Forschung Frankfurt - Goethe University Science Magazine

Forschung Frankfurt (Goethe University Science Magazine) communicates science in such a way that laypeople can also join in the discussion – and has done for almost 40 years: researchers from the humanities and social sciences as well as the natural sciences and medicine provide an insight into unknown worlds of science, report on their latest findings and explain the exciting goals they are pursuing with their research. Not always do they write the articles themselves, but they are ready to answer questions from members of the editorial team or freelance authors. 

The magazine's objective has broadened substantially since its beginnings, so that it now also reflects current discourses and problems. Each issue is dedicated to a central theme on which a very wide range of subjects have their say. Unexpected commonalities and connections between disciplines often come to light. 

Forschung Frankfurt comprises many different forms of presentation: extensively researched articles give an overview of entire thematic areas; reports and interviews on research priorities and individual projects introduce topics in greater depth. Short reports, book reviews, portraits of researchers and commentaries make for stimulating and varied reading. Finally, the news section at the end of each issue reports on the most important new things happening in research at Goethe University. The magazine's appealing design, which not only serves aesthetic purposes but also helps to make complex topics easier to understand, has also received much praise. 

Among the readers of Forschung Frankfurt are members of the Association of Friends and Benefactors, professors and alumni, students and schoolchildren, as well as citizens from the Rhine-Main region interested in how the university and its research are developing. In addition, over 500 (science) journalists draw on Forschung Frankfurt as a pool of topics for their work. 

Dear readers, we produce this magazine for YOU! Our aim is to make you more familiar with our university and the research taking place here and to give you first-hand, competent information. You are welcome to contact us with any suggestions, requests or criticism. 

Dear researchers at our university! This magazine lives from your research. You are our partners in science communication. Together, we can make your research accessible to an interested audience. We look forward to working with you! 

Your Editorial Team

Dr Anke Sauter

Dr Markus Bernards