FAQ BSc Biological Sciences


We have collected frequently asked questions and have answered them here to the best of our knowledge and as of the present situation. However, this information is subject to change - only the information in the Study Regulations that apply to you is legally valid.

Table of Contents for this page:
Start of Studies | Free Studies | Team Management | Current Research | Introduction to Scientific Work | Bachelor Thesis | Examinations | Transition to Master's

Topic: Beginning your Studies 

Question: How do I identify what to study?

Answer: In order to get to know the structure of your studies, you should first download and read the Study Regulations. Information on the individual courses and an exemplary study plan can be found at the end of the study regulations. For first-year students from winter semester 2016/17 onwards, the module handbook provides additional information. Details on the time and place of each course can be found in the course catalogue of Goethe University. The first dates are important, they are usually booked for preliminary meetings in which all details are explained.

Question: I am a first-semester student and need a preliminary orientation.

Answer: You will find the necessary information on our Web Pages and you should attend the information sessions organised by our Bioscience Student Association und by our lecturers (for example the welcome day of the department before the beginning of the semester).

Question: I arrived in Frankfurt later (admission on waiting list), what can I do?

Answer: To register for the examination, please use the Registration Sheet for the Bachelor's Examination, which you then put in the Examination Office's letter box. Read the Study Regulations that apply to you thoroughly and comply with the Class Schedule for the first semester. Please contact Dr. Markus Fauth for information on Module 1. Dr. Elke Schleucher and Dr. Anna Wittekindt provide course guidance for first-semester students. Ask fellow students what takes place where and what needs to be done so that you don't miss any more. Inform yourself about examination conditions and requirements.

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Topic: Module 16 - Free Studies

Question: What can be recognized as free study?

Answer: Any offers from Goethe University close to or far away from your subject (modules from neighboring study programs, language courses, etc.) as well as modules from other universities in Germany and abroad; field or company internships, in Frankfurt or elsewhere, where the activity must have a scientific connection. It is recommended to discuss module planning with the module supervisor. You can achieve the 12 CP e.g. with a long internship (4.5 weeks full day) or by attending several smaller events (several shorter internships, short internship complemented wit a lecture etc.).

In principle, the following guidelines apply as reference for the CP calculation (non-binding):

1 CP corresponds to a workload of 30 hours (face-to-face and self-study)

1 SWS lecture correspond to 1,5 CPs

1 SWS seminar corresponds to 2 CPs (extensive preparation)

1 SWS internship correspond to 1 CP (with protocol)

One week field/laboratory/plant internship (Mo-Fr, 8h each) corresponds to 2.5 CPs if a protocol is handed.

Question: Can I be paid for the activity that I would like to have acknowledged for free study?

Answer: No, you are not allowed to be paid for study and examination achievements.

Question: I am attending an event for which no CPs are indicated, what can I do?

Answer: You ask for a certificate with weekly semester hours (SWS).

Question: Is there a pre-printed form for free study that I have to submit to my internship supervisor for completion?

Answer: No, there is no form for this purpose. The supervisor writes a certificate at his own discretion, stating the names of the persons involved, the period, activities and signature. In this case, you will use the collective form for student certificates to list the certificates you wish to claim for free study.

Question: How do I have my achievements recognized for free study?

Answer: You will have the modules and other activities certified by the supervisor in the form of certificates or other formats, with details of the duration of the activity, subject matter, date and signature.

You will enter one or more activities in the collection sheet for study certificates, add the originals of the certificates and come to the office of the Dean of Studies for recognition (Dr. Elke Schleucher, for office hours see right).

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Topic: Module 17 - Team Management and Leadership Competence

Question: I would like to study this module, what should I do?

Answer: Contact Dr. Peter Thalau.

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Topic: Module 18 - Current Research

Question: How can I study this module?

Answer: The lecture series "Research Frankfurt" takes place every year in the summer semester. Participation is not controlled: you attend the lecture out of personal interest in order to inform yourself and find a topic for your bachelor thesis. You can attest your participation in seven institute colloquia or other lectures (see below) on the test sheet "Current Research". The same form also certifies that you have given a seminar in English as part of a specialization internship.

Question: I would like to participate in institute colloquia, but have various appointments and often cannot attend the institute seminars in FB 15. What should I do?

Answer: You can attend the lectures spread over several semesters, you don't have to complete this aspect of the module in one semester. In addition, it doesn't always have to be institute seminars. You can also attend inaugural lectures, other scientific lectures in Faculty 15 as well as scientific lectures outside Faculty 15, as long as they are related to biology and correspond to your biological interests.

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Topic: Module 19 - Introduction to scientific work

Question: How do I study this module?

Answer: For this module you will work in the group of the professor you want to write your Bachelor thesis with. You will discuss with him or her the various elements that need to be accomplished in order to complete this module.

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Topic: Bachelor's Thesis

Question: When do I decide on the subject of my Bachelor's Thesis?

Answer: Nearly all university instructors in the Faculty have agreed only to assign topics beginning in November of the 5th semester of a particular degree course. You can already obtain information on the research orientation of the work groups in the scope of the “Research in Frankfurt" lecture series in the 4th semester or on the Pages of the university instructors.

Question: May I be paid for the work that develops from my bachelor's thesis?

Answer: No, you may not be paid for the preparation of your bachelor's thesis because it is part of your examination.

Question: Which requirements regarding prerequisites, formalities and deadlines do I have to observe?

