Due to water damage, the offices of Ms. Anlauft, Mr. Brenner, Mr. Perkola, Mr. Sartorius and Mr. Wagemann as well as the workstations of our student employees are currently not accessible. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to carry out activities for which we need a scanner, printer or material from the offices.


Chair in Qualitative Empirical Research Methods

​Dr. Seraphine F. Maerz

Profilbild Seraphine Maerz


Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 6

60323 Frankfurt am Main

Seraphine F. Maerz is Principal Investigator and Project Leader of the DFG-funded project „Smart Authoritarianism? Comparing the Internet Strategies of Authoritarian Regimes“. In other research projects, Seraphine studies the language of political leaders or investigates „Pandemic Backsliding“during the Covid-19 pandemic. More broadly, she compares and analyzes patterns in episodes of democratization and autocratization. Seraphine works with qualitative and quantitative methods and is passionate about computational text analysis.

For a detailed CV, list of publications and other regular updates, see Seraphine's website.