Prof. Dr. Holger Horz (Head of department)


Prof. Dr. Holger Horz

Scientific Director

PEG, Room 5.G156, 5th floor, 
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49-(0)69-798-35363

Consultation hours: Mondays 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Dean of Studies Psychology of the Faculty 05

Executive Director of the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education (ABL)

Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training
Goethe University Frankfurt | Campus Westend
Linguistics and Cultural Studies (SKW) | Building section C | Room 04.C101
Rostocker Straße 2  |  60629 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49-(0)69-798-28645  |  Consultation hours on site: by appointment

Curriculum Vitae

Offices and functions

Educational Qualifications

  • 2008: Habilitation at the Department of Psychology. Venia legendi for psychology, University of Koblenz-Landau.
  • 2004: Doctorate (Dr. rer. soc.) at the University of Mannheim.
  • 1997: Diploma in Psychology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt


  • 2017: Appointment as director (analogous to rector/president in D) of the School of Psychology, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
  • 2014: Call to the professorship for "Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" combined with the direction of the Interdisciplinary Center for Unversity Teaching and Learning at the University of Hamburg (1st place on the appointment list, rejected).
  • 2010: Call to the professorship of Educational Psychology at the Goethe University Frankfurt (1st place on the appointment list, accepted).
  • 2009: Call to the professorship of Educational Psychology at the PH Karlsruhe (3rd place on the appointment list, rejected).
  • 2008: Call to the Research Professorship for Applied Psychology at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (1st place on the appointment list, accepted)
  • 2008: Call to the Chair of Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology at the Technical University of Chemnitz (1st place on the appointment list, rejected)

Employment History

  • Since 2010: J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt, Unit of Educational Psychology & Center for University Didactics
  • 2008-2010: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland School of Applied Psychology Institute for Cooperative Research and Development, Olten/Switzerland Professor of Applied Psychology (Research Professorship)
  • 02/2006 - 09/2008: University of Koblenz-Landau, Multimedia Research Unit, Research Unit for General and Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Schnotz), Landau Scientific employee
  • 01/2004 - 02/2006: Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Krist), Greifswald Research Assistant
  • 09/1998 - 12/2003: University of Mannheim Chair of Educational Science II (Prof. Dr. M. Hofer) AG Didactics and Evaluation of Virtual Teaching (AG DEviL), Mannheim Research Assistant

Memberships in associations

  • Member of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs)
  • Member of the German Psychological Society, Section Educational Psychology
  • Member of the German Psychological Society, Media Psychology Section
  • Member of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF)
  • Member of the Working Group for Empirical Educational Research (AEPF)
  • Member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • Member of Special Interest Groups (SIG 4, 6, 7) of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
  • Member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Member of the German Society for Higher Education Didactics (DGHD)
  • Former member and representative in the board of directors of the Swiss Institute of Service Science

Prizes and Awards

  • Prize of the Foundation for Media and Communication Studies at the University of Mannheim for the dissertation "Learning with Computers: Interactions of Person and Program Characteristics in Computer Supported Learning Environments"

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Digital Education; ICT-Literacy (Information Computer and Communication Related Competencies); Blended Learning; Multimedia Information Processing, Subject-Specific Competencies in Digital Contexts, Digital Cooperation
  • Lifelong Learning; Instructional Design, Higher Education; Higher Education Didactics; Study Skills
  • Teacher education; professionalization in institutional education; theory-practice issues in academic education
  • Moderation, communication, presentation especially in academic contexts; inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation