
The partnerships form the project's core. Lecturers and student groups at the Goethe University who develop innovative digital learning designs and implement them in practice are entitled to apply. For this purpose, they should connect with each other and with experts from the support units.

In relation to the contents "Methods and Mediation" and "Feedback and Activation", new concepts are thus continuously developed, tested and, after evaluation of the results, made widely usable. At least one of eight thematic topics for innovative digital learning designs needs to be addressed – those being self-learning tools, the use of AR/VR, research-based learning and formative peer assessments on the one hand, adaptive testing, electronic exams, automated feedback and learning analytics on the other hand. The cross-sectional topics diversity and accessibility, as well as constructive alignment, ensure that the differentiated needs of Frankfurt's heterogeneous student body are taken into account and that the focus is on increasing academic success.

The funding period for projects is 12 months, with the option of extension. The funding volume for each funded project amounts to one employee position of 0.5 VZÄ E13, one assistant position of 40 hours per month and material resources of up to € 3,000.

The second and initially last DigiTeLL call for proposals ended on September 25, 2022. A final decision was made on the applications and the funded applicants were informed so that the selected partnerships can start in the following summer semester of 2023.

1. DigiTeLL funding period

DigiTeLL-Partnerships SoSe 2022 

1. DigiTeLL funding period

DigiTeLL-Partnerships SoSe 2022 

The current partnerships were shown on the 15. eLearning Netzwerktag by studiumdigitale (in cooperation with DigiTeLL) on 28. November 2022. The exchange between partnerships and participants was vivid. Link to the Netzwerktag:

The following boxes contain short descriptions of each partnership.

DigiDual (Prof. Dr. Christof Mandry / FB 07)

Digitally enhanced theory-practice-reflection: Interactive group portfolio in the dual master's program

The planned interactive group portfolio provides students of the dual master's program "Social Ethics in Health Care" (Sozialethik im Gesundheitswesen) with a digital tool in which they can integrate their theory-practice-learning-processes, continuously reflect on, and evaluate in peer-to-peer feedback.

The digital tool supports the theory-practice-processes of the dual master's program by providing learning materials, structuring self-directed learning-processes, documenting learning progress, and making it transparent to students.

Doppeldecker-Toolkit (Dr. Jules Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker toolkit for digitalization-related competencies in teacher education

Media-based tasks will be developed, which students can use in a didactic double-decker in order to develop, deepen and repeat seminar-specific content, and to reflect on the media-based methods used with regard to their own learning and school practice.

Supporting teaching students in the development of learning strategies and work strategies for successful studies, as well as the development of teaching-specific digitalization-related competencies (media didactic competencies and media education competencies).

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

E_Modulor (Dr. Helen Barr / FB 09)


The project E_Modulor is composed of two sub-areas: the design of digital practice and examination settings for academic work in art history (E_M1) and the development of administration tools for cumulative digital examinations in OLAT (E_M2).

The project E_Modulor aims at the modeling (conception and implementation) of variable, digital examination situations that support learning as well as teaching. The focus is on teaching and practicing scientific work, such that interdisciplinary adaptable models can come into existence.

SANE (Prof. Dr. David Käbisch / FB 06)

Self-learning tool Ambivalent Narratives in Explanatory Movies. A digital tool for research-based learning in the Frankfurt-based teaching project

Through a self-learning tool, student teachers learn about narrative-theoretical, media-didactic and subject-didactic categories for the analysis of explanatory movies and corresponding anchor examples. Afterward, they plan and produce their own movies within the scope of the teaching project

The self-learning tool realized with ONYX or another web editor is being a) tested in subject didactic events for religion, history and political education, b) integrated into the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary symposium on research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

WABE (Anna Chalupa-Albrecht / FB 10)

WABE: WortArBEit - A medievalist self-learning tool for freshmen

The medievalist self-learning tool WABE (WortArBEit) is designed to enable freshmen to learn different aspects of Middle High German vocabulary in digital mode.

The project aims at creating, evaluating and adjusting a self-learning tool for students in the basic module. WABE accompanies subject-specific content of the corresponding introductory courses and serves as an instrument for students' self-learning phases in respect of blended learning.

DigiDual (Prof. Dr. Christof Mandry / FB 07)

Digitally enhanced theory-practice-reflection: Interactive group portfolio in the dual master's program

The planned interactive group portfolio provides students of the dual master's program "Social Ethics in Health Care" (Sozialethik im Gesundheitswesen) with a digital tool in which they can integrate their theory-practice-learning-processes, continuously reflect on, and evaluate in peer-to-peer feedback.

The digital tool supports the theory-practice-processes of the dual master's program by providing learning materials, structuring self-directed learning-processes, documenting learning progress, and making it transparent to students.

Doppeldecker-Toolkit (Dr. Jules Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker toolkit for digitalization-related competencies in teacher education

Media-based tasks will be developed, which students can use in a didactic double-decker in order to develop, deepen and repeat seminar-specific content, and to reflect on the media-based methods used with regard to their own learning and school practice.

Supporting teaching students in the development of learning strategies and work strategies for successful studies, as well as the development of teaching-specific digitalization-related competencies (media didactic competencies and media education competencies).

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

E_Modulor (Dr. Helen Barr / FB 09)


The project E_Modulor is composed of two sub-areas: the design of digital practice and examination settings for academic work in art history (E_M1) and the development of administration tools for cumulative digital examinations in OLAT (E_M2).

The project E_Modulor aims at the modeling (conception and implementation) of variable, digital examination situations that support learning as well as teaching. The focus is on teaching and practicing scientific work, such that interdisciplinary adaptable models can come into existence.

SANE (Prof. Dr. David Käbisch / FB 06)

Self-learning tool Ambivalent Narratives in Explanatory Movies. A digital tool for research-based learning in the Frankfurt-based teaching project

Through a self-learning tool, student teachers learn about narrative-theoretical, media-didactic and subject-didactic categories for the analysis of explanatory movies and corresponding anchor examples. Afterward, they plan and produce their own movies within the scope of the teaching project

The self-learning tool realized with ONYX or another web editor is being a) tested in subject didactic events for religion, history and political education, b) integrated into the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary symposium on research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

WABE (Anna Chalupa-Albrecht / FB 10)

WABE: WortArBEit - A medievalist self-learning tool for freshmen

The medievalist self-learning tool WABE (WortArBEit) is designed to enable freshmen to learn different aspects of Middle High German vocabulary in digital mode.

