Molecular Genetics and Cellular Microbiology

Prof. Entian retired in 2018

Entian klein

Subsequent to his course of studies in biology at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Entian completed his doctorate on carbohydrate metabolism there. In 1985 he received his Habilitation on the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism from the Physiological-Chemical Institute at the University of Tübingen. He was subsequently awarded a Heisenberg Fellowship by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and was appointed professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt in 1987. To date, he has taken on many positions there, such as member of the senate, Dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences and head of the institute. He furthermore helped to establish the graduate programme GRADE as part of the "Macromolecular Complexes" Cluster of Excellence. In Frankfurt and Oberursel Entian founded the "Scientific Research and Development GmbH" and is a co-founder of "Phenion GmbH & Co. KG".


Prof. Dr. Karl-Dieter Entian
Institute of Molecular
Biological Sciences
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 (0)69 798 29525