Curriculum vitae of Prof. Dr. Jörg Soppa

Personal data   

Name                                  Jörg Soppa

Date/Place of birth            01/06/1958 in Essen, Germany


1977-1985                                    Diploma (Biochemistry), University of Tübingen, Germany

Diploma thesis: MPI for Biology, Prof. Peter Overath

(interrupted by Civil Service at a hospital and a trainee program at the Max-Planck-Institute in Martinsried)

1985-1989                                    PhD (Biochemistry), University of Munich, Germany. PhD thesis: Max-Planck-

Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Prof. Dieter Oesterhelt


Research Experience and University Duties

1990-1995                          Research assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry Establishment of an own Research Group

1994                                   Habilitation and Venia Legendis in Microbiology, University of Munich

1995                                   Visiting Scientist at the University of British Columbia in

Vancouver, Canada

1996 -                                 Leader of a Research Group at the Institute for Molecular Biosciences (Goethe-University, Frankfurt)

2000-2007                          Coordinator of a Special Research Program of the German Research Council (SPP1112 “Genome function and gene regulation in Archaea")

2001-                                  Professorship for Microbial Genetics, Goethe University,

Frankfurt, Germany

2003-2006                                    Dean of Study Affairs of the Dep. of Biosciences

2002-                                  Diverse Commissions of the Department (PhD, Diploma, Bachelor,

Master, Faculty Council, Finances, etc.)

2003-2005                          Senats Commission for Study Affairs of the Goethe University

2005-2011                          Senats Commission for Gender Equity of the Goethe University

2012-2014                          Dean of Study Affairs of the Dep. of Biosciences

2013-2019                          Commission for re-accreditation of study programs of the Goethe University

2019-2020                          Senats Commission for Finances

2021-                                  Senat



Honors and Awards

1995-2001                          Heisenberg-Stipendium of the German Research Council (DFG)

                                            Guest editor of “Archives of Microbiology" and “Archaea"

2010                                   Best teacher of the Department of Biosciences


Ten Publications


1. Huber M, Faure G, Laass S, Kolbe E, Seitz K, Wehrheim C, Wolf YI, Koonin EV, Soppa J (2019) Translational coupling via termination-reinitation in archaea and bacteria. Nature Comm. 10, 4006.

2. Ludt K, Soppa J (2018) Influence of Origin Recognition Complex proteins on the copy numbers of three chromosomes in Haloferax volcanii. J. Bacteriol. 200, e00161-18.

3. Soppa, J. (2017) Polyploidy and Community Structure Analyses. Nature Microbiol., 2, 16261.

4. Babski J, Haas KA, Näther-Schindler D, Pfeiffer F, Förstner KU, Hammelmann M, Hilker R, Becker A, Sharma CM, Marchfelder A, and Soppa J (2016) Genome-wide identification of transcriptional start sites in the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii based on differential RNA-Seq (dRNA-Seq). BMC Genomics 17, 629.

5. Zerulla K, Ludt K, and Soppa J (2016) The ploidy level of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 is highly variable and is influenced by growth phase and by chemical and physical external parameters. Microbiol. 162, 730-739.

6. Zerulla, K., Chimileski, S., Mäther, D., Gophna, U., Papke, R.T., Soppa, J. (2014) DNA as a phosphate storage polymer and the alternative advantages of polyploidy for growth or survival. PLoS ONE 9, e94819.

7. Lange C, Zeruall K, Breuert S, and Soppa J (2011) Gene conversion results in the equalization of genome copies in the polyploid haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii. Mol. Microbiol. 80, 666-677.

8. Hering O, Brenneis M, Beer J, Suess B, and Soppa J (2009) A novel mechanism for translation initiation operates in haloarchaea. Mol. Microbiol. 71, 1451-1463.

9. Lange C, Zeigler A, Hammelmann M, Twellmeyer J, Raddatz G, Schuster S, Oesterhelt D, and Soppa J (2007) Genome-wide analysis of growth phase-dependent translational and transcriptional regulation in halophilic archaea. BMC Genomics 8, 415.

10. Brenneis M, Hering O, Lange C, and Soppa J (2007) Experimental characterization of cis-acting elements important for translation and transcription in halophilic archaea. PLoS Genetics 3, e229.