The project aims at creating, evaluating and adjusting a self-learning tool for students in the basic module. WABE accompanies subject-specific content of the corresponding introductory courses and serves as an instrument for students' self-learning phases in respect of blended learning.

Doppeldecker-Toolkit (Dr. Judith Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker toolkit for digitization-related competencies in teacher education

Media-based tasks will be developed, which students can use in a didactic double-decker in order to develop, deepen and repeat seminar-specific content on the one hand, and to reflect on the media-based methods used with regard to their own learning and school practice on the other hand.

Supporting student teachers in the development of learning strategies and work strategies for successful studies, as well as the development of teaching-specific digitalization-related competencies (media didactic competencies and media education competencies).

=> Partnership in Humanities

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings: i-TaLES

The project Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings (i-TaLES) investigates predictors and correlates of learning processes in immersive virtual learning environments of subject and media didactic teacher education.

The i-TaLES project aims at improving the constructive alignment of subject- and media-didactic qualification processes in teacher education by designing and researching immersive learning experiences with virtual & augmented reality.

 => Partnership in Natural Sciences

SANE (Prof. Dr. David Käbisch / FB 06)

Self-learning tool Ambivalent Narratives in Explanatory Movies. A digital tool for research-based learning in the Frankfurt teaching project

By means of a self-learning tool, student teachers learn about narrative-theoretical, media-didactic and subject-didactic categories for the analysis of explanatory movies and corresponding anchor examples. Afterwards, they plan and produce their own movies within the scope of the teaching project

The self-learning tool realized with ONYX or another web editor is being a) tested in subject didactic events for religion, history and political education, b) integrated into the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary symposium on research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Humanities

WARP-P (Prof. Dr. Roger Erb / FB 13)

Effective AR in the physics lab

Using an AR environment in the physics traineeship allows students to experience a cognitive process: Instead of working through instructions in a recipe-like manner, students create dynamic models and test them in experiments. In the process, their camera image and model are superimposed.

In the project, models with AR functionality are developed for the practical course for student teachers (L2/L5). Through the use of these models and the immediate verification in experiments research-based learning is being promoted. The students receive feedback on their work in different formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

Doppeldecker-Toolkit (Dr. Judith Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker toolkit for digitization-related competencies in teacher education

Media-based tasks will be developed, which students can use in a didactic double-decker in order to develop, deepen and repeat seminar-specific content on the one hand, and to reflect on the media-based methods used with regard to their own learning and school practice on the other hand.

Supporting student teachers in the development of learning strategies and work strategies for successful studies, as well as the development of teaching-specific digitalization-related competencies (media didactic competencies and media education competencies).

=> Partnership in Humanities

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings: i-TaLES

The project Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings (i-TaLES) investigates predictors and correlates of learning processes in immersive virtual learning environments of subject and media didactic teacher education.

The i-TaLES project aims at improving the constructive alignment of subject- and media-didactic qualification processes in teacher education by designing and researching immersive learning experiences with virtual & augmented reality.

 => Partnership in Natural Sciences

SANE (Prof. Dr. David Käbisch / FB 06)

Self-learning tool Ambivalent Narratives in Explanatory Movies. A digital tool for research-based learning in the Frankfurt teaching project

By means of a self-learning tool, student teachers learn about narrative-theoretical, media-didactic and subject-didactic categories for the analysis of explanatory movies and corresponding anchor examples. Afterwards, they plan and produce their own movies within the scope of the teaching project

The self-learning tool realized with ONYX or another web editor is being a) tested in subject didactic events for religion, history and political education, b) integrated into the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary symposium on research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Humanities

WARP-P (Prof. Dr. Roger Erb / FB 13)

Effective AR in the physics lab

Using an AR environment in the physics traineeship allows students to experience a cognitive process: Instead of working through instructions in a recipe-like manner, students create dynamic models and test them in experiments. In the process, their camera image and model are superimposed.

In the project, models with AR functionality are developed for the practical course for student teachers (L2/L5). Through the use of these models and the immediate verification in experiments research-based learning is being promoted. The students receive feedback on their work in different formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

ARK (Dr. Anika Obermann-Hellhund / FB 11)

AR for climate data

By means of an AR application to be developed, knowledge about climate processes is to be conveyed in the planned learning design as well as climate data sets are to be created and visualized in student projects, which are then made available to others by means of the AR app.

Development of an AR application which climate data can be experienced with, and testing and using this AR application in a course with student projects.

CLaB (Dr. Christian Dorsch / FB 11)

Climate & Biodiversity Lab (CLaB)

In the framework of the partnership "Climate & Biodiversity Lab (CLaB)" at the Department 11 for Geosciences/ Geography, self-learning tools with automated feedback are developed in the knowledge areas climate and biodiversity, which can be used for self-study and as a digital enrichment in classroom teaching.

The aim of the project is the development and evaluation of prototypical self-learning tools with feedback formats for the knowledge areas climate and biodiversity, in order to identify factors influencing the transferability and generalizability of innovative learning designs.

IndiFeed (Julia Sammet / FB 13)

Term-accompanying individual feedback in the physics learning center

In this project, students in the Physics Learning Center receive formative feedback in a dashboard based on their individual learning status. Feedback includes information on learning objectives (Where am I going?), learning status (How am I going?), and learning recommendations (Where to next?).

Students should be given the opportunity to identify gaps in their understanding at an early stage and to eliminate them through automated learning recommendations. In this way, self-regulated learning skills are being promoted and targeted preparation for exams is being made possible with less stress.

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings: i-TaLES

The project Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings (i-TaLES) investigates predictors and correlates of learning processes in immersive virtual learning environments of subject and media didactic teacher education.The i-TaLES project aims at improving the constructive alignment of subject- and media-didactic qualification processes in teacher education by designing and researching immersive learning experiences with virtual & augmented reality.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

TAStE (Prof. Dr. Stefan Rüttermann / FB 16)

Tablet Assisted Structured Exam

In Department 16, so-called OSCE/OSPE (objective structured clinical/practical examination) have been conducted for several years in the study programs of medicine and dentistry to measure clinical-practical skills. Starting in 2022, these examinations are gradually going to take place digitized and tablet-based.

The digitized examination procedure to be established will be a fixed component of module and state examinations starting in 2025 and will require images, audios and videos (& adaptive testing) as well as immediate accounting of examination performance in mobile settings.

