Withdrawal from Registration/Re-registration

Please note: If you exmatriculate on a specific day, your digital semester ticket will be simultaneously canceled. If you want to use the ticket until the end of the semester, we recommend that you save it to an offline wallet on your smartphone.

You have the option to withdraw from registration or re-registration within specific deadlines. If you withdraw within the mentioned deadlines, you will be considered not registered or re-registered for the following semester.

Deadlines: Withdrawal from registration/re-registration is possible for the summer semester until April 30 and for the winter semester until October 31. After these deadlines, only de-registration (exmatriculation) is possible. Please also note the separate regulations for the periods from April 1 to April 30 and from October 1 to October 31 of each year.

Procedure: The application for withdrawal from registration/re-registration is available for download on this page or can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. The completed and signed application, along with any required documents (see below), can be submitted in person or by mail to the Registrar's Office.

Application address: Goethe University, Registrar's Office, 60629 Frankfurt

Documents: The application must include the complete semester documents (if already issued) such as enrollment certificates and the Goethe Card. Please also attach proof (copy of the payment receipt) of the semester fee payment to the application.

Please note: According to Section 263 of the Administrative Costs Ordinance (Verwaltungskostenordnung) for the Ministry of Science and Art (as of November 18, 2009), administrative costs of €30 are levied for withdrawal from registration/re-registration. Additionally, the administrative cost contribution included in the semester fee, as stipulated by Section 56 of the Hessian Higher Education Act, will be retained by the university. The semester fee to be repaid to you will therefore be reduced by a total of €80.

If the withdrawal from registration/re-registration for a winter semester is requested between October 1 and October 31, or for a summer semester between April 1 and April 30, the unvalidated Goethe Card (if already issued) must be submitted. If the Goethe Card cannot be submitted or has already been validated for the respective semester, unfortunately, you are no longer entitled to a refund of the semester fee.

If you want to maintain your refund entitlement during the aforementioned period, please validate your Goethe Card only when it is certain that you will remain at Goethe University.