Timo Jovicic, M. A., StR


Educational Scientist

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Soziologie

Campus Westend – PEG Gebäude
Hauspostfach 18
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 / Raum 3 G 053
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 (0)69 798-36579
E-Mail: jovicic@soz.uni-frankfurt.de

Office hours on appointment

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Since 08/2021 Educational Scientist at the Professorship for Sociology with a focus on Family and Youth Sociology (Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Sutterlüty).

2009–2021 Studienrat for the school subjects Politics and Economics as well as Philosophy and Ethics at the Rudolf-Koch-Schule in Offenbach. Previously, I was working for one school term at the Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Mühlheim/Main. From 2006–2008 I had been completing my teacher traineeship at the Gymnasium Philippinum in Marburg/Lahn (2. Staatsexamen 2008). Besides teaching, my main focus while working at school were topics like Violence Prevention (Mediation and non-violent communication) as well as well as anti-discrimination work.

Before working in school services, I had been engaged especially in the trade union youth work and the extracurricular political education.

At the Universities of Köln, Göttingen and Marburg I studied Sociology, Political Science and Philosophy (Magister Artium 2002) und Sozialwissenschaften (Politik und Wirtschaft) as well as Philosophy for receiving the Teaching Degree for Gymnasiums (1. Staatsexamen 2006). From 1978–1991 I attended a catholic Elementary School, a Secondary School and a Gymnasium in Leverkusen.

Research Areas

Teaching in Educational Sciences with focus on future teachers as well as supervision and support within the "Schulpraktischen Studien". My fields of interest are school socialization, inequality and participation in school. 


Publications and Presentations

  • Liegl, Michael / Jovicic, Timo: Ideologie und Ideologiekritik, in: Rahmenkonzeption für die Jugendbildungsarbeit der IG Metall. Themenheft Gesellschaftskritik, Dresden 2000.
  • Jovicic, Timo / Wolf, Dorothee: Überlegungen zum Entfremdungsbegriff, in: Rahmenkonzeption für die Jugendbildungsarbeit der IG Metall. Themenheft Gesellschaftskritik, Dresden 2000.