Va.Si.Li.Lab (Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler / FB 12)

A VR-Lab for Simulation-based Learning

The project develops a VR laboratory for simulation-based learning in interdisciplinary cooperation with educational sciences and tests it on the basis of several learning scenarios in which students of both disciplines are involved.

Objectives: 1. simulative testing of interactive learning scenarios in virtual reality; 2. making it widely available as open source; 3. supporting accessibility by means of multimodal computing and automatic processing of linguistic artifacts; 4. enabling pluralizing contexts of recognition.

Physarum 2.0 (Iris Schneider / Autonomes Inklusionsreferat)

Platform for a virtual, accessible Garden Project in the Framework of Digital Partnerships.

Establishment of a virtual, inclusive learning space of the Student Garden Project Campus Riedberg.  Accessible participation in the research space especially for vulnerable, severely impaired students in the Digital Space.

Documentation of the garden project in the virtual. Transmission from webcams to capture zoological data, mathematical remodeling of irrigation techniques and biochemical description of bed developments. Solicitation of research on ecology, biodiversity, and sustainability.

WARP-P (Prof. Dr. Roger Erb / FB 13)

Wirkungsvolle AR im Praktikum Physik

Using an AR environment in the physics traineeship allows students to experience a cognitive process: Instead of working through instructions in a recipe-like manner, students create dynamic models and test them in experiments. In the process, their camera image and model are superimposed.In the project, models with AR functionality are developed for the practical course for student teachers (L2/L5). Through the use of these models and the immediate verification in experiments research-based learning is being promoted. The students receive feedback on their work in different formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

ARK (Dr. Anika Obermann-Hellhund / FB 11)

AR for climate data

By means of an AR application to be developed, knowledge about climate processes is to be conveyed in the planned learning design as well as climate data sets are to be created and visualized in student projects, which are then made available to others by means of the AR app.

Development of an AR application which climate data can be experienced with, and testing and using this AR application in a course with student projects.

CLaB (Dr. Christian Dorsch / FB 11)

Climate & Biodiversity Lab (CLaB)

In the framework of the partnership "Climate & Biodiversity Lab (CLaB)" at the Department 11 for Geosciences/ Geography, self-learning tools with automated feedback are developed in the knowledge areas climate and biodiversity, which can be used for self-study and as a digital enrichment in classroom teaching.

The aim of the project is the development and evaluation of prototypical self-learning tools with feedback formats for the knowledge areas climate and biodiversity, in order to identify factors influencing the transferability and generalizability of innovative learning designs.

IndiFeed (Julia Sammet / FB 13)

Term-accompanying individual feedback in the physics learning center

In this project, students in the Physics Learning Center receive formative feedback in a dashboard based on their individual learning status. Feedback includes information on learning objectives (Where am I going?), learning status (How am I going?), and learning recommendations (Where to next?).

Students should be given the opportunity to identify gaps in their understanding at an early stage and to eliminate them through automated learning recommendations. In this way, self-regulated learning skills are being promoted and targeted preparation for exams is being made possible with less stress.

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings: i-TaLES

The project Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings (i-TaLES) investigates predictors and correlates of learning processes in immersive virtual learning environments of subject and media didactic teacher education.The i-TaLES project aims at improving the constructive alignment of subject- and media-didactic qualification processes in teacher education by designing and researching immersive learning experiences with virtual & augmented reality.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

TAStE (Prof. Dr. Stefan Rüttermann / FB 16)

Tablet Assisted Structured Exam

In Department 16, so-called OSCE/OSPE (objective structured clinical/practical examination) have been conducted for several years in the study programs of medicine and dentistry to measure clinical-practical skills. Starting in 2022, these examinations are gradually going to take place digitized and tablet-based.

The digitized examination procedure to be established will be a fixed component of module and state examinations starting in 2025 and will require images, audios and videos (& adaptive testing) as well as immediate accounting of examination performance in mobile settings.

Va.Si.Li.Lab (Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler / FB 12)

A VR-Lab for Simulation-based Learning

The project develops a VR laboratory for simulation-based learning in interdisciplinary cooperation with educational sciences and tests it on the basis of several learning scenarios in which students of both disciplines are involved.

Objectives: 1. simulative testing of interactive learning scenarios in virtual reality; 2. making it widely available as open source; 3. supporting accessibility by means of multimodal computing and automatic processing of linguistic artifacts; 4. enabling pluralizing contexts of recognition.

Physarum 2.0 (Iris Schneider / Autonomes Inklusionsreferat)

Platform for a virtual, accessible Garden Project in the Framework of Digital Partnerships.

Establishment of a virtual, inclusive learning space of the Student Garden Project Campus Riedberg.  Accessible participation in the research space especially for vulnerable, severely impaired students in the Digital Space.

Documentation of the garden project in the virtual. Transmission from webcams to capture zoological data, mathematical remodeling of irrigation techniques and biochemical description of bed developments. Solicitation of research on ecology, biodiversity, and sustainability.

WARP-P (Prof. Dr. Roger Erb / FB 13)

Wirkungsvolle AR im Praktikum Physik

Using an AR environment in the physics traineeship allows students to experience a cognitive process: Instead of working through instructions in a recipe-like manner, students create dynamic models and test them in experiments. In the process, their camera image and model are superimposed.In the project, models with AR functionality are developed for the practical course for student teachers (L2/L5). Through the use of these models and the immediate verification in experiments research-based learning is being promoted. The students receive feedback on their work in different formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

AKGU (Aron Fink / FB 05)

Adaptive exams for Goethe University

Competence-oriented adaptive exams are being developed for the GU. For this purpose, the at GU developed KAT-HS app for construction, administration and evaluation of adaptive e-examinations will be further developed, tested and evaluated on the basis of a module examination and finally made widely usable.After completion of the project, teachers at the GU will have the unique opportunity to use competence-oriented, adaptive e-examinations in accordance with current scientific standards in routine university teaching.

DiLER (Dr. Peer Herholz / FB 05)

Digital Literacy for Empirical Research - an Open Educational Ressource using multimodal competence-oriented content and examination

Creation of a framework for Open Educational Resources to promote research-based learning in the area of "digital literacy for empirical research" using multimodal competence-oriented content and examinations covering the entire empirical research process using the example of psychology.

Implementation as well as holistic testing and evaluation of the necessary hardware and software infrastructure with a focus on sustainability and transferability to other content and application areas, supported by integrated feedback options for students and teachers.

