Your First Class Schedule

Study and examination regulations

Even though the study and examination regulations for your degree program can sometimes be quite comprehensive, you should read the relevant documents at least once before starting your studies. After all, they tell you in detail what you can expect from your studies, what you have to accomplish, which modules you have to take in which semester, and how they are structured.

All study and examination regulations can be found either in the study program linked to the respective study program or on this page: Satzungen und Ordnungen (Statutes and Regulations).

Here you can find a short video tutorial on how to find the study regulations and what they contain:

Course catalog

Lecture or tutorial? Internship or proseminar? When do I have to go where? You can find all the information you need about courses at Goethe University in the course catalog. Arranged by subject, degree program and course of study, you can not only see the time and place, but also create your own schedule.

Class schedule

You can create a class schedule on the basis of the study regulations and with the help of the course catalog. The study timetable is intended as a recommendation for which modules should be taken in which semester. In the module appendix of the study regulations you will find detailed information on the individual modules.

The abbreviations of the modules can also be found in the course catalog. This allows you to select and sign up for the appropriate modules directly. (Technical) information from the HRZ on course allocation in the QIS/LSF can be found here.

Do not start your class schedule at the last minute. This way, you can start the lecture period relaxed and well-prepared, and you can discuss any questions you may have with your advisor in advance. 

You will also receive valuable tips on how to plan your schedule during the orientation sessions.