Recognition and Graduation

Before your stay abroad

​Prior recognition

Please submit the completed application for prior recognition of academic achievements taken abroad to the Examination Office of Faculty 03 as soon as you can foresee which courses you will take during your semester abroad, but no later than six weeks before the start of your stay abroad.
Please note that the content of the courses you have selected must match the module for which you are applying for recognition. In particular, you must ensure that the course covers the knowledge and skills that are listed in the module description of the respective study regulations.
After your application has been processed by the Examination Office you will receive it back with a note stating which courses you can expect to be recognized.

Please comply with the following points so that the Examination Office can process your application for prior recognition:

  1. Download your application for prior recognition as a PDF document and fill it out on your computer. Name the file according to the following pattern: first name_name_Vorabantrag auf Anerkennung
  2. Submit the application for prior recognition electronically only. Do not submit forms that have been hand-completed and scanned.
  3. State your course of study (with the year of the examination regulations) and the complete module name.
  4. Only enter courses that are equivalent in terms of subject, focus, modules, and scope of study
  5. If you want to get seminars for several courses of study recognized, please use a new form for each course of study
  6. Only use your student email address for communication with the Examination Office (data protection!).

Some partner universities only publish their course catalogues at the beginning of the semester/trimester. In this case, please submit your application for prior recognition as soon as possible.

Apply for a semester on leave

It is advisable to register for a semester on leave while you are staying abroad. Your number of semesters will not increase and your academic achievements abroad can still be recognized. Also, your student status and your student health insurance are retained. Child benefits will also continue.

However, if you would like to take an exam at Goethe University during your semester abroad, you cannot register for a semester on leave.

You can find further information on the website of the Global Office. A leave of absence can be requested at the Studien Service Center.

​ Participation Certificate

For some matters (semester on leave, insurance, child benefits, BAföG abroad), you need certificates of attendance in German or English. The Global Office will provide you with your Participation Certificate in your "Mobility Online" participant account as soon as they have the details of the nominated outgoing students. This is usually after April 1st. If you need a confirmation beforehand, you can request it individually from the Department of International Relations at the Faculty 03 (

Recognition at other Faculties of Goethe University

If you would like to have your academic achievements abroad recognized by another faculty, please contact the responsible Examination Office in good time. Recognition must always be clarified with the Examination Office of the Faculty by which you would like to have your achievements abroad recognized.

If you enter a course in your Learning Agreement that you got confirmed by another Examination Office, you must always add proof of this. This can be an informal email stating that you will receive credit for the course. Alternatively, you can have the recognition of the course signed by the ERASMUS coordinator of the other Faculty on the Learning Agreement

An example: Your major is Political Science at Faculty 03 and your minor Business Administration at Faculty 02. You go abroad via Faculty 03. You now have the opportunity to attend business administration courses at the partner university and want to have these recognized. In this case, the (prior) recognition of the business administration courses is not carried out by the Examination Office of Faculty 03, but the Examination Office of Faculty 02.

​ Are you studying to become a teacher with a focus on politics and economics?

For prior recognition of achievements abroad in your focus area of politics and business, please contact Dr. Martina Tschirner. Please submit an informal confirmation of the recognition to the ERASMUS coordination at Faculty 03 when you submit your Learning Agreement for signature.

Are you a MA student in Political Theory?

You have the option of completing the “semester abroad" module with your stay abroad. For this you need 31 ECTS which can be obtained by completing three seminars in connection with two term papers. As an alternative to the semester abroad, please choose modules PT-MA-7 to 9 in the study regulations.

Please note that you can complete this module outside of the Anglo-American language area or in a foreign language other than English. You can find further information on the partner universities in the Political Theory degree program in North America here.

​ Are you a M.A. Student in ISFK or Political Theory?

If you are enrolled at Goethe University and conduct your semester abroad via TU Darmstadt, you must contact the Examination Office at Faculty 03 at Goethe University with your application for recognition of the study achievements made abroad.

After your stay abroad

Final recognition

The final recognition of the study achievements made abroad is carried out by the Examination Board of your degree program. However, the application for recognition must always be submitted to the Examination Office at Faculty 03.
In principle, all achievements are recognized that are equivalent in terms of the subject, the focus, the modules, and the scope of the study achievements.
Please submit the following documents to the Examination Office if you have not applied for prior recognition or if you have completed other courses than those prior recognized:

  1. Application for recognition;
  2. A scan of your Transcript of Records from the host university. Please note that you may have to request the Transcript of Records yourself from the host university and that it will not be sent to us automatically.
  3. Documents describing the course, such as the syllabus or an email from a lecturer (please translate the documents if they are not in German or English).

If you have a prior recognition, you only need to submit the official Transcript of Records to the Examination Office.

For more information, see our FAQs on recognition of academic achievements.

​ Attempts of deception and plagiarism

Attempts to deceive or plagiarise at the partner University are reported to the ERASMUS coordinator and can lead to far-reaching consequences at Goethe University.

Credits (top to bottom): Elke Födisch, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Kristin Langholz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (4x); Unbekannt.