Flipped-G (Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera / FB 02)

Acceleration with "Flipped Classroom" and Incubation with "Gamification

The project combines advantages of online and offline teaching. In part 1, the successfully tested "Flipped Classroom" concept of the lecture "Marketing Analytics" is brought into the DigiTeLL-ACCELERATION. In part 2 (gamification), a "Jeopardy-style quiz" is developed in INKUBATOR.

The "Flipped Classroom" concept is to be widely Goethe University. 

The "Jeopardy-Style Quiz" is to be used in my (pilot) course, evaluated and improved. The experiences shall be made available to other coursesThe "Jeopardy-Style Quiz" is to be used in my (pilot) course, evaluated and improved. The experiences will be made available to other courses.

LIFOS (Prof. Dr. Martin Schultze / FB 05)

Local Infrastructure for Open Science

In the project, a GitLab-based infrastructure is to be created in collaboration with the HRZ and filled with templates, which enable the learning and practicing of Open Science Practices for final theses in a local and protected setting.

Open Science Practices are to be learned and practiced. The infrastructure created is intended to be used as a self-learning tool in the research process of theses and projects to support and introduce these modern scientific standards without requiring publication in OSF.

MatlabMakro (Prof. Dr. Alexander Meyer-Gohde / FB 02)

Integration of the interactive Teaching and Learning Modules of Matlab in PMAK

Integration of the interactive teaching and learning modules of Matlab in PMAK (Macroeconomics 2). These enable a research-based and inquiry learning environment. In addition, possibilities for e-exams and feedback that can be integrated via OLAT, as well as self-learning tools that have been tested worldwide, are given.

Implementation of all graphics and quantitative results in interactive form in Matlab. Incorporation of self-examination opportunities in lecture. Preparation of OnRamps for students who wish to delve deeper into Matlab.

SiMo (Prof’in Dr. Juliane Engel & Kevin Saukel / FB 04)

Simulation and Modeling of Complex Interaction Orders

The project combines educational and information science expertise in order to develop virtual reality tools for teaching. Simulations of complex, unplannable interactions in which professional knowledge can be tested and evaluated (in a playful way) are to be created.

The transdisciplinary development of virtual reality tools for teaching aims at sensitizing students to complex, i.e. contingent, orders of interaction on the one hand and to their possibilities of representation in virtual realities on the other.

AKGU (Aron Fink / FB 05)

Adaptive exams for Goethe University

Competence-oriented adaptive exams are being developed for the GU. For this purpose, the at GU developed KAT-HS app for construction, administration and evaluation of adaptive e-examinations will be further developed, tested and evaluated on the basis of a module examination and finally made widely usable.After completion of the project, teachers at the GU will have the unique opportunity to use competence-oriented, adaptive e-examinations in accordance with current scientific standards in routine university teaching.

DiLER (Dr. Peer Herholz / FB 05)

Digital Literacy for Empirical Research - an Open Educational Ressource using multimodal competence-oriented content and examination

Creation of a framework for Open Educational Resources to promote research-based learning in the area of "digital literacy for empirical research" using multimodal competence-oriented content and examinations covering the entire empirical research process using the example of psychology.

Implementation as well as holistic testing and evaluation of the necessary hardware and software infrastructure with a focus on sustainability and transferability to other content and application areas, supported by integrated feedback options for students and teachers.

Flipped-G (Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera / FB 02)

Acceleration with "Flipped Classroom" and Incubation with "Gamification

The project combines advantages of online and offline teaching. In part 1, the successfully tested "Flipped Classroom" concept of the lecture "Marketing Analytics" is brought into the DigiTeLL-ACCELERATION. In part 2 (gamification), a "Jeopardy-style quiz" is developed in INKUBATOR.

The "Flipped Classroom" concept is to be widely Goethe University. 

The "Jeopardy-Style Quiz" is to be used in my (pilot) course, evaluated and improved. The experiences shall be made available to other coursesThe "Jeopardy-Style Quiz" is to be used in my (pilot) course, evaluated and improved. The experiences will be made available to other courses.

LIFOS (Prof. Dr. Martin Schultze / FB 05)

Local Infrastructure for Open Science

In the project, a GitLab-based infrastructure is to be created in collaboration with the HRZ and filled with templates, which enable the learning and practicing of Open Science Practices for final theses in a local and protected setting.

Open Science Practices are to be learned and practiced. The infrastructure created is intended to be used as a self-learning tool in the research process of theses and projects to support and introduce these modern scientific standards without requiring publication in OSF.

MatlabMakro (Prof. Dr. Alexander Meyer-Gohde / FB 02)

Integration of the interactive Teaching and Learning Modules of Matlab in PMAK

Integration of the interactive teaching and learning modules of Matlab in PMAK (Macroeconomics 2). These enable a research-based and inquiry learning environment. In addition, possibilities for e-exams and feedback that can be integrated via OLAT, as well as self-learning tools that have been tested worldwide, are given.

Implementation of all graphics and quantitative results in interactive form in Matlab. Incorporation of self-examination opportunities in lecture. Preparation of OnRamps for students who wish to delve deeper into Matlab.

SiMo (Prof’in Dr. Juliane Engel & Kevin Saukel / FB 04)

Simulation and Modeling of Complex Interaction Orders

The project combines educational and information science expertise in order to develop virtual reality tools for teaching. Simulations of complex, unplannable interactions in which professional knowledge can be tested and evaluated (in a playful way) are to be created.

The transdisciplinary development of virtual reality tools for teaching aims at sensitizing students to complex, i.e. contingent, orders of interaction on the one hand and to their possibilities of representation in virtual realities on the other.

2. DigiTeLL funding period

DigiTeLL-Partnerships SoSe 2023 

The following boxes contain short descriptions of each partnership.

 Doppeldecker-Toolkit II (Dr. Jules Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

 Double-decker-Toolkit II

Media-based exercises will be transferred into a flexible, overarching toolkit. Exercises promote the development and improvement of subject-specific as well as media-didactic and media-education competencies, following the logic of the didactic doubledecker.

  • Development of an overarching toolkit based on subject-specific groundwork
  • Transparent quality testing actively engaging students, focused on diversity & accessibility
  • Piloting and dissemination in and out of university

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

LZD (Prof. Dr. Johannes Mayer / FB10)

Reading in digital times (LZD)

The way of reading scientific texts and literature is changing in digital times. LZD aims to develop approaches and education scenarios to convey corresponding skills in university seminars and schools.

