Second Degree

You are considered a second degree applicant if you have already completed a course of study at a German higher education institution and now wish to apply for a second undergraduate degree (bachelor's degree, Staatsexamen, but not master's degree). 

Higher education institutions include universities, technical colleges (including public administration), music, art and sports colleges, military academies or state-recognized vocational academies.

You are considered to have completed your studies when you have successfully passed the required final examination. Some programs have special requirements: In the case of Law and Education, studies are considered completed when you pass the first state examination, and in the case of Pharmacy, when you pass the second part of the Pharmacy examination.

If you have not yet completed your first degree at the time of application, but will do so by the end of the application period, you may choose to participate in the award process as a first or second degree applicant.

Unfortunately, we are unable to consider degrees awarded after the application deadline.

In the university's own admission-restricted programs, admission to second degree programs is restricted to those who do not already hold a German university degree. A maximum of 3 percent of the study places in the admission-restricted programs are reserved for second-degree students. Please note that only one application (= one N.C. degree program) can be submitted for admission to a second degree program. If more than one program is listed in an application, only the first program listed will be considered in the allocation process.

For the admission-restricted degree programs Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, please apply for a second degree program at Detailed information can be found in the information sheet "Die Zulassung zum Zweitstudium" (Admission to a second degree program).

The usual application deadlines for undergraduate programs apply (see undergraduate program descriptions).

In the university's own admission-restricted programs, admission to second degree programs is restricted to those who do not already hold a German university degree. A maximum of 3 percent of the study places in the admission-restricted programs are reserved for second-degree students. Please note that only one application (= one N.C. degree program) can be submitted for admission to a second degree program. If more than one program is listed in an application, only the first program listed will be considered in the allocation process.

For the admission-restricted degree programs Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, please apply for a second degree program at Detailed information can be found in the information sheet "Die Zulassung zum Zweitstudium" (Admission to a second degree program).

The usual application deadlines for undergraduate programs apply (see undergraduate program descriptions).

Application procedure

The application for a second degree program must be submitted through the online application portal. For DoSV programs, prior registration in the DoSV portal at is mandatory. If a second degree program with no admission restrictions is chosen, an application submitted by the deadline will be accepted. If a double degree program is chosen with an admission-restricted program/subject, a selection procedure will be carried out and the applicant will be informed of the result in a decision.

Application and supporting documents

The following documents are required to apply for a second degree in admissions restricted programs: 

  • A copy of your first degree transcript. The grade with which you completed your first degree must be stated on the transcript or on a special certificate issued by the office responsible for issuing the transcript. Otherwise, your lowest grade will be used.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, a detailed written justification of your desire to pursue a second degree, including information on previous education and professional activities, as well as the desired career goal. The written statement should conclude with a summary of all the issues that are relevant to your second degree, and should explicitly identify the case group(s) you are applying for.
  • Online application

The following documents are required to apply for a second degree in programs without admission restrictions:

 Online application or change of subject application and the other documents listed there.

The following documents are required to apply for a second degree in admissions restricted programs: 

  • A copy of your first degree transcript. The grade with which you completed your first degree must be stated on the transcript or on a special certificate issued by the office responsible for issuing the transcript. Otherwise, your lowest grade will be used.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, a detailed written justification of your desire to pursue a second degree, including information on previous education and professional activities, as well as the desired career goal. The written statement should conclude with a summary of all the issues that are relevant to your second degree, and should explicitly identify the case group(s) you are applying for.
  • Online application

The following documents are required to apply for a second degree in programs without admission restrictions:

 Online application or change of subject application and the other documents listed there.

Application address:

Goethe University, Studium Lehre Internationales, Registrar's Office, 60629 Frankfurt, Germany

Selection in admission-restricted programs

Places are allocated on the basis of "first degree examination results" and "reasons for pursuing a second degree."

The following points will be awarded for the exam score:

  • Grades of excellent and very good (sehr gut): 4 points
  • Grades of good and fully satisfactory (voll befriedigend): 3 points
  • Satisfactory (befriedigend): 2 points
  • Sufficient (ausreichend) grade: 1 point
  • Grade not demonstrated (nicht nachgewiesen): 1 point

Group 1 - compelling professional reasons 

The student is looking for a profession that can only be pursued on the basis of two completed courses of study. The further studies should enable the student to enter a profession that requires the successful completion of two courses of study.

