Words of Welcome by Professor Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University

Enrico Schleiff

Dear International Researcher, 

without a doubt Frankfurt is one of Germany's most international cities, a city of encounters and intellectual enrichment. This impressive academic, logistical, cultural and financial hub with its long history has always depended on exchange with different people and nations. For more than a century, Goethe University has been able to contribute to this unique urban blend that constitutes Frankfurt. Ever more so today, as the global environmental, health and financial challenges call for truly committed academic cooperation and exchange. In our rapidly changing world, increased internationalization and a high number of internationally mobile researchers directly benefit Goethe University’s research output and the education of our nearly 50.000 students.

As part of the University’s strategic efforts to strengthen and enhance its international ties, I am very glad that the Goethe Welcome Centre has taken on the responsibility to take care of our international guests. Researchers, scientists and doctoral candidates from all over the world will find a welcoming atmosphere at our university, making their arrival and stay as unbureaucratic as possible. Goethe Welcome Centre offers a wide range of services to support and guide you through all the non-academic formalities and aspects of your stay in Frankfurt. Be it the search for accommodation, the city's administrative red tape or colorful social and cultural events: our University will take care of you!

Together with Goethe Welcome Centre’s staff, I would like to welcome you to Goethe University and wish you a great and most productive stay in Frankfurt: Herzlich willkommen an der Goethe-Universität! 



Enrico Schleiff

President of Goethe University Frankfurt