Models and scenarios for teaching competencies for digital reading will be tested. The goal is to aid teaching students, and thus pupils, in acquiring skills for digital reading and participation in discussion cultures.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HySS (Prof. Dr. Christof Mandry / FB 07)

Hybrid Tutorial for Social Ethics (HySS)

The "Hybrid Tutorial for Social Ethics" (HySS) creates a new combination of digital study material at the beginning of the MA degree "Social Ethics in Health Care" (Sozialethik im Gesundheitswesen). Self- and Peer-Assessments are coordinated with the material and thus different backgrounds in students are evened out.

The HySS learning design accounts for students' diversity by strengthening the acquisition of key competencies at the beginning of the degree. The tutorial therefore prepares students for other courses as well as practical work.

DOLCE (Dr. Judith Blume & Prof. Dr. Dirk Wicke / FB 09)

Digital Object Learning Centre (DOLCE)

The DOLCE project involves the development of online tutorials based on Moodle. Students can thus acquire competencies for handling object databases. After a pilot run in Archaeology, the platform is to be opened for other faculties.

The central goal is to aid students' acquisiton of competences in handling tools for working with collections and objects digitally as well as embedding the object database of the Goethe University as a supporting element for research-based teaching with objects from collections.

ANGEL (Prof.'in Dr. Annette Langner-Pitschmann / FB 07)

ANGEL - Assisted Network Group E-Learning

The project instantiates the project of research-based learning by embedding term paper writing in communicative seminars. To this end, ANGEL is developing a connection between the collaborative tools of MOODLE with the team application CITAVI. Students' competencies for structured and analytic reading will be strengthened. CITAVI's resources to increase the quality of scientific texts are going to be applied within the studies and used more intensely than before.

ILSL (Käbisch / FB 06)

ILSL – Interactive Reading, Writing, and Learning. A digital tool for the development and use of Text-adventures in Frankfurt-based teaching project

Students learn how pupils navigate reading texts via different paths and how they decide on the text's progress. They plan own text adventures in the project The tool can be used in all text-focused subjects (e.g., German, History etc.).

The tool for the development and use of Textadventures will be developed through Twine and a) tested in didactic events for religion, history and politcs, b) integrated in the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary event for research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

EKG (Prof. Dr. Josef Memminger / FB 08)

EKG - Explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History

The project "EKG- explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History" sensitizes students for specifics of explanatory videos in the subject of history via digital self-learning tutorial. The focus will be on problematic suggestions of unambiguousness ("It was like that!").

Students will learn to deconstruct explanatory videos in the subject of history via the digital self-learning tutorial EKG and (still) make them usefol for learning about history. The self-learning tutorial is to be made permanently available for coming seminars in Didactics of History.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

 Doppeldecker-Toolkit II (Dr. Jules Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

 Double-decker-Toolkit II

Media-based exercises will be transferred into a flexible, overarching toolkit. Exercises promote the development and improvement of subject-specific as well as media-didactic and media-education competencies, following the logic of the didactic doubledecker.

  • Development of an overarching toolkit based on subject-specific groundwork
  • Transparent quality testing actively engaging students, focused on diversity & accessibility
  • Piloting and dissemination in and out of university

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

LZD (Prof. Dr. Johannes Mayer / FB10)

Reading in digital times (LZD)

The way of reading scientific texts and literature is changing in digital times. LZD aims to develop approaches and education scenarios to convey corresponding skills in university seminars and schools.

Models and scenarios for teaching competencies for digital reading will be tested. The goal is to aid teaching students, and thus pupils, in acquiring skills for digital reading and participation in discussion cultures.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HySS (Prof. Dr. Christof Mandry / FB 07)

Hybrid Tutorial for Social Ethics (HySS)

The "Hybrid Tutorial for Social Ethics" (HySS) creates a new combination of digital study material at the beginning of the MA degree "Social Ethics in Health Care" (Sozialethik im Gesundheitswesen). Self- and Peer-Assessments are coordinated with the material and thus different backgrounds in students are evened out.

The HySS learning design accounts for students' diversity by strengthening the acquisition of key competencies at the beginning of the degree. The tutorial therefore prepares students for other courses as well as practical work.

DOLCE (Dr. Judith Blume & Prof. Dr. Dirk Wicke / FB 09)

Digital Object Learning Centre (DOLCE)

The DOLCE project involves the development of online tutorials based on Moodle. Students can thus acquire competencies for handling object databases. After a pilot run in Archaeology, the platform is to be opened for other faculties.

The central goal is to aid students' acquisiton of competences in handling tools for working with collections and objects digitally as well as embedding the object database of the Goethe University as a supporting element for research-based teaching with objects from collections.

ANGEL (Prof.'in Dr. Annette Langner-Pitschmann / FB 07)

ANGEL - Assisted Network Group E-Learning

The project instantiates the project of research-based learning by embedding term paper writing in communicative seminars. To this end, ANGEL is developing a connection between the collaborative tools of MOODLE with the team application CITAVI. Students' competencies for structured and analytic reading will be strengthened. CITAVI's resources to increase the quality of scientific texts are going to be applied within the studies and used more intensely than before.

ILSL (Käbisch / FB 06)

ILSL – Interactive Reading, Writing, and Learning. A digital tool for the development and use of Text-adventures in Frankfurt-based teaching project

Students learn how pupils navigate reading texts via different paths and how they decide on the text's progress. They plan own text adventures in the project The tool can be used in all text-focused subjects (e.g., German, History etc.).

The tool for the development and use of Textadventures will be developed through Twine and a) tested in didactic events for religion, history and politcs, b) integrated in the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary event for research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

EKG (Prof. Dr. Josef Memminger / FB 08)

EKG - Explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History

The project "EKG- explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History" sensitizes students for specifics of explanatory videos in the subject of history via digital self-learning tutorial. The focus will be on problematic suggestions of unambiguousness ("It was like that!").

Students will learn to deconstruct explanatory videos in the subject of history via the digital self-learning tutorial EKG and (still) make them usefol for learning about history. The self-learning tutorial is to be made permanently available for coming seminars in Didactics of History.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HyFlex (Prof. Dr. Detlef Rüttermann / FB 11)

HyFlex –  Hybrid and flexible learning environments for teacher's education without overlap

The HyFlex project involves developing subject-didactic and eductional sciences courses in on-site or asynchronous online formats. Students are free to choose the mode of participation.

