Regular Childcare at Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe University Frankfurt has regular childcare facilities on all its premises.

They are all run by BVZ GmbH (in German only), a non-profit organisation.
You can find out more about the educational concepts of the various nurseries and pre-schools on their respective websites.

Childcare and school education in Germany


  • You can find a detailed explanation of the childcare system in Germany on the website “", the Federal Government's website for foreign nationals
  • provides a list of bilingual and multilingual childcare facilities in Frankfurt.
  • You can find useful information about schools in the region on the website of Goethe Welcome Centre.
  • The city of Frankfurt offers the "last free crèche year" for children from the age of two. Parents do not have to pay a childcare allowance for this year.

Campus Westend


Campus Kita (Nursery and Pre-School)

Gisèle-Freund-Platz 1 - 60629 Frankfurt

75 places for children between 1 and 7 years of age

Monthly fees
For children under 2 years of age: €198
For pre-school children: Childcare costs are borne by the city
Plus €60 for meals

Tel.: 069/798-17262 - Fax: 069/ 59793168
Website Campus Kita (in German only)
Opening times 7:45 – 17:15 


Andrea Nordheimer

Florian Wehner (Deputy Manager)

Appointtments by arrangement

Visiting evening: 

Tuesday, 05. March, 5:15 pm  

Tuesday, den 04. June, 5:15 pm  

Tuesday, den 03. September, 5:15 pm  

(without registration).

Campus Riedberg


Kita Kairos (Nursery and Pre-School)

Max von Laue Straße 20 - 60439 Frankfurt

135 places in 9 mixed-age groups – a third of places are at the disposal of the Max Planck Society.

Kita Kairos is a facility for children aged from 3 months until they start school.

Monthly fees
For children under 2 years of age: €198
For pre-school children: Childcare costs are borne by the city
Plus €68 for meals

Tel.: 069 / 363 9631-00
Website Kita Kairos (in German only)
Opening times: 8:00 - 17:30

Contact: Jost Kara (Manager)Michèle Renno (Deputy Manager)
Appointments by arrangement


Zauberberg (Nursery and Pre-School)

Altenhöferallee 1b - 60438 Frankfurt - Kalbach-Riedberg

30 places for children aged from 1 year until they start school.

Monthly fees
For children under 2 years of age: €198
For pre-school children: Childcare costs are borne by the city
Plus €68 for meals

Tel.: 069 / 57 6089-69
Website Kita Zauberberg (in German only)

Opening times: 7:30-18:00

Contact: Melanie Hardwiger

Campus Bockenheim


Uni-Kita Bockenheim (Nursery and Pre-School)

Mertonstr. 26-28 -60325 Frankfurt

Uni-Kita Bockenheim is located in the Students' Union Building and is independent of Goethe University Frankfurt. It offers 45 places for children between 1 and 7 years of age.

Tel.: 069- 979 81396 - Fax: 069 - 707 92681
Website Uni-Kita Bockenheim (in German only)
Opening times: 7:30 - 17:00

Contact: Ms Schmidt, Mr Schneider

Campus Niederrad


Uni-Strolche (Nursery and Pre-School)

Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 - 60596 Frankfurt

Places for 95 children, divided into 50 nursery places and 80 pre-school places, of which 20 in a separate new building.

All places are reserved for children of hospital staff. Should the hospital not avail itself of all the places, the remaining ones can be allocated to local children.

The hospital's family service is responsible for allocating places. It also manages the waiting list and handles registrations.

Childcare costs are the same as those for the BVZ nurseries and pre-schools listed above, but here parents pay €58 for meals.

Tel.: 069/ 6301 - 5206 - Fax.: 069/ 6301 - 4182
Website Kita Uni-Strolche (in German only)

Opening times: 5.45 - 17.30

Contact: Angelika Cron

Contact for admission applications:  Ms Häfner und Ms Kunkel, Family Service, Women's and Equal Opportunities Office, University Hospital Frankfurt. 

Tel.: 069/ 6301 - 83863 - Fax.: 069/ 6301 - 81555
Website Family Service University Hospital Frankfurt (in German only)

Registering your child(ren) at childcare facilities of Goethe University Frankfurt

  • Students and doctoral candidates without an employment contract wishing to register their children at one of our university's nurseries or pre-schools should please do so via the city's central portal: (in German only). You can find additional information about this lower down on this page.
  • When registering with the portal, you must state that you are studying at Goethe University Frankfurt. You can do this under “Kommentare und ergänzende Bemerkungen" (“Comments and Other Remarks"). In this way, the nursery or pre-school's management is notified of your student status.
  • Staff of Goethe University Frankfurt register their children via our Registration Form for StaffYou can find further information on the following websitesPlease note in this context our FAQs on Registration, which are attached to the registration form.

Registering your child(ren) at other childcare facilities in Frankfurt


For all other childcare facilities in Frankfurt, please register via, the city's central platform, where the City of Frankfurt has centralised the registration procedure for all its childcare facilities. The aim is to make registration easier for both the parents and the childcare facilities and to prevent parents having to apply for places at several different facilities at the same time.

This website is only available in German, but there is a manual in English