We are on summer break until August 19th


Chair in Qualitative Empirical Research Methods

Accompanying us

Qualification phase

During their qualification phases, Claudius Wagemann and Benedikt Bender had the pleasure of working with many well-known scientists who influenced them in many ways:
Profilbild Philippe Schmitter
Philippe C. Schmitter was the supervisor of Claudius Wagemann's doctoral thesis at the European University Institute in Florence and, as an ever-generous sponsor, opened up the theoretical and empirical breadth of global political science to him.
Profilbild Leonardo Morlino
Leonardo Morlino was Claudius Wagemann's great patron in the years following his doctorate and taught him the métier of full-time professor of political science. The formative Florentine years can still be felt in the organization of the Frankfurt professorship.
Profilbild Volker Schneider
Volker Schneider inspired Claudius Wagemann at the University of Constance to work scientifically and systematically and continues to shape him today through his diversely interested view of science and through his self-organization.
Profilbild Bernhard Ebbinghaus
As Benedikt Bender's dissertation supervisor at the University of Mannheim, Bernhard Ebbinghaus has played a significant role in his academic work. Comparative welfare state research and political economy, as dealt with by Bernhard Ebbinghaus, are essential to his work. This is evident not least from the co-authorships.
Profilbild Jürgen Kohl
Thanks to Jürgen Kohl, Benedikt Bender had an unforgettable, intensive period of study in sociology and political science at the University of Heidelberg. Through exciting seminars, lectures and especially through intensive conversations, he contributed to the development of his understanding of sociology and political science.
Profilbild Gisela
Gisela Kubon-Gilke awakened and fostered Benedikt Bender's interest in economics at the Ev. Hochschule Darmstadt. She accompanied him in his academic start and continues to provide him with helpful and groundbreaking insights from economics to this day.

Today's collaborations

Claudius Wagemann's work is still characterized by numerous important collaborations:

Profilbild Sabine Kropp
Sabine Kropp is a very good colleague and variously inspiring political scientist.
Profilbild Phil Langer
Phil C. Langer regularly contributes to broadening interdisciplinary and methodological horizons.
Profilbild Carsten Schneider
Carsten Q. Schneider is a long-standing co-author of QCA publications and an important methodological interlocutor.
Simona Piattoni and Luca Verzichelli represent the connection to Italy and also like to visit the Goethe University in Frankfurt themselves.

Former employees

At modern universities there is a constant coming and going of employees. Our professorship was especially shaped by them and we are still in good contact with them (in alphabetical order).

Simon Beste

Research Fellow

Bastiaan Bruinsma

Research Fellow

Daria Glukhova

Research Fellow

Pascal König

Research Fellow

Heike Langholz

Office management

Seraphine F. Maerz

Research Fellow

Markus B. Siewert

Research Fellow