Insight is gained about didactic, methodical, personal and technical challenges arising, when students participate in one course in two different learning environments with identical learning goals and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education: i-TaLES-HE

The Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education (i-TaLES-HE) project is researching effects of immersive virtual learning environments in universitary education within the framework of an action-oriented seminar about immersive education technologies.

The i-TaLES-HE project aims to improve scientific qualification processes by creating and using virtual & augmented reality pilot projects in universitary education and constructive alignment of teaching goals, learning activites and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

LZD (Prof. Dr. Johannes Mayer / FB10)

Reading in digital times (LZD)

The way of reading scientific texts and literature is changing in digital times. LZD aims to develop approaches and education scenarios to convey corresponding skills in university seminars and schools.

Models and scenarios for teaching competencies for digital reading will be tested. The goal is to aid teaching students, and thus pupils, in acquiring skills for digital reading and participation in discussion cultures.

=> Partnership in Humanities

LearnTeaMS (Laura Chihab / FB 11)

LearnTeaMS - Learning and Teaching in Migration Societies 

Due to the necessity of education critical of racism in the digital migration society, overarching self-learning tools for an Open Educational Resource (OER) will be developed and prototypically implemented in a blended-learning seminar concept for students of education in geography.

The goal is to test, evaluate and critically reflect adaptable self-learning tools for use in education critical of racism and media while considering nd critically reflecting transferability and dissemination for teacher's and universitary education.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

 Doppeldecker-Toolkit II (Dr. Judith Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker-Toolkit II

Media-based exercises will be transferred into a flexible, overarching toolkit. Exercises promote the development and improvement of subject-specific as well as media-didactic and media-education competencies, following the logic of the didactic doubledecker.

  • Development of an overarching toolkit based on subject-specific groundwork
  • Transparent quality testing actively engaging students, focused on diversity & accessibility
  • Piloting and dissemination in and out of university

=> Partnership in Humanities

ILSL (Käbisch / FB 06)

ILSL – Interactive Reading, Writing, and Learning. A digital tool for the development and use of Text-adventures in Frankfurt-based teaching project

Students learn how pupils navigate reading texts via different paths and how they decide on the text's progress. They plan own text adventures in the project The tool can be used in all text-focused subjects (e.g., German, History etc.).

The tool for the development and use of Textadventures will be developed through Twine and a) tested in didactic events for religion, history and politcs, b) integrated in the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary event for research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Humanities

KOOP-inFD (Michelle Moos et al. / FB 04)

Cooperative class planning in inclusive contexts of subject-didactics (KOOP-inFD) 

The project aims to develop and test combinable digital self-learning modules for heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in interdisciplinary cooperation between subject-didactics and general elementary school didactics due to upcoming restructuring in the L1 degree.

The goal is competence-oriented teaching of heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in central subject-didactics of the L1 education degree via cooperative class planing through seminar integrated digital self-learning tools.

=> Partnership in Social Sciences

EKG (Prof. Dr. Josef Memminger / FB 08)

EKG - Explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History

The project "EKG- explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History" sensitizes students for specifics of explanatory videos in the subject of history via digital self-learning tutorial. The focus will be on problematic suggestions of unambiguousness ("It was like that!").

Students will learn to deconstruct explanatory videos in the subject of history via the digital self-learning tutorial EKG and (still) make them usefol for learning about history. The self-learning tutorial is to be made permanently available for coming seminars in Didactics of History.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HyFlex (Prof. Dr. Detlef Rüttermann / FB 11)

HyFlex –  Hybrid and flexible learning environments for teacher's education without overlap

The HyFlex project involves developing subject-didactic and eductional sciences courses in on-site or asynchronous online formats. Students are free to choose the mode of participation.

Insight is gained about didactic, methodical, personal and technical challenges arising, when students participate in one course in two different learning environments with identical learning goals and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

i-TaLES (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education: i-TaLES-HE

The Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education (i-TaLES-HE) project is researching effects of immersive virtual learning environments in universitary education within the framework of an action-oriented seminar about immersive education technologies.

The i-TaLES-HE project aims to improve scientific qualification processes by creating and using virtual & augmented reality pilot projects in universitary education and constructive alignment of teaching goals, learning activites and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

LZD (Prof. Dr. Johannes Mayer / FB10)

Reading in digital times (LZD)

The way of reading scientific texts and literature is changing in digital times. LZD aims to develop approaches and education scenarios to convey corresponding skills in university seminars and schools.

Models and scenarios for teaching competencies for digital reading will be tested. The goal is to aid teaching students, and thus pupils, in acquiring skills for digital reading and participation in discussion cultures.

=> Partnership in Humanities

LearnTeaMS (Laura Chihab / FB 11)

LearnTeaMS - Learning and Teaching in Migration Societies 

Due to the necessity of education critical of racism in the digital migration society, overarching self-learning tools for an Open Educational Resource (OER) will be developed and prototypically implemented in a blended-learning seminar concept for students of education in geography.

The goal is to test, evaluate and critically reflect adaptable self-learning tools for use in education critical of racism and media while considering nd critically reflecting transferability and dissemination for teacher's and universitary education.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

 Doppeldecker-Toolkit II (Dr. Judith Bündgens-Kosten / FB 10)

Double-decker-Toolkit II

Media-based exercises will be transferred into a flexible, overarching toolkit. Exercises promote the development and improvement of subject-specific as well as media-didactic and media-education competencies, following the logic of the didactic doubledecker.

  • Development of an overarching toolkit based on subject-specific groundwork
  • Transparent quality testing actively engaging students, focused on diversity & accessibility
  • Piloting and dissemination in and out of university

=> Partnership in Humanities

ILSL (Käbisch / FB 06)

ILSL – Interactive Reading, Writing, and Learning. A digital tool for the development and use of Text-adventures in Frankfurt-based teaching project

Students learn how pupils navigate reading texts via different paths and how they decide on the text's progress. They plan own text adventures in the project The tool can be used in all text-focused subjects (e.g., German, History etc.).

The tool for the development and use of Textadventures will be developed through Twine and a) tested in didactic events for religion, history and politcs, b) integrated in the teaching project and c) evaluated at an interdisciplinary event for research-based learning.

=> Partnership in Humanities

KOOP-inFD (Michelle Moos et al. / FB 04)

Cooperative class planning in inclusive contexts of subject-didactics (KOOP-inFD) 

The project aims to develop and test combinable digital self-learning modules for heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in interdisciplinary cooperation between subject-didactics and general elementary school didactics due to upcoming restructuring in the L1 degree.

