an introduction. 

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The Research Service Center is the first point of contact for research projects with third-party-funding and offers assistance with every administrative task of the funded project..


The Equal Opportunities Office develops concepts and policies that further gender equality, diversity and a family-friendly environment at our university. Besides, it provides private counselling in cases of discrimination and sexual harassment. For further introductory information click here

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The Interdisciplinary College for University Teaching (IKH) supports teaching faculty in questions of teaching and student learning. We offer a wide range of support, from individual counselling over courses leading to our teaching certificate to support of faculties and departments. Here you can find an introduction.

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The Department HR-Personnel and Organizational Development offers all employees as well as managers and professors competence-based qualifications from different subject-specific as well as interdisciplinary areas. Over 200 hybrid offers can be found in the digital and multilingual Goethe-Lerncampus.