

August 2021

PhD defense of David Kleinhans

David defended his PhD thesis "Genetic and Mechanic Signaling in Organ Development". Congratulations! We are especially thankful to David for the new embryo mounting technique that he developed during his PhD. This largely increases the amount of samples that we can image in one session. Check out his publication here.

stamps zebrafish

​March 2021

 Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science granted to Alicia

"The "Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Science" supports young scientists to specifically deal with another discipline related to their own research, its topics and methods". With this grant, Alicia will decipher the relative contribution of biochemical versus mechanical properties of cells and tissue during the zebrafish lateral line.

Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science

February 2021

​ Alicia awarded with the Bettencourt Prize

Our Postdoc Alicia Lardennois received the "Prix Bettencourt pour les jeunes chercheurs" from the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, which is awarded to young french researchers to help them going abroad and perform their Postdoc.

Congrats Alicia!

Bettencourt Prize for Young Researchers 2020

February 2021

New book chapter in "Methods in molecular biology"

Check out our new book chapter! We describe new methods to visualize the micropylar cell, a unique follicle cell that is required for fertilization in zebrafish. Our method combines immunostaining on whole follicles or cryosections with RNA in situ hybridization.

Link to the chapter

​December 2020

Conni and Nicole awarded best degree of the class 2019/20

Our PhD student Constanze Heinzen has been awarded the best master degree in the master PBioC. She carried out her master thesis at the MPI in Bad Nauheim under supervision of Prof. Dr. Christian Helker before joining our lab.

Nicole Goede, awarded for one of the four best bachelor degrees,  performed her Bachelor thesis last year in our group.

Congratulations to both of you!
Awards 2019/2020 Faculty of Biological Sciences