The goal is competence-oriented teaching of heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in central subject-didactics of the L1 education degree via cooperative class planing through seminar integrated digital self-learning tools.

=> Partnership in Social Sciences

EKG (Prof. Dr. Josef Memminger / FB 08)

EKG - Explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History

The project "EKG- explanatory videos and (missing) controversy in the subject of History" sensitizes students for specifics of explanatory videos in the subject of history via digital self-learning tutorial. The focus will be on problematic suggestions of unambiguousness ("It was like that!").

Students will learn to deconstruct explanatory videos in the subject of history via the digital self-learning tutorial EKG and (still) make them usefol for learning about history. The self-learning tutorial is to be made permanently available for coming seminars in Didactics of History.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

truepasta (Till Straube / FB 11)

Toolkit for randomized practice and exam exercises in statistics education (truepasta)

Good practice exercises with comprehensible solutions are essential for acquiring and reviewing competencies in the application of statistics. The project "truepasta" is a reaction to the lack of exercises by making the creation of questions and solutions easier. 

The project provides a package for R, with which students, tutors and lecturers can generate multiple different tasks with randomized value series from fitting scenarios.

LearnTeaMS (Laura Chihab / FB 11)

LearnTeaMS - Learning and Teaching in Migration Societies 

Due to the necessity of education critical of racism in the digital migration society, overarching self-learning tools for an Open Educational Resource (OER) will be developed and prototypically implemented in a blended-learning seminar concept for students of education in geography.

The goal is to test, evaluate and critically reflect adaptable self-learning tools for use in education critical of racism and media while considering nd critically reflecting transferability and dissemination for teacher's and universitary education.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

ARK2 (Dr. Anika Obermann-Hellhund / FB 11)

Augmented Reality for Map Data 2 (ARK2)

Maps often display distorted data due to projection and are thus incomprehensible. The project aims to continue developing an AR-app, that solves the problem by displaying maps on a virtual globe, in two testing phases and establish them in different institutes.

The goal is the continued development of an accessible, easily navigable AR-app for displaying data on a virtual globe and 3D objects with a wide data base, running on anrdoid and apple and applicable in various subjects.

i-TaLES-HE (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education: i-TaLES-HE

The Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education (i-TaLES-HE) project is researching effects of immersive virtual learning environments in universitary education within the framework of an action-oriented seminar about immersive education technologies.

The i-TaLES-HE project aims to improve scientific qualification processes by creating and using virtual & augmented reality pilot projects in universitary education and constructive alignment of teaching goals, learning activites and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HyFlex (Prof. Dr. Detlef Rüttermann / FB 11)

HyFlex –  Hybrid and flexible learning environments for teacher's education without overlap

The HyFlex project involves developing subject-didactic and eductional sciences courses in on-site or asynchronous online formats. Students are free to choose the mode of participation.

Insight is gained about didactic, methodical, personal and technical challenges arising, when students participate in one course in two different learning environments with identical learning goals and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

NoSQLconcepts (Prof.'in Dr. Lena Wiese / FB 12)

NoSQLconcepts: digital studying accompaniment in database learning

The NoSQLconcepts project entails the implementation and analysis of a digital learning tool for the acquisition of various ("NoSQL") data models and data bases, going beyond the traditional tabular SQL data model.

The new digital learning tool expands the current learning design by a unifying data base access, adaptive immediate help, individualised feedback as well as usability and learnability analysis and continuous evaluation of learning success.

ARPARC (Patrick Gunkel / FB 12)

ARPARC - Accelerate Rapid Prototyping And Repair Culture

The ARPARC project's aim is the development of an extensive framework for digital support of projects in the area of rapid prototyping. Knowledge is conveyed sustainably via various courses, tests and aids like explanatory videos, tutorials and a knowledge database.

The new learning tools are to expand the self-study options for students and thus improve their understanding of rapid prototyping as well as highlight its ecological aspects. In this line, competence centres can connect and improve their work processes.

KommVir (Prof.'in Dr. Miriam Rüssler / FB 16)

Let’s talk about - Medicinal Virtual Communikation – (KommVir)

A VR application will be developed, making it possible for learnes to practice anamnesis in an immersive "real" learning environment of a virtual clinic with different degrees of complexity and automated feedback.

Through the application, learners gain increased individual practice time for their doctor-patient-communication in a safe learning environment adjusted to the individual educational background and time requirements.

truepasta (Till Straube / FB 11)

Toolkit for randomized practice and exam exercises in statistics education (truepasta)

Good practice exercises with comprehensible solutions are essential for acquiring and reviewing competencies in the application of statistics. The project "truepasta" is a reaction to the lack of exercises by making the creation of questions and solutions easier. 

The project provides a package for R, with which students, tutors and lecturers can generate multiple different tasks with randomized value series from fitting scenarios.

LearnTeaMS (Laura Chihab / FB 11)

LearnTeaMS - Learning and Teaching in Migration Societies 

Due to the necessity of education critical of racism in the digital migration society, overarching self-learning tools for an Open Educational Resource (OER) will be developed and prototypically implemented in a blended-learning seminar concept for students of education in geography.

The goal is to test, evaluate and critically reflect adaptable self-learning tools for use in education critical of racism and media while considering nd critically reflecting transferability and dissemination for teacher's and universitary education.

=> Partnership in Natural Sciences

ARK2 (Dr. Anika Obermann-Hellhund / FB 11)

Augmented Reality for Map Data 2 (ARK2)

Maps often display distorted data due to projection and are thus incomprehensible. The project aims to continue developing an AR-app, that solves the problem by displaying maps on a virtual globe, in two testing phases and establish them in different institutes.

The goal is the continued development of an accessible, easily navigable AR-app for displaying data on a virtual globe and 3D objects with a wide data base, running on anrdoid and apple and applicable in various subjects.

i-TaLES-HE (Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel / FB 12)

Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education: i-TaLES-HE

The Immersive Teaching and Learning in Educational Settings for Higher Education (i-TaLES-HE) project is researching effects of immersive virtual learning environments in universitary education within the framework of an action-oriented seminar about immersive education technologies.