Answer: Please read § 26 of the Bachelor Regulations of 13.10.2009 or § 25 of the Bachelor Regulations of 17.09.2010. At least 120 CP must be proven before the start. The thesis can be submitted at the earliest 6 weeks, at the latest 2 weeks before the start of the thesis. The date on which the application is received by the Examination Office is decisive. In your own interest, you should start your Bachelor thesis as soon as possible or after completing Module 19.

Question: Can I also write my bachelor's thesis in English?

Answer: Yes, that is possible. Students who started their studies in the winter semester 2016/17 or later must apply for the Bachelor's thesis to be written in English when registering their Bachelor's thesis.

Question: How much time do I have to complete my bachelor's thesis?

Answer: The bachelor's thesis must be submitted to the Examination Office within a period of three months at the most. The examination office will set a deadline for the submission of the thesis at the time of registration.

Question: Where do I have to submit my bachelor thesis?

Answer: The thesis must be submitted to the Examination Office for Biosciences, depending on the date of receipt agreed upon. If the paper is not delivered on time, it will be considered as not passed.

Question: Do I have to sign the Bachelor thesis?

Answer: The following declaration must be entered and signed on the last page of the Bachelor's thesis:

I hereby declare that I have written my Bachelor's thesis independently and without using any sources or aids other than those indicated. The thesis has not yet been used as an examination paper in another degree program.

Question: How many copies of the Bachelor's thesis do I have to submit to the Examination Office?

Answer: You must submit three copies (one copy for each examiner and one copy for the Examination Office).

Question: I would like to write an external bachelor's thesis. What must I do to be able to do this?

Answer: According to the Study Regulations, it is generally possible to complete a bachelor's thesis outside of the Bioscience Faculty, in another faculty of the Goethe University Frankfurt, or at another institution. You are studying the subject Biosciences, therefore the bachelor thesis has to be biological in content. If you want to write an external bachelor's thesis, you must take the following steps:

• Find an external supervisor and agree on a biological topic with him/her.

• Write a project description (approx. 3 pages) and discuss this project description with your external supervisor.

• Identify a second, topic-suitable supervisor within the Faculty of Biosciences who agrees with the project and the second supervision.

• Write a letter (informal) to the Examination Office in which you apply for the external thesis and explain why you cannot complete it in Faculty 15. Sign this letter and have the external and internal supervisors certify their approval of the project and its supervision with their signatures.

• Send the application together with the project description to the Examination Office.

• The application will be considered by the Dean of Study Affairs, and you will be informed of the result.

Important: This application must be submitted before the start of Module 19, as this module is completed as preparation for the Bachelor's thesis in the same Lab (external).

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Topic: Examinations

Question: Do I have to take the exam (first attempt) or can I decide for myself whether I want to take the exam?

Answer: You decide for yourself when you take an exam for the first time. We recommend that you take the exam on the first date, as you will have the opportunity to repeat it promptly if you fail.

Question: I did not pass one of the examinations. Do I absolutely have to report to the next examination date (re-examination date or the date in the following year)?

Answer: Yes. The following applies to all students in the Biosciences B.Sc. Program: „A module examination or module partial examination which was not passed is to be repeated at the next examination date." If you do not take part in the following examination, you are considered as having failed.

Question: How often may I fail an examination?

Answer: "Failed Module Examination Services or Module Part Examination Services may be repeated twice." This information refers to the biological subjects of the B.Sc. Biosciences program. Anyone who fails an exam at the third attempt will automatically be exmatriculated. In the non-biological subjects (chemistry, physics), other regulations may apply!

Question: Must I register for the examinations?

Answer: You register once at the start of your studies in the Examination Office for the Bachelor's Examination (Registration Form). Thereafter, you might or might not have to register for examinations in the biological modules. In other moduls (Chemistry, Physics), the module leader will give you information regarding the registration requirements (registration how, from when, until when, until when cancellation option). 

Question: What are the re-examination regulations with references to the chemistry and physics modules (Modules 2-4)?

Answer: For subsidiary subjects, the regulations of the respective faculty which offers these subjects apply. Please inform yourself by reading the respective study regulations or by asking the corresponding module leader.

Question: Where will the results of the examinations be posted?

Answer: In the Internet under Faculty 15, Studying in the Faculty, Study Programme, Biosciences Bachelor's, Biosciences, Examination results (QIS/LSF).

Question: Where can I look at my current grades?

Answer: You can find the Transcript of Records, in which your grades are listed, in your account on the Internet. Sometimes the transcript still lacks notes from recently written exams, which is related to the processing time required.

Question: How can I take a look at my examination?

Answer: You submit an informal written letter of application (not via email) to the Examination Office within two weeks after the examination results have been announced. In the process, state your study programme and the examination which you would like to see. Your email address must be included in this application in legible form. The instructor responsible for the examination will inform you as to where and when you can see your examination.

Question: How is the written examination inspection organised?


• The time allocated for the post-exam review lasts at least 60 minutes.

• The registered students can come and go as they please in this period.

• Scripts, transparencies, note paper and books are allowed.

• Only pencils may be used for making notes.

• Mobile phones and cameras are not permitted.

• Comparison and exchanging the examinations and discussion with your fellow students are allowed.

• Errors and changes which cannot be immediately discussed with the instructors (PhDs) there are to be communicated to the respective examiner in written form.

Question: If I am ill on the examination date, what should I do?

Answer: If you must take the examination on that date to avoid failing, go immediately to your doctor, get a "sick note" from him/her and send the attestation (form) immediately (within tree days) to the Examination Office.

Topic: Transition to the master's degree

Question: I need a certificate of academic achievement for my application to a master's study programme, what should I do?

Answer: Please contact the Examination Office regarding this certificate.

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