This includes the professions of oral surgeon (medicine and dentistry) and military pharmacist (pharmacy), as well as religious clergy who, after completing their theological studies, wish to obtain a teaching degree for work in religious schools.  

If Group 1 applies, 9 points are awarded.

Group 2 - scientific reasons  

The second course of study is recommended for scientific reasons. In view of a later activity in science and research, a further scientific qualification in another course of study is sought on the basis of the previous scientific and practical activity. 

If Group 2 is applicable, there are:

7 points if the scientific reasons are weighty and supported by the scientific career;

9 points if the scientific reasons are of particular weight and supported by the previous achievements;

11 points if the reasons are of paramount scientific importance, supported by outstanding achievements, and of particular general interest.  

The following criteria will be taken into account in the distribution of points using strict standards:

  • Previous career
    In particular, previous scientific and practical activities should be taken into account.  
  • Seriousness of the interdisciplinary career/study plan
    Here, scientific activities (e.g. participation in national competitions such as "Jugend forscht") should be taken into account as well as, for example, cooperation in research projects during the period of study.  
  • Scientific significance of the planned interdisciplinary activity
    Here it is important that the desired activity is objectively of scientific importance.

Group 3 - special professional reasons 

The professional circumstances are significantly improved by the fact that the second degree complements the first degree in a meaningful way. It depends on the type of professional activity and the way in which both degrees support the professional practice. The concrete and individual career planning is decisive. It must be possible to establish a factual connection between the content of the completed first degree and the intended second degree. In the case of a dual subject teacher education program, it is sufficient if this is possible for only one subject.  

The meaningful supplementation of the first degree by the second degree must be demonstrated, in particular, according to the following aspects  

  • What prerequisites for the intended career goal were acquired in the previous career (e.g. in the first degree program)?
  • What prerequisites for the desired career goal are provided by the second program?  

If the only purpose of the second degree is to change careers, it is not possible to affirm specific occupational reasons. However, it does not matter which field of study is the focus of the later professional practice and in which order the first and the second degree are taken.  

If Group 3 applies, 7 points will be awarded.

Group 4 - futher professional reasons

Although the second course of study does not reflect a useful complement to the first, the professional situation is significantly improved by the second course of study for other reasons. In this case, a detailed individual explanation is required. 

If Group 4 is applicable, 4 points will be awarded.

Group 5 - other reasons  

Students who wish to return to or re-enter the labor market after a period of family leave may receive an extra credit of up to 2 points when applying for a second degree. The increase is available if the student, for family reasons (e.g., marriage, raising children), had to give up his or her previous job after completion of his or her first degree or was unable to find a suitable job due to family reasons. The amount of the credit adjustment will depend on the degree to which the student is affected. The extent of the burden (e.g. number of children, duration of the family phase) will be taken into account in an appropriate manner.

If Group 5 is applicable, 1 point will be awarded.  

There will be no aggregation of multiple reasons; the most favorable group will be used as the basis. The extra points for applicants who have previously postponed their second degree for family reasons are not related to this; they are awarded additionally.

Die Punkte für Ihr erstes Examen und für Ihre Begründung werden zu einer Messzahl addiert. Die Messzahl ist maßgeblich für Ihre Einstufung auf der Rangliste zur Auswahl für ein Zweitstudium. Bewerber*innen mit einer größeren Messzahl gehen denen mit einer kleineren Messzahl vor. Nachrangige Kriterien sind Dienst und Los. Somit besteht eine eindeutige Rangfolge unter den Personen, die sich für denselben Studiengang beworben haben. In dieser Rangfolge wird ausgewählt, bis alle Studienplätze ausgeschöpft sind, die für die betreffende Rangliste zur Verfügung stehen.