The i-TaLES-HE project aims to improve scientific qualification processes by creating and using virtual & augmented reality pilot projects in universitary education and constructive alignment of teaching goals, learning activites and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

HyFlex (Prof. Dr. Detlef Rüttermann / FB 11)

HyFlex –  Hybrid and flexible learning environments for teacher's education without overlap

The HyFlex project involves developing subject-didactic and eductional sciences courses in on-site or asynchronous online formats. Students are free to choose the mode of participation.

Insight is gained about didactic, methodical, personal and technical challenges arising, when students participate in one course in two different learning environments with identical learning goals and exam formats.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

NoSQLconcepts (Prof.'in Dr. Lena Wiese / FB 12)

NoSQLconcepts: digital studying accompaniment in database learning

The NoSQLconcepts project entails the implementation and analysis of a digital learning tool for the acquisition of various ("NoSQL") data models and data bases, going beyond the traditional tabular SQL data model.

The new digital learning tool expands the current learning design by a unifying data base access, adaptive immediate help, individualised feedback as well as usability and learnability analysis and continuous evaluation of learning success.

ARPARC (Patrick Gunkel / FB 12)

ARPARC - Accelerate Rapid Prototyping And Repair Culture

The ARPARC project's aim is the development of an extensive framework for digital support of projects in the area of rapid prototyping. Knowledge is conveyed sustainably via various courses, tests and aids like explanatory videos, tutorials and a knowledge database.

The new learning tools are to expand the self-study options for students and thus improve their understanding of rapid prototyping as well as highlight its ecological aspects. In this line, competence centres can connect and improve their work processes.

KommVir (Prof.'in Dr. Miriam Rüssler / FB 16)

Let’s talk about - Medicinal Virtual Communikation – (KommVir)

A VR application will be developed, making it possible for learnes to practice anamnesis in an immersive "real" learning environment of a virtual clinic with different degrees of complexity and automated feedback.

Through the application, learners gain increased individual practice time for their doctor-patient-communication in a safe learning environment adjusted to the individual educational background and time requirements.

tigeR (Prof. Dr. Martin Schultze / FB05)

tigeR: Traning with individually generated success feedback in R

The project aim is to create a Shiny-App for supporting students in statistics and R exercises over the course of the semester. The app provides individual, automated feedback about the exercises and global competencies as well as their learning rate over time.

Students thus receive a better overview over their progress in statistics and R through automated, personalized feedback over the course of the semester. Teachers can also fit their classes to the students' needs via learning analytics.

EduVest (Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber / FB 02)


EduVest is a digital, browser-based self-learning tool that imparts knowledge on investment decisions in stock trading through play, depending on the users previous knowledge. EduVest actively engages players in decision processes of various actors on the financial market. 

The project pursues the goal of digital and freely available financial education for everyone. By providing interactive knowledge transfer dependent on previous knowledge, success is guaranteed and barriers of private investments and retirement provisions are reduced.

TeachR Pro  (Ina Krapp et al. / FB 04)

TeachR Pro 

TeachRPro is a self-learning tool to support students in training to work with statistic methods in the programming language R within the framework of statistics classes and individual research projects. 

The goal is to provide students with a self-learning tool enabling them to learn handling R, thus making it possible for them to close gaps in their knowledge in their own time. The practical application is the focus.

Coding-Intro (Lukas Jürgensmeier & Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera / FB 02)

Scalable and sustainable Open-Source concept for overarching programming courses: Coding-Intro

The project creates and implements a scalable and sustainable open-source concept for interdisciplinary introductory classes to programming with strong student participation across faculties. The experience that was gained through the voluntary TechAcademy e.V. club will be applied.

An interactive, holistic and sustainable class concept for teaching programming skills will be developed and established in the project. After the funding period, the open-source courses and qualifications of course instructors are to be sustainably applied across faculties.

KOOP-inFD (Michelle Moos et al. / FB 04)

Cooperative class planning in inclusive contexts of subject-didactics (KOOP-inFD) 

The project aims to develop and test combinable digital self-learning modules for heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in interdisciplinary cooperation between subject-didactics and general elementary school didactics due to upcoming restructuring in the L1 degree.

The goal is competence-oriented teaching of heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in central subject-didactics of the L1 education degree via cooperative class planing through seminar integrated digital self-learning tools.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education

tigeR (Prof. Dr. Martin Schultze / FB05)

tigeR: Traning with individually generated success feedback in R

The project aim is to create a Shiny-App for supporting students in statistics and R exercises over the course of the semester. The app provides individual, automated feedback about the exercises and global competencies as well as their learning rate over time.

Students thus receive a better overview over their progress in statistics and R through automated, personalized feedback over the course of the semester. Teachers can also fit their classes to the students' needs via learning analytics.

EduVest (Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber / FB 02)


EduVest is a digital, browser-based self-learning tool that imparts knowledge on investment decisions in stock trading through play, depending on the users previous knowledge. EduVest actively engages players in decision processes of various actors on the financial market. 

The project pursues the goal of digital and freely available financial education for everyone. By providing interactive knowledge transfer dependent on previous knowledge, success is guaranteed and barriers of private investments and retirement provisions are reduced.

TeachR Pro  (Ina Krapp et al. / FB 04)

TeachR Pro 

TeachRPro is a self-learning tool to support students in training to work with statistic methods in the programming language R within the framework of statistics classes and individual research projects. 

The goal is to provide students with a self-learning tool enabling them to learn handling R, thus making it possible for them to close gaps in their knowledge in their own time. The practical application is the focus.

Coding-Intro (Lukas Jürgensmeier & Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera / FB 02)

Scalable and sustainable Open-Source concept for overarching programming courses: Coding-Intro

The project creates and implements a scalable and sustainable open-source concept for interdisciplinary introductory classes to programming with strong student participation across faculties. The experience that was gained through the voluntary TechAcademy e.V. club will be applied.

An interactive, holistic and sustainable class concept for teaching programming skills will be developed and established in the project. After the funding period, the open-source courses and qualifications of course instructors are to be sustainably applied across faculties.

KOOP-inFD (Michelle Moos et al. / FB 04)

Cooperative class planning in inclusive contexts of subject-didactics (KOOP-inFD) 

The project aims to develop and test combinable digital self-learning modules for heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in interdisciplinary cooperation between subject-didactics and general elementary school didactics due to upcoming restructuring in the L1 degree.

The goal is competence-oriented teaching of heterogeneity-sensitive class planning in central subject-didactics of the L1 education degree via cooperative class planing through seminar integrated digital self-learning tools.

=> Partnership in Teacher's Education