Maternity Protection for Students

Overview of the rules

The Act on the Protection of Mothers at Work, in Training and at University – Maternity Protection Act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium – Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG)) applies for pregnant students and breastfeeding students in the first year after the child's birth. 

The act protects the student's health and that of her child during her studies during pregnancy, after childbirth and while breastfeeding and aims to counteract discrimination and disadvantage on the grounds of pregnancy (Section 9 (1) Sentence 4 Maternity Protection Act).  

Maternity protection for students comprises the following statutory provisions: 

  • The maternity protection period applies six weeks before and eight weeks after childbirth. In the case of premature and multiple births, or if the newborn child is disabled, the period after the birth is extended to 12 weeks.
  • During this period, there is a “relative ban" on participation in courses and exams for pregnant students. You can, however, circumvent this for any length of time within this period by declaring in writing to the university that you are willing to participate in courses or exams. This is possible (unlike for staff) not only for the six weeks before but also for the eight weeks after childbirth. This declaration can be revoked at any time.
  • During pregnancy and while breastfeeding (in the first 12 months after childbirth), students are entitled to take time off (“release time") for medical check-ups related to the pregnancy and to breaks to breastfeed their child, without being placed at any disadvantage.
  • For any disadvantages that could occur as a result of notifying the university of the pregnancy, compensation for disadvantages (extensions to deadlines, equivalent academic achievements, other exam formats, etc.) must first be checked.  

Availing yourself of these provisions is conditional on notifying the university of your pregnancy. There is, however, no legal obligation to do this. To notify the university of your pregnancy, please contact the respective office in your faculty as listed below. Teacher training students should contact the Examinations Office at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education (Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräfteausbildung (ABL)).  

For general information and confidential advice, please feel free to contact the Family Service at the Equal Opportunities Office.  

Student assistants have a dual role: 

  • As a student, the provisions described above apply. Please get in touch with the contact person in your faculty or at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education.
  • As a student assistant, labour regulations for staff apply for you. Please notify the HR administrator responsible for you about your pregnancy. 

How to register your claims with the university

  1. Report to the person responsible in your faculty (or at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education). Ideally, you should already list the courses with their titles in the course catalogue that you plan to attend. This will make it possible to prepare the appointment as efficiently as possible. 
  2. You are invited to an appointment at the faculty.
    During the meeting, you explain your personal requirements and any measures to be taken to ensure that you can study in a safe and non-discriminatory way. You will be given comprehensive information about your rights and obligations.
    Please bring corresponding proof (your maternity record or the child's birth certificate) with you to the meeting.
  3. If you wish to participate in courses or exams during the maternity protection periods, you declare this informally in writing to the person advising you.
  4. The agreed measures are documented in writing and signed by both parties. 

Detailed information on the provisions can be found in the guide Leitfaden Mutterschutz für Studentinnen (Maternity Protection for Students), which you can download in the column on the right.

Persons responsible in the faculties

To make communication between main and minor subjects easier, you can find below a list of the persons responsible in the faculties or at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education.

Where no advisors are listed, the programme coordinator is responsible for this task. 

Faculty 01: Law


Detlef Breitenband (

Fabienne Peter (

Faculty 02: Economics


Patricia Spriestersbach (

Faculty 03: Social Sciences

Alexander Simon (

Faculty 04: Educational Sciences


Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) BA/MA (


Dr. Sophia Richter (

Dr. Birte Egloff (

Faculty 05: Psychology


Silvia Weis (

Faculty 05: Sports Sciences

Coordinator: Karen Zentgraf (


Gerlinde Hemmling (

​Faculty 06: Protestant Theology


Birgit Bünzow (

Faculty 07: Roman Catholic Theology


Dr. Carmen Nols (

Faculty 08: Philosophy and History


Maja Ljubicic-Kukavica (

Faculty 09: Linguistics, Cultures and Arts


Julia Becher (

Faculty 10: Modern Languages


Dr. Kirsten Wechsel (

Faculty 11: Geosciences and Geography



Study programme MSc UmweltwissenschaftenProf. Dr. Jörg Oehlmann (

Study programmes BSc und MSc MeteorologieProf. Dr. Joachim Curtius (

Study programmes BSc und MSc Geowissenschaften: Dr. Frederik Kirst (

Study programme MA Geographien der Globalisierung: Jens Schreiber (

Study programme MSc Physische GeographieDr. Rainer Dambeck (

Faculty 12: Computer Science and Mathematics

Contact points for students are the examination offices

Advisor: Dr. Gaby Schneider

Faculty 13: Physics


Dean of Studies of the Department of Physics (

Faculty 14: Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy


Dr. Andreas Lill (

Faculty 15: Biological Sciences


Dr. Anna Wittekindt (

Faculty 16: Medicine


Jan Steinmetzer  ( /

Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education (Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung [ABL])


Central Examination Office for Teacher Training Programmes (Zentrales Prüfungsamt für Lehramtsstudiengänge (ZPL))(

Educational Sciences (FBs 03,04,05)


Martina Ripplinger (

To make communication between main and minor subjects easier, you can find below a list of the persons responsible in the faculties or at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education.

Where no advisors are listed, the programme coordinator is responsible for this task. 

Faculty 01: Law


Detlef Breitenband (

Fabienne Peter (

Faculty 02: Economics


Patricia Spriestersbach (

Faculty 03: Social Sciences

Alexander Simon (

Faculty 04: Educational Sciences


Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) BA/MA (


Dr. Sophia Richter (

Dr. Birte Egloff (

Faculty 05: Psychology


Silvia Weis (

Faculty 05: Sports Sciences

Coordinator: Karen Zentgraf (


Gerlinde Hemmling (

​Faculty 06: Protestant Theology


Birgit Bünzow (

Faculty 07: Roman Catholic Theology


Dr. Carmen Nols (

Faculty 08: Philosophy and History


Maja Ljubicic-Kukavica (

Faculty 09: Linguistics, Cultures and Arts


Julia Becher (

Faculty 10: Modern Languages


Dr. Kirsten Wechsel (

Faculty 11: Geosciences and Geography



Study programme MSc UmweltwissenschaftenProf. Dr. Jörg Oehlmann (

Study programmes BSc und MSc MeteorologieProf. Dr. Joachim Curtius (

Study programmes BSc und MSc Geowissenschaften: Dr. Frederik Kirst (

Study programme MA Geographien der Globalisierung: Jens Schreiber (

Study programme MSc Physische GeographieDr. Rainer Dambeck (

Faculty 12: Computer Science and Mathematics

Contact points for students are the examination offices

Advisor: Dr. Gaby Schneider

Faculty 13: Physics


Dean of Studies of the Department of Physics (

Faculty 14: Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy


Dr. Andreas Lill (

Faculty 15: Biological Sciences


Dr. Anna Wittekindt (

Faculty 16: Medicine


Jan Steinmetzer  ( /

Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education (Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung [ABL])


Central Examination Office for Teacher Training Programmes (Zentrales Prüfungsamt für Lehramtsstudiengänge (ZPL))(

Educational Sciences (FBs 03,04,05)


Martina Ripplinger (