The following points will be awarded for the exam score:

  • Grades of excellent and very good (sehr gut): 4 points
  • Grades of good and fully satisfactory (voll befriedigend): 3 points
  • Satisfactory (befriedigend): 2 points
  • Sufficient (ausreichend) grade: 1 point
  • Grade not demonstrated (nicht nachgewiesen): 1 point

Group 1 - compelling professional reasons 

The student is looking for a profession that can only be pursued on the basis of two completed courses of study. The further studies should enable the student to enter a profession that requires the successful completion of two courses of study.

This includes the professions of oral surgeon (medicine and dentistry) and military pharmacist (pharmacy), as well as religious clergy who, after completing their theological studies, wish to obtain a teaching degree for work in religious schools.  

If Group 1 applies, 9 points are awarded.

Group 2 - scientific reasons  

The second course of study is recommended for scientific reasons. In view of a later activity in science and research, a further scientific qualification in another course of study is sought on the basis of the previous scientific and practical activity. 

If Group 2 is applicable, there are:

7 points if the scientific reasons are weighty and supported by the scientific career;

9 points if the scientific reasons are of particular weight and supported by the previous achievements;

11 points if the reasons are of paramount scientific importance, supported by outstanding achievements, and of particular general interest.  

The following criteria will be taken into account in the distribution of points using strict standards:

  • Previous career
    In particular, previous scientific and practical activities should be taken into account.  
  • Seriousness of the interdisciplinary career/study plan
    Here, scientific activities (e.g. participation in national competitions such as "Jugend forscht") should be taken into account as well as, for example, cooperation in research projects during the period of study.  
  • Scientific significance of the planned interdisciplinary activity
    Here it is important that the desired activity is objectively of scientific importance.

Group 3 - special professional reasons 

The professional circumstances are significantly improved by the fact that the second degree complements the first degree in a meaningful way. It depends on the type of professional activity and the way in which both degrees support the professional practice. The concrete and individual career planning is decisive. It must be possible to establish a factual connection between the content of the completed first degree and the intended second degree. In the case of a dual subject teacher education program, it is sufficient if this is possible for only one subject.  

The meaningful supplementation of the first degree by the second degree must be demonstrated, in particular, according to the following aspects  

  • What prerequisites for the intended career goal were acquired in the previous career (e.g. in the first degree program)?
  • What prerequisites for the desired career goal are provided by the second program?  

If the only purpose of the second degree is to change careers, it is not possible to affirm specific occupational reasons. However, it does not matter which field of study is the focus of the later professional practice and in which order the first and the second degree are taken.  

If Group 3 applies, 7 points will be awarded.

Group 4 - futher professional reasons

Although the second course of study does not reflect a useful complement to the first, the professional situation is significantly improved by the second course of study for other reasons. In this case, a detailed individual explanation is required. 

If Group 4 is applicable, 4 points will be awarded.

Group 5 - other reasons  

Students who wish to return to or re-enter the labor market after a period of family leave may receive an extra credit of up to 2 points when applying for a second degree. The increase is available if the student, for family reasons (e.g., marriage, raising children), had to give up his or her previous job after completion of his or her first degree or was unable to find a suitable job due to family reasons. The amount of the credit adjustment will depend on the degree to which the student is affected. The extent of the burden (e.g. number of children, duration of the family phase) will be taken into account in an appropriate manner.

If Group 5 is applicable, 1 point will be awarded.  

There will be no aggregation of multiple reasons; the most favorable group will be used as the basis. The extra points for applicants who have previously postponed their second degree for family reasons are not related to this; they are awarded additionally.

Die Punkte für Ihr erstes Examen und für Ihre Begründung werden zu einer Messzahl addiert. Die Messzahl ist maßgeblich für Ihre Einstufung auf der Rangliste zur Auswahl für ein Zweitstudium. Bewerber*innen mit einer größeren Messzahl gehen denen mit einer kleineren Messzahl vor. Nachrangige Kriterien sind Dienst und Los. Somit besteht eine eindeutige Rangfolge unter den Personen, die sich für denselben Studiengang beworben haben. In dieser Rangfolge wird ausgewählt, bis alle Studienplätze ausgeschöpft sind, die für die betreffende Rangliste zur Verfügung stehen.