Call for Applications

Application Process

The application package consists of:

  • a completed application form to be downloaded here
  • your curriculum vitae
  • letter of recommendation from your senior supervisor to be downloaded here.

Important and helpful information on the application process is available in the FAQ section. Please do read the FAQs before completing the application form!

Applications must be submitted via email to by 08 April 2024.

The first visit is scheduled for 11 - 13 November 2024 and the second for spring/early summer 2025. If the meetings cannot be conducted face-to-face, the already scheduled meetings will take place as virtual meetings. 

If you have any further questions regarding the programme, please do not hesitate to contact the office of the fellowship programme. 

Please submit the application by 08 APRIL 2024 to .

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Programme Office.

New: Transnational Fellowship for Policy Professionals of EU Institutions and international organisations

The Rhine-Main-Universities are currently developing a transnational fellowship scheme for policy professionals of EU Institutions and international organisations in cooperation with the University of GranadaLumière University Lyon 2, and BETA Technological Centre (University of Vic/Central University of Catalonia)

This transnational scheme would enable policy professionals of the 2024/2025 fellowship cohort who are interested in issues of green and digital transitions to meet researchers in Granada, Lyon, Barcelona, or Vic in 2025. 

Interested applicants can indicate on the application form if they are interested in this option. Our partner universities will send lists of possible conversation partners at their universities to accepted applicants in the second half of 2024. 

Since the joint fellowship scheme is under development, accepted policy professionals from EU Institutions and international organisations can decide by early 2025 whether to visit one of our partner universities in 2025 or conduct another round of meetings at the Rhine-Main-Universities in 2025.

Please tick the boxes on the application form if interested in the transnational track.