Consulting and Support Services of the Deputy Equal Opportunity Officers for ATM


Counselling and advising are always oriented toward the concerns of the person seeking advice with reference to the respective context and is confidential, and if desired, also anonymous. The starting point of any counselling is the direct support of the person in his or her respective situation. Counsellors and advisors are committed to equal opportunities and the protection against discrimination, and want to support and empower those seeking advice in their possibilities for action.

Deaneries or central faculty can receive professional conceptual advice and support in planning and implementing structure-building pilot projects.


Career Development Counselling

The goal of the counselling service is to promote and expand the individual talents and competencies of women* at all hierarchical levels in science-supporting fields, to enable equal access to career paths, and to identify and eliminate structural disadvantages in those career paths. Directions to internal and external qualification offers are provided, as are approaches to conflict resolution.

Counselling in Cases of Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination occurs when regulations appear to be neutral, but in application result in the unfavorable treatment of a particular group of people. In short: here, unequal things (in the sense of unequal conditions) are treated equally. During the counselling interview, it is sensitively and professionally clarified whether there is actually a case of indirect discrimination in the workplace and then, if necessary, the next steps are planned to eliminate it.

Concepts for Re-entry, Job Change, or Transition to Retirement

Returning to work after a long absence, - whether due to illness or parental leave - or changing jobs can be just as challenging for female employees as a completely new start. Among the most common and biggest changes are: new processes and structures, new leaders and colleagues, new tasks and responsibilities, and adjusted goals. A professional concept for "re-onboarding" addresses these issues and supports the return of the employee. It is part of an appreciative leadership culture and leads to female employees quickly integrating into or back into their daily work routines and to be able to offer their teams their competence an move them forward with it.
The transition to retirement marks an important turning point for all sides. For the person, a new phase of life begins that needs to be actively shaped. For the university, it is important to retain relevant knowledge and make it available to that person's successor.

Together with the respective dean's office or the central institution, suitable, gender-sensitive concepts are developed and piloted for both "re-onboarding" and the transition to retirement.

Concepts for Knowledge Management in Deaneries

"If the deanery knew what the deanery knows" - not only during the sudden, rapid transition to the home office as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, but also before, with the joint processing of documents, the filing and retrieval of relevant resolutions, concepts, minutes, lists, written documents, etc., and their further processing in the deaneries, could all be challenging and time-consuming. However, knowledge represents a central resource. Together with the deanery, a sustainable, pragmatic concept is being developed to structure existing knowledge, to make it visible and accessible. Step-by-step improvements can be implemented in  pilot projects as well.