Part-Time Study

At the Goethe university, study programs can be completed on a part-time basis. The requirement for this is that there are no admission restrictions for the corresponding semester and that the study and examination regulations of the chosen degree program do not exclude part-time studies. To find out whether or not this is the case for your degree program, please refer to the "Satzung für die Festsetzung von Zulassungszahlen in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen" (Statutes for Determining Admission Numbers in Degree Programs with Restricted Admission) for the current semester.

Part-time students must apply to the Registrar's Office using the appropriate form.

Procedure: The application for part-time study is available for download on this page or can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. Please send the completed and signed application along with the relevant documents by regular mail to the Registrar's Office.

Deadlines: Applications for the summer semester must be submitted by May 1, and for the winter semester by November 1.

Application address: Goethe University, Studium Lehre Internationales, Registrar's Office, 60629 Frankfurt.

Part-time study cannot be approved in the following cases:

  • In degree programs with restricted admission
  • In double-degree programs
  • Outside the standard period of study
  • In doctoral studies

Please also consider the potential impact of part-time study on student financial aid (BAföG), child benefits, and part-time jobs. The relevant offices can provide further information.

Procedural note: Approval for part-time study is granted for two semesters. A re-registration hold is imposed for the semester following the approved period. This means that despite having paid the semester fees, you will not be automatically re-registered for that semester. You must either submit a re-application to the Registrar's Office or inform them in writing about continuing your studies full-time. Retroactive approval of part-time study is excluded